Womens Running


Hump Day Supermoms (Read 23 times)


    Rg – lucky little boy getting to go to the nature centre! You are such a great mom. I love stuff like that. We went to the zoo yesterday and stayed there for 2 hours until it closed for the evening.


    Zorbs – why does the cashier think you are the nanny? I saw you went to western – you are super bright and intelligent – western is really hard to get into isn’t it?


    Cx2 – it is hard to watch other people parent differently right? I try my best not to judge but sometimes I have to watch my mouth.


    Arm – right with you on the ups and downs. One minute all is right in his world and the next it is all just wrong. Your training sounds great. Do you have a time goal?


    Ernie – your post makes me laugh. You say you are taking her to a sensory class and your whole post is about her exploring the senses! Think it is working just perfectly there mama!


    Becky – I had a question to ask you but have now forgotten it. Yay for normal poop!


    Mer – that’s a long day for you today. Hope you can find some spots to rest there. You must be ideal for your little one inside you – you perfect baby maker! Great job mama!! I am ready at your beckoned call for bf-ing questions. Email or fb or message me here. Even if you just need a ‘you can do it’ x4 per day!!


    CA – I enjoyed catching up on your blog. Blog more lady! You are a funny writer and I enjoy reading about your athletic endeavours!


    Spike – I must admit I would be super excited if you were pg. I would make you something just divine…


    Eh – sorry you are not 100% but hoping you will recover fully. Is this normal for you?


    Nola – waves!!!! Hope you are going ok!!

    5K 21.12   10K 50:12   HM 2:07   FM 3:50:31


      nola - Glad you are back running and smart of you to take it slow. Lol at "sour chemical ass". Sounds hideous!


      Bermy - Your post made me laugh because you described what sounded like a hardcore speed workout as a little sharpener! You are ready to rock your 5k! I hope DS is feeling better soon. It is nice to be able to provide him with so much comfort but also very draining on you. Lol, you are so right, everything is like a sensory class for S. She definitely doesn't need the class but she sure loves it and I love that she can do all the messy stuff away from home Smile

      5k - 20:46          10k - 41:27         10 mile - 1:15:32          Half marathon - 1:39:15      


      Bad Ass Mother Runner

        Bermy - you're sweet... maybe I'll have more time once I'm at work Smile Can't wait to hear how you do in your race, so cook about the visualization tips and such from your coach. I'm always at races an hour ahead, i have such nightmares about not getting parking or some other disaster, that I'm there waaaay ahead.

        Nola - HI! Good to be cautious and not get reinjured! O is always trying to go over and pester the dogs, pestering them and such, our dogs are so good with them, but I do try to enforce them getting their space, it's hard though!

        ernie - yup brand new dayhome, she's just opened plus she's new to us. I really like her though. Maybe you're right about the new developmental stage, good point! I will be patient.

        5k - 22:56        10k - 46:13          HM - 1:45:39          FM - 3:57:03

        Blog: http://terryruns.wordpress.com/



          rg - I am dying to take A to a nature trail. I'm sure she would love it. I really need to plan something this month since the weather is not in the 90s anymore.


          zorbs - HI! I'm here, just not posting as much since I feel like a loser for not running. I'm gonna try harder.


          cx2 - your coworker infuriates me. I remember you telling us about her months ago when their little guy was hardly sitting. Poor thing. It makes me sad! I'm sorry C still hates bath time. I wonder what it is about it? Have you ever gotten in the tub with her?


          r-eh - did you hurt your knee? Oh no! I need to pay more attention


          arm - I love baby laughs, it is the best sound. I am pretty good at getting A to laugh. It usually involved twirling and dancing.


          Ernie - I'm not letting A hang out with your little tyrant - she'll be a bad influence! LOL. J/K!


          becky - it's always good when poop is back to normal!


          mer - Happy Labor Vibes coming your way!! I hope things are progressing for you and you'll have a baby soon! I'm so jealous. I have MEGA baby fever.


          CAR - ugh, sorry about the wakeups. I totally feel your pain. A has had a couple nights when she is just up all night for no reason. Last night I heard her playing at 3am and I finally went in at 4am and gave her a pacifier and she fell asleep. She then wouldn't wake up until I forced her to at 7:30. I was so late today. Yes, we are still using the damn pacifier at night ONLY, though. It's the only thing that she wants to suck/chew on for teething and I can't take it away yet. I'll never sleep.


          spike - lol, just read your TR and it sounds eerily familiar (see comment above to CAR).


          Honorary Old

            Bermy- I do sloppy pedis all the time. Just scrub your toes with your towel after you take a nice hot shower- voila! Extra polish gone. If no AF by a week from today, I will POAS.  Can't wait to hear your race report on Saturday!


            Nola/CA- sorry about the crappy sleep. Feeling your pain.

            2 Mile: 17: 11   5k PR: 27:45    5 Mile: 44:11    10K: 59:01    Half: 2:15:59     Marathon: 5:50:07





              spike - are you going to be TTC soon?


              beskirted & manicured

                nola - hurray, I missed you and your wit, running or not.


                bermy - western is well known for music but the Dean told me I got in due to being awesome at music theory, not because my piano playing or high school grades were fabulous. Oh and I hate painting toenails but if I have to I sit on the floor with my knee bent and my head contorted next to my knee.

                5K - 24:10 | 8K - 40:41  | 10K - 51:40.6 | HM - 1:51:10 | 30K - 2:44:54 | Marathon - 3:59:26



                  spike - I plucked up the courage and am whizzing away on my cutting mat with my rotary cutter. I am going to start with 9 square little squares for a beginner.


                  zorbs - you must have rocked as it has a very very solid reputation. I bet you also got in for your sass.

                  5K 21.12   10K 50:12   HM 2:07   FM 3:50:31


                  beskirted & manicured

                    Lol I had little to no sass until my 20s.

                    5K - 24:10 | 8K - 40:41  | 10K - 51:40.6 | HM - 1:51:10 | 30K - 2:44:54 | Marathon - 3:59:26



                      zorbs - I'm glad you loved Wicked so much!  We haven't been to a show in years, I can't wait!


                      nola - Yay for starting to run again!!


                      bermy - I would be happy with anything around 4:30.  I either put 4:20 or 4:30 when I filled out my registration.  My only other marathon was a 5:05 so I'm hoping for a PR.  My training this time is going so much better than my training for the other marathon did, so I'm already happy with that and just want to have fun during the race!  I can't wait to hear how your race goes this weekend!  You are funny wanting to still be in bed an hour before the race.  I have to be up and finished eating and drinking 2 hours before racetime no matter what the distance or my bladder goes crazy!


                      butternut squash soup on the stove, loaf of bread baking.  My house smells so good right now but it's making me hungry!!


                        arm - sounds like a great goal - you are running so strong- after your nashville PR and moving and still training. I also wanted to say a huge thank you for being such an inspiration for me when I feel like i am having a rough time with just one DS as I think of you and I think now, there is a supermom juggling your very demanding family. Thanks for that! it's like you just give me a supermom slap round the face and say 'get on with it'. In the nicest possible way.


                        zorbs - you developed ALL that sass since your 20s? come on. That's impossible.

                        5K 21.12   10K 50:12   HM 2:07   FM 3:50:31

                        running eh

                          nola - glad to see you here!  Good that you are easing back in to running.  My kids and my dog listen to DH much better than they listen to me!  My knee is sore, no trauma - just overuse and bad shoes I think...


                          bermy - I am so excited for your race!  You are a machine - a hardcore runner!  Hope DS feels better soon!  Nice healthy food, any seasoning on that??  I have had problems with this knee in the past and rest has always resolved it, but w. a race on Saturday and a marathon about 6wks away I don't have time for rest Smile


                          beskirted & manicured

                            bermy -  it is strongly tied to exercising and running especially. I was quite a quiet doormat and running gave me the confidence to be a shit - stirrer. :-)

                            5K - 24:10 | 8K - 40:41  | 10K - 51:40.6 | HM - 1:51:10 | 30K - 2:44:54 | Marathon - 3:59:26

