Womens Running


Wandering Week-end (over 40) (Read 16 times)

    Good morning!  Sorry I couldn't check in yesterday.  I did 20 trail miles with a couple of RC buddies yesterday, then the internet was out when I got home.  Had a fun BBQ last night with RC folks.  Always funny to see people cleaned up and looking nice in "civilian" clothes when you're used to seeing each other in running gear.  5 miles with another running buddy this morning.


    Damaris, glad your run went well last night.  FWIW, although I haven't run a 50M, everyone I know who has says that it's a very different experience than marathons and 50Ks when it comes to nutrition.  I think your body will need more sustenance for 12-15 hours.  Boiled potatoes with salt, PBJ sandwiches, and soup are some of the things my ultra-running friends typically eat on 50s.  But I suspect it's different for everyone in terms of what their body wants, needs, and tolerates.


    Carol, nice trail run yesterday.  Sounds like the Endurolytes might have helped.


    Lisa, I had a GPS plot my run straight across a reservoir once.  Pretty sure I wasn't running across water that day, haha.


    Tessa, I'm sure it will take time to make up for the years of being incommunicado with your in-laws, but I think it's great that everyone is willing to give it a try.  Especially good for the younger generations so they will have that family connection as they grow up.


    Cindy, I don't get post-exercise headaches, but I second the suggestion to look at your electrolyte intake.  Maybe it's too much water and insufficient electrolytes, so the water isn't being absorbed well.


    Camille, sounds like an interesting run yesterday.  Funny how the best runs can happen when you least expect it (or least want to do it).


    Karen, did you pass on the race today?  Sounds like you could use the rest.


    Marjorie, is the rain still around or has it passed on.  I've envious of people who have rain.  We're on the verge of more water use restrictions here.


    Enjoy your Sunday, everyone!

    5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


    Run to live; live to run

      11.2. Had to wait to run as it was raining very hard and lightening. I managed to run without getting rained on. Now just to relax.


      Karen it it is okay if you don't want to run a race. You race a lot anyways. So missing one won't hurt.


      Carol nice 16


      glad you had a good run Camille


      Cindy if it is an exercise induced headache it probably isn't drinking. If you are eating too soon it could be taking blood away from other areas that need it for recovery and causing it. What kind of cool down are you doing?  Maybe you need a good cool down or some gentle yoga and stretching to let everything return slowly to normal before eating or showering.


      Are you doing the citrus pick every week, Tessa?


      Lisa if only the 9 min miles was true!  But the map is funny looking for sure.


        9.82 trails with ultra friend from yesterday who is training for another 100 miler in September. She had already done 15 or so when I joined her.


        Damaris-for those lengths of time you do need to get used to eating real food.  I do well and stomach gels but I know this is the biggie for others that messes them up.  I mean if you plan on winning then you'll get by on gels and M&M's but out there for anything over 6 hours and I have to have real food. Start training tummy now.  My go to pack is cut up oranges and mini-bagels with peanut butter and honey.  I'll package 1/4 of an orange and half a bagel together and alternate them on the hour with a gel.  At DWD I ended up having the gels on the hour to keep eletrolytes up and grabbed something to eat (pretzels or 1/4 sandwich or cookie or chips) at the aid stations.  7:23 is too long to only have gels.  I'd be in the bathroom (well, bushes) for sure.  training stomach is key though in my mind.



        Anonymous Guest

          Blew off the race, even after multiple offers from DH to get my bike upstairs, pump up the tires and put it in the car for me. Instead I slept in, ran some errands and then ran this afternoon. I was supposed to run 15 but only ran 11. Unofficial cutback week. 6 weeks to goal marathon, and the next 4 weeks of training are going to be brutal, so I think this is for the best.


          Damaris, agree with Lisa on fueling for a 50 miler. I can do up to a 50K (usually) on just gels, but even then I'll grab some "real" food. Boiled potatoes with salt and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches go down best for me. My theory is eat early and often. Even if I just grab a handful of chips early on I try to grab something. I try to grab something at each aid station and then walk and eat. Finish eating and start running. Gets me to walk some earlier and also eat more consistently. Your stomach will revolt if you try to fuel like a marathon with just gel or sports drink. Grilled cheese sandwiches taste amazing 40 miles in. Also, soup or broth if it's below 90 degrees.


          Cindy, I've gotten headaches like that before. Taking some endurolytes seems to help sometimes. Also excedrin migraine. The "good" thing about them for me is they are not as bad as "real" migraines, so the excedrin migraine pills seem to be strong enough to knock it down.


          I know I've missed a bunch of people, but I'm still a little tired.....I'm going to go with the generic hi, great run, etc.


          Oh, eye candy RD finished third overall at Burning River 100.


          Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


          Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

          Check out my website and youtube channel


          Former Bad Ass

            I don't have a problem eating real food at all times.  I have an iron stomach.  I just didn't know if I need it being that I already ran 8 hours without it and felt fine.  I know I need it, though, so I just need to get it through my stubborn head, ha.  I don't think I can even practice with it, since my longest runs will be road marathons.  I do have a technical 50K that will take me around 8 hours so I guess I can eat some food there, but apart from that, the longest I'll be on the road will be 5-6 hours before the race.


            Thanks for the tips!


            11 mile bike ride with hubby.


              Damaris-do you train for a 50 miler by running a 50 miler?  Do you save wearing your new outfit for the 50 miler until the 50 miler?  Don't wait until you do a 50 miler to eat during your run.  I've only done a couple of ultras and have paced twice for 100 milers.  I've seen people who aren't used to eating during their run refuse and then crash or have stomach issues from so many gels with nothing to absorb them.  Work on getting used to eating something on your long runs so that it doesn't seem so strange.  From any of the mid to back of pack ultra runners that I know what does happen is that after a certain period of time eating becomes very difficult.  I remember taking a bite and not being able to swallow it. Thus the eat early (not a full meal of course) part that Karen spoke of.  Now if you've been running 50 milers for years and have found that you can get by on gels fine but you're not there yet.   I also remember that at 4am, 6 hours following my 50 miler, my husband found me passed out on the bathroom floor.  When you finish your 50 miler, no matter that you don't want to eat.... eat. I second the wonderfulness of a grilled cheese quarter sandwich.  Try eating something before you run on shorter runs.  Instead of a gel, carry orange slices or a cut up granola bar or something small (100 calories) to have.  Having an iron stomach will help.


