Womens Running


Labor Day WEEKENDS! (DAILIES) (Read 17 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur

    Last weekend for the kids! BYE!!! LOL.



    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


    Cupcake Connoisseur

      5.2 for me. I did 8x .10/.20. I was supposed to do 100m but my watch didn't want to upload the workout - maybe because I accidentally turned off sync.


      Good run! Still achey. Not feeling real hot today - headache and just really tired. That ends me at 54 for the week! Another big one next week.


      Dinner last night was good but whew, too spicy for me! I got a steak burrito but only took a few bites. I was crying it was so spicy! I basically edamame for dinner - ha! Hmm..that may be why I dont feel real good. .


      Busy day today. I am heading up to my my hair person to see if she can fix this orange. It is not super noticeable, but I notice it and that is what matters Smile She is squeezing me in. Will never stray away from her again! Then we are heading over to HCF's parents for his dads birthday. I told HCF he better not make any plans Sunday or Monday for us. Liz needs some introvert time!!! We have all this stuff we got from the shower just sitting in the living room. We need to go through it - wish HCF would help since most of the stuff we are getting rid of is his old kitchenware UGH. I am super stressed with what is on our plate right now. 



      Karen  - Oh Karen. I am so sorry about the condo. That is really disappointing. I think it was the right call - to the point that Kathryn made, you may have had a problem selling it in the future. Go camping and relax!!! You need some getaway time. HUGS!!!! Oh, and great job on that 16.


      Tessa - Yikes! That is warm! Nice running yesterday. Oh NO on the ants! Yuck. I am sure they are happy with more room! Smile


      Docket - WOOT WOOT! We are going to need lots of photos of the cat castle - filled with cats.


      Judy - Nice running for you! I hope you have a great weekend!



      Have a great Saturday everyone! No Core class for me today - not enough time!



      October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

      November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

      March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


      Former Bad Ass

        With my luck, no cat will like the castle.


        I have 5 miles tonight.  Miami is out of the cone of uncertainty.


        Liz, nice run!


        LC Runs

          6.6 this morning...I am happy because I set a goal to run 120 miles this month and made it 120.8 LOL


          Lizzie - nice run!  Hope you get some introverting time, I would prefer to stay home this weekend, too.  We have nothing set in stone but BF hates staying home, I wish he would make plans without me once in a while.  Hope the hair appointment goes well!


          Karen - sorry about the condo, very disappointing.  Hopefully a wekeend away will lift your spirits!


          Damaris - have a good 5!


          WINE o'clock somewhere!

            Lizzie, kids around here have been back for a week or two.  Work has been slow as a result.  Bummer about dinner, I am not a spicy fan.  I would rather taste my food than have my mouth on fire.  I hope you get some introverting time.


            Damaris, glad Miami will be safe.  Hopefully this is the last one for you.  Good thinking on having enough alcohol.


            Laura, nice monthly mileage!!


            Karen, sorry again about the condo.  Things work out for the best generally.


            Tessa, I am using double walled stainless steel tumblers, they are supposed to be able to handle the heat of coffee with the resin.  THOUGH, these are the cheapie Walmart ones, so we shall see.  Basically they are a very cheap Yeti.


            Really disappointed.  I had my 50K today - 6 loops of a 5+ mile loop.  VERY hilly and rocky for about a mile, the rest was pleasant though.  BUT, on the ups and downs, there were huge boulders to navigate.  Maybe 1-2' with various smaller ones to help climb.  Though it wasn't too bad, my knee said otherwise.  I was in pretty severe pain on them - both up and down.  Small ones I was fine, uphill/downhill with minor steps were fine.  The bigger ones, wow, that hurt.  I have never had such significant pain before.  I dropped after 1 loop.  No sense in hurting my knee long term.   I really wonder if my rocky trail days might be over, which really sucks, because that is so many of the trails here.  Plus I decided I want to do Antelope Canyon again in 2021 and that is similar.  BUT, long way off.


            Hit Walmart for more tumblers.  DAMN, they are hard to find, though you think they would have a lot.  I have probably been to 7+ stores trying to find them.  FINALLY today at the second place I got a ton - 12 of the 20oz ones and 4 wine glasses.  There are probably 20 people at work, so I have lots to do.  I get some FUN glitter today in the mail, at least I hope.


            OK, off to decorate a tumbler or two.  I just put another one on the spinner with resin, so I will switch tonight before bed.



            Kettle Moraine - June 2024

            Beast of Burden - August 2024

            Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

            Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024


              Good morning!  Welcome, long weekend!


              Karen, I'm sorry the condo did not work out.  Given all the complications, it sounds like a good call to walk away and regroup.  I think you should look at OR again.  


              Lizzie, kids have been back in school here since mid-August.  Something to do with aligning the semester to end at Christmas instead of spilling over into January after the holiday break.  Seemed soooo early to me, though.  We always started after Labor Day when I was a kid.  Bummer about the burrito being too spicy. I like spicy food.  But maybe not ghost pepper jack spicy... 


              Damaris, glad the hurricane made up its mind about where it was headed.  That pink castle would freak out my birds for sure.


              LC, woot on making your mileage goal this month!  Getting up there.


              Kat, I'm sorry the 50k was a bust.  Some courses are just sadistic.  Those tumblers are sure neat.  Nice of you to make some for the people at work!


              I'm so excited, my favorite book sale of the year is this weekend.  I had thought it was next weekend when I'll be away, but no, it's today!  So DH and I are running over with backpacks and getting some books this morning.  Otherwise, just tapering...

              6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

              Anonymous Guest

                11 this morning. 7 early, then 4 with the group. I have such a fun group this year, I really enjoy them. Now DH is headed over to pick up the van. No hurry as check in isn't until 2 and it's about an hour and a half drive from here. This park is supposed to have good trails, but some of the are still closed from damage from Harvey, so it may be a bunch of short out and backs for me. Plan to get in 10ish tomorrow, thinking a mile each with the dogs, then the rest on my own. Once I'm done DH will probably go exploring on his bike while I hang with the dogs. Then just lounging around that afternoon, maybe finding a spot the dogs can get into the lake and chase some balls. Hoping it's just what I need.


                Still bummed about the condo. Part of me just wants to say forget it for now, part of me thinks we've already got so much ground work in we should try again. DH says the trick is not to get emotionally invested so you can just look at it from the money angle, and that makes the decisions easier. I told him I couldn't help it, and I relied on him to be the rational guy because I'm pretty much emotionally invested as soon as we make a decision on a place. He did agree that losing the first one was kind of a relief, losing this one was really disappointing. Anyway, most of the places I looked at are off the market now, but there is a new condo on the market similar price to the one we just lost, similar layout, same area, HOA only $200/month. And there is a small house that is new construction in what looks like a really good area that comes in right at the top of our price range, but might be worth it to avoid all the problems we see in these almost 40 year old places we've had inspected. We're probably going to ask our realtor to go look at both of them for us.


                Tessa, this sounds like it's going to be a fun batch of kittens.


                Liz, you sound ready for some Liz time. Someone said something to me about high-fiving someone else this morning while we were doing core. Me: yeah, that sounds dangerously close to hugging, so no.


                Damaris, my favorite local weather guy posted something yesterday that there was a strong possibility Dorian would turn north before it got to Florida. Glad you're outside of the cone!


                Laura, way to hit that goal!


                Kathryn, bummer on the race this morning. I don't remember, do you wear a brace or strap or anything ever? Is it chronic or something that can be fixed? Because I would hate to see you have to give up on your local trails - you'd be stuck driving over here for our easy stuff. Not that you're not welcome any time, it's just that we don't have the most scenic or fun trails.

                Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                Check out my website and youtube channel


                WINE o'clock somewhere!

                  Margaret, hope you find some good books.


                  Karen, this pain is really new.  At Brazos my knee had a little twinge, but it was the slipping sideways in the mud that got me.  I don't ever remember this much pain ever before.  It is below the kneecap and a bit on the inside too.  Just worrisome.  I wanted to continue because the rest of the course was doable, but DAMN, not worth it.



                  Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                  Beast of Burden - August 2024

                  Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                  Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024


                    Margaret, hope you find some good books.


                    Karen, this pain is really new.  At Brazos my knee had a little twinge, but it was the slipping sideways in the mud that got me.  I don't ever remember this much pain ever before.  It is below the kneecap and a bit on the inside too.  Just worrisome.  I wanted to continue because the rest of the course was doable, but DAMN, not worth it.




                    Wonder if you might have something going on with your meniscus, maybe some fraying or a small tear.  Meniscus issues are quite common and treatable, please don’t worry more!  But it continues to bother you, maybe get it checked out.

                    6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                      Happy long weekend!!!  I enjoyed my solo evening of sewing and knitting.  Smile This morning I met my RB and we rode in the Gulf Islands National Seashore park.  Beautiful day for a ride, and no one fell over this time 


                      On the way home I stopped at an estate sale and found a nice barrister-style bookcase we have been wanting for the study. Of course, DH is 1 hr+ away with the truck.  I'll figure it out.  Hoping they can wait till tomorrow, or maybe I can get DS2 to help me. He and fiance' went to New Orleans, I am dog sitting for them;. Maybe they can help me move it on the way home when they stop by to get the pups.


                      I went to the estate sale in my bike clothes. A lady said I "looked very fit". Made my day. I feel like such a pudge. Why do we have such negative body images? We are all gorgeous.


                      Glad Hurricane Dorian is not coming here. Sorry for the east coast though. I know Damaris is relieved.


                      Check y'all later!

                      Anonymous Guest

                        And here we go again. Third time's the charm?



                        Waiting for our realtor to write up the offer before we leave to go camping. Van is packed and ready to go. I looked at a different one (since sold) in this same complex and liked it, she says this one is nicer than that one). The living room furniture looks kinda cheap, but we can always replace it if we decide it's awful.


                        Not getting emotionally attached. Not getting emotionally attached. Not getting emotionally attached.

                        Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                        Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                        Check out my website and youtube channel



                          Hubby is feeling a bit better but still experiencing vertigo. Not fun for him at all.

                          9.5 miles for me today. A friend blew by me as if I were standing still. looking at her strava she wasn't moving all that fast but clearly faster than me. This really pissed me off because normally I'm sooooo much faster than she. This won't happen again. After Woodstock next weekend I'm addressing my dismal speed and trying to fix it. The competitive bitch in me has reawakened. This competitive bitch never went away but I pushed her down. I'm pulling her back up.


                          Liz... good luck at the hair dresser. Yay for introverting time.

                          Kats.  ... those tumblers are really nice. I can't wait to see you again next weekend.

                          Karen.... get emotional if you want. I know I would. Good luck with number 3

                          Damaris...I hope Dorian stays clear of you with no damage


                          I'm waving hi to everyone else as I'm heading off to a friend's 50th birthday party.


                          *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                           **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                          Former Bad Ass

                            Karen, I would be the same if this house closing falls through.  Apparently I get too invested as well.  Looks cute!  Not sure if you noticed the dog statue or a real dog looking out the window?


                            I spent all day packing and dividing my INKnBURN.  except I have so much INB the day was spent on TECHS.  That's it.  TECHS.  I have camis, tanks, techs, shorts, skirts, tights, capris, LS, pullovers and bras. I'm never going to be done!



                            Cupcake Connoisseur

                              Rest day for me!


                              My hair is finally fixed. It is a lot darker but it was my only option. She will go back and re-highlight a week before the wedding. It has obviously had too much bleach for now. Yay! Dinner last night was good, got home late but went right to sleep. Slept until 8. I noticed my resting heart rate was down to 47 last night. It hasn't been that low in a while! I hope thats a good thing ? Smile


                              So this bitch Dorian might cancel my bachelorette party. It is now heading right towards VA beach which is where we were going next weekend. Of course my anxiety is high! I don't even think we would get our money back. I have to inquire about that. I asked if we could switch weekends, but the only other weekends they have available is a week before the wedding. Which sucks. I am hoping she moves! UGH. I dont feel like dealing with this stress.


                              Errands today..and the continued clean out of kitchen. Have to make room for all the new stuff!



                              Docket - Good news for Miami!


                              Laura - Nice miles yesterday and WOOHOO for monthly miles! Yay! Ah, yes. Just tell BF to go without you! Smile Thats what I started saying to HCF.


                              Kathryn - Oh no, I’m sorry about the 50K and your knee pain! I haven’t heard you mention that pain before -it must have been really bad. Bummer. Sad I am with Margaret - maybe get it checked out?


                              Margaret - Aw, exciting about the book sale! Hope you got a bunch! Thats heavy to run back with…


                              Karen - Nice 11 yesterday! LOVE the new condo! I think I like it better than the others! Crossing my fingers. I hope you have a great time this weekend - you deserve it! Sometimes in my abs class, we have to have a partner (OMG NO) and high five while we plank. Its terrifying.


                              Susan - Score on the bookcase find! You do look awesome, Susan!


                              Lori - Nice miles yesterday. Laughing at your competitive bitch Smile



                              Happy Sunday!



                              October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                              November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                              March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

                                Geez, September already?  How did that happen!  A couple weeks ago, when the kids started going back to school, I thought it was still the middle of summer.  Hit the book sale yesterday, yay.  DH and I filled 2 backpacks with books yesterday for a total of $11.  Mostly paperback mysteries and thrillers, which is the kind of quality reading material I like best.    I did grab a couple from Annie Proulx and Wallace Stegner that I hadn't read before.... every once in a while I read something "good."  I saw copies of A Man Called Ove and All The Light We Cannot See, and almost bought them again because I loved them so much, but no.  Ended up mostly walking to and from the book sale.


                                Lizzie, how frustrating about the bachelorette party!  Hopefully Dorian changes paths before then.  Seems the venue should not penalize you if they have to close due to the Hurricane!


                                Karen, good luck with the condo purchase!  Will not say more to avoid jinxing it...  Hope camping with pups is fun.


                                CrazySue, good luck getting the bookcase home.


                                Lori, I don't worry about fasties running by me.  They are training for their thing, I am training for mine.


                                Damaris, so have you designated one of the bedrooms in your new place as the InB room?  


                                Today, going for a walk at some point and doing more clean up in the house and yard.  Finished August with 228 miles.  Excited about Woodstock!  Leaving on Thursday for Detroit.

                                6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                                7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                                9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR
