Womens Running


Scream Friday (dailies) (Read 19 times)

    As in National ice cream day. On the page they list survey results to different ice cream related questions. What cracked me up is that they listed this as the Source: https://nationaltoday.com/ice-cream-day/  Their own page. BWAHAHA and then have a quiz at the bottom. Why list a source? That's just dumb. Sorry. Clearly I just need to eat some ice cream and ..... chill.


    Busy time of year at work. Everyone else is winding down so managers who have been ghosting me are now like Little Caesar pizza.. hot and ready to hire. Interview note to pass on to all... even if your past employer really sucked and was horrible do not tell the first round interviewer all about how poorly you were treated and that finally you decided you wouldn't take any more of their shit so quit. Even if you later apologize in the interview for being so negative ... I am not your therapist and clearly you have some filter issues... especially when this is for a director level role managing a team. Crazy sometimes.


    Woke up yesterday and just couldn't get out the door for 18 degree run so went to gym after work. TM for 4 miles then changed and went to the PiYo class. Love that class. Will head out this morning though for a few chilly miles.


    Damaris-good luck to hubby!


    Karen-you knew it was coming. hopefully you have books to read and no where to go. Great RR. I was smiling and laughing more then crying like the others. Will take some time for it all to really settle in your head and have parts bubble back up. Awesome learning experience. May we never stop learning about ourselves!


    HCK2-TM buddies!


    Lizzie-you have freezer balls? I guess I missed something. You will get that PR in March!


    Carol-you are getting those classes in too! I just can't get into videos but do enjoy going to the different classes. I think the different kinds of movement help especially with trail running.


    Laura-have fun at the holiday all-in-one party. Maybe it helps them find budget to pay for part of it if there is training involved. Or to justify the budget. Dumb games can be fun. LOL


    Cathy-groan on the poor catering and I bet people enjoyed two beverages on empty stomachs. LOL Do you call the peanut butter balls Buckeye Balls? I'm assuming they are dipped in chocolate. That's what they are called in these parts since they look like buckeyes. Not because we are near Ohio State.


    Sandy-Liquid diet... sounds like Cathy's work party. based on your summary of the Marriage Story I will pass. I've had enough of my own Marriage stories. You would be safe pacing me... never puked during a race. well except for that one time at DWD when I didn't think I needed to run for sometime and had just downed an Arnold Palmer and a bottled frappacino. then had a relay leg on a dirt road so no excuse to not actually run. Learned my lesson that day. Don't run so much. No stalking of me as I am not on Strava. 


    Sue-good choice on switching to the 5k vs the half when not ready for it. Yeah for the like new cleaned up bike!


    Judy-you can do the packing and moving!


    Kat-great pic of the "now you can stop running hug"


    Margaret-my lunchbox has a container of salad (some meat goes on it, hard boiled egg, edamame, sunflower seeds, in addition to avocado and veggie salad stuff). 2 string cheeses (or other cheese), small baggie of almonds, container of greek yogurt with flax seeds and pomegranate seeds or some other berry for sweetness. Another hard boiled egg for mid morning.  cut up carrots/celery with a small container of peanut butter for dipping. dark chocolate square and a couple pieces of fruit. if going to work out right after work I'll pack some sort of fruit bar (Lara or something like that) and more nuts. Pretty much the exact same thing every single day. The meat varies from leftover chicken or beef to the Mercury free tuna or salmon packages.


    Lori-nice job the other day with the run/walk and weights!




      Lisa - I cant make myself do videos either.  I am really enjoying the classes and maybe feeling I am getting a little stronger....  I know you aren’t a big “plan aheader”...but I am still thinking of Screaming Monkey, have you looked into any logistics yet?  Can’t remember who all is considering.


      Karen - Oh no!!!  Not surprised tho.  Rest, rest, rest, and feel better.


      Sandy - Hope everything goes good today - or should I say “comes out ok”...LOL..


      SRD yesterday, today going to run 6.  Decided to stick with the 5k that I was registered for (was going to try to switch to 10k)going with a group and no one else wanted 10k, so I didn’t want to make them wait for me.



      Cupcake Connoisseur

        Rest day for me!


        Yucky and rainy today - glad I don't have to go anywhere. Looking forward to tomorrows group run even though its going to be yucky rain the entire morning. March is one of VA's more rainy months so I better get used to it! Good news is I may be able to wear shorts and a long sleeve. I hate wearing winter gear when its raining - feels heavy!


        Looking forward to the WEEEKEND!!!! We are going to look at a house tomorrow. Well, we looked at it last week and loved it. Its in a neighborhood we always go back to when we are looking. Probably about 1-3 acre lots - LOTS of running room and neighborhoods around that I can run in Smile. This house has the foundation in but we would get to choose everything from here. We got preapproved earlier this week but would like to see if we can get that price a little lower so that is why we are meeting with them tomorrow. Plus I have to talk HCDH into it - he is hesitant because of the lot size. Its wooded and we wouldn't see our neighbors really, he is just hooked on 8+ acres. And for some reason he wants a sunroom? The house is already 2500 sqft - don't think we need a sunroom. Smile I think he is stuck on the custom house we designed but couldn't afford. Its pretty perfect if you ask me! Smile



        Karen – Oh no!!! Take care of yourself!


        Run4kupcakes – I do love some ding dongs.


        Docket – Good luck to DH today! Enjoy your day off 😊


        Lisa – LOVE ICE CREAM!!! Laughing at your interview tip. Isn’t not talking bad about your present work place rule #1 in an interview? I thought so. Have a good run today!We have always called them buckeye balls because my grandma made them and she was from OH. Not sure how the recipes say to make them these days – we follow grandmas recipe which is on a very very old index card 😊. I like the sound of your lunch bag!


        Sandy - GOOD LUCK today!!


        Carol – Have a good run today and have fun tomorrow!



        Happy Friday!!!!



        October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

        November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

        March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

          TGIF!!!  I actually made it to the pool this morning.  I need to get back into the groove.


          DH, his mom and Lady the German Shepherd arrived around 8 pm last night.  The pups are getting along well.  I think Lady is a bit shy and is a little scared of Skye, but they are fine. Whew! Have to unpack the Uhaul (I guess all that stuff is going into our garage till it sells (she had an antique table and chairs to sell) or she moves into her trailer (why would anyone want to live in a little trailer??). I'm WFH today, so I'm trying to stay out of it. The crate of artwork arrived yesterday and the guy unloaded it in the main path in the garage. DH was not happy.  That will have to be opened and moved before he can unload the UHaul.


          Lizzie--house shopping! Exciting!!


          Karen--noooooo!!! Don't be sick!!! Hope you feel better soon!!


          Damaris--yes, there is a 5K tomorrow, M/HM Sunday.


          Have a great day!!

          Half Crazy K 2.0

            Rule 1b of interviewing,  don't talk about how much you don't like a task or don't want a job with a particular task if it is part of the job you are interviewing for. I used to work for a temp agency.  People would get all pissed at me for not calling them--well you said no data entry., no answering phones, no filing, that doesn't leave much.


              Not a huge fan of ice cream here.  Though the occasional soft serve on a hot day can hit the spot!  I like salt more than sweet.  Yep, we've already established I'm different than the average bear.    Prep going well!  I'll leave it at that   I cannot WAIT for this day to be over.  Should know by 10ish if closing happened.  Should be home by my procedure by 4ish.  THEN I can relax.  REALLY looking forward to the weekend!  Oh, yeah, no workout this morning.


              Karen - OHHHH NOOOOOO!!  I am SO sorry you got sick!!  Feel better!!


              HCK - OMG my mom LOVED ding dongs and swiss cake rolls.  Ish.  That chocolate looks and tastes like plastic to me haha.  OMG about the temps that were a definite no on work tasks!!  Does anyone actually love every little last thing about their job?  As Blair and Jo and Natalie and Tootie sang - you take the good, you take the bad...


              LIz - sorry for the rain.  Hopefully it wont be too bad tomorrow.  But, I'd take rain in shorts over sub-zero.  Yeah, I know, you would prefer sub-zero.  But, hey, in a group you are all in it together.  Misery loves company and all that!!  Nothing alarming with the prep.  Just ready for the procedure to be over.  Fun you are looking at homes!  Wow, that's a big place!  Twice the size of mine.  Hope the meeting goes well.


              Damaris - nice run and have a good one tonight.  How was dinner out?


              Carol - nice consistent running!  I still need to find an indoor place around here.  The streets are still an utter mess.  Good luck at your race tomorrow!


              Laura - 5 on the dreamill?!!  Impressive!!  I can only ever barely muster 3.  Oh boy, good luck at your pot luck and games.  Sounds painful haha.


              Cathy - does your new place have a separate room for the treadmill?  I loved the pic of the wall!!  You are so creative.  Yeah, you might be able to relate to Marriage Story?  It's about a couple getting divorce.  Just sorta boring to me haha.  Yep, I can leave in 6ish hours for appt.  But, who is counting...    OMG I would have been irate and SO HANGRY at your work event!!  That is crazy.  Our lunch next week is supposed to be at noon but this one manager is ALWAYS late so I definitely will bring a pre-lunch lunch haha.  Yeah, I guess 5'8" is technically on the taller side for a female but I have TONS of friends taller.  Karen and Kat are just shorties 


              Lisa - your lunch is making me HUNGRY.  All sounds good to me!!  I should buy some of those tuna/salmon packets.  I always forget about those.  OMG on a Director level answering like that.  I'd be like "Next!" haha.  Arnold Palmer and frap do not mix running or not LOL.  Not surprised it came back up.  GROSS.


              Sue - nice job getting to the pool.  Glad the travelers made it safely!!


              Okay, better get to work.  Happy Friday!  Well, fingers crossed it's a happy one over here...  


              Running with the Turtles

                Happy Friday the 13th!  Hope it is lucky for everyone.    I got good news at work, I am getting an underground parking space!  Our company has 3 spots down there (there are other companies in the building).  They give the spots out based on time of service.  Most of our higher-ups work in the Phoenix headquarters.  So my 26+ years here have earned something!  The spot has actually been available for several months but the office manager has been parking down there.    I told her that she can park there in the spring/summer/fall.  I normally park in the very back of the lot and enjoy the walk in!  It will be nice for cold snowy days though!


                Lisa, interesting that it's busy for you this time of year!  I guess you talk to all kinds of people with your job.    I haven't interviewed anyone for awhile.  My favorite was when I told this guy what we do on our project and he said that it sounded too hard.  That was an internal interview!  He ended up working for a different project.  Now he's no longer with the company.  Your lunches sound super healthy.  I should take the time to do that.    We do call them buckeyes!


                Carol, I bet that you are getting stronger!  Haha, I guess it already came out OK for Sandy... Good luck with the 5K!


                Liz, enjoy the rainy rest day!  The house sounds awesome!  Maybe HCDH wants to put his globe in a sunroom.     One of the condos we looked at had a nice sunroom.  I thought it would be a good place for the treadmill!    I would have made it an even 7 miles if I had realized it before I ended the workout and uploaded it!    They have a restaurant at the place where they had the holiday party.  Apparently some people went and ordered lunch.  They have a separate room for events.  The place just opened so maybe they have a few things to iron out?  It didn't sound like they offered any explanation or compensation.  The office manager planned it and she was in tears.  I told her that no one blamed her.  Enjoy the group run in the rain.    Maybe it will be better sharing the "fun" with other runners.  If they show up.    I would say you are due for a PR in March!


                Sue, good job getting to the pool!


                Sandy, hope all goes well today with the closing and your "nap".    Sounds like you have a super fun weekend planned!  My treadmill is in my bedroom!  It actually works out well since the kids are upstairs and no neighboring walls.  I had my bluetooth speaker playing music and they did not hear a thing!  It's fairly unobtrusive, haha.  I decided to own it and make a workout corner!    Those tuna/salmon packets aren't bad.  Not like the old days with the cans of tuna that smelled like cat food.  I was super hangry at the work event.  I normally eat at 11:30 and I would like to eat earlier.    Do they have frozen custard there?  That is huge here.  Frozen custard everywhere.


                Damaris, enjoy the 9 and good luck to your hubby!


                Karen, I guess better that you got sick now vs before!  I hope you recover quickly.


                Laura, enjoy the work party.    Hope DS is better and you avoid getting sick!




                WINE o'clock somewhere!

                  I thought today was going to be about the painting - The Scream.


                  Lisa, since Karen specifically said she was going to hug everyone at the finish, I leaned in for one!!!  On the sweets, I am generally more with Sandy on liking salty/savory over sweets.  Don't get me wrong, you put ice cream in my face, I WILL eat it!!!  I'm a vanilla kinda girl.  HAH.  Hope your nippy run was tolerable.


                  Carol, unless work is an issue, I am going to Screaming Monkey and I believe will pick Lisa/A up in Houston and we will drive the remainder up to LA.  Should be 4 hours from Houston.  At least that was the tentative plan a while ago.


                  Lizzie, 2500sf is a nice sized place!  I wish my lot was bigger here in SA, but don't miss acreage.  I grew up on about 13 acres.  Enough for a pony.  Smile


                  Sue, glad everyone made it safely back.  A trailer?  I lived in a rather nice 5th wheel for a few months in vet school.  Small, but wasn't too bad.


                  HCK, not liking those things at a temp agency, strange...


                  Sandy, wahoo on this being close to done with the damn procedure.


                  Cathy, that is crazy about your work lunch.  I would have been a bit bitchy about it.  Woot woot on the parking spot.  26 years??  WOW.


                  Karen, I hope your bug isn't as bad as DH's.  At least it is AFTER!!!  Have a chore for you, I think it would be fun to hang some stuff on the tent at Rocky.  What could we do?  Nothing major.  Just something to make us/others smile.  I looked for raccoon decorations and came up empty.  Then I thought of a prison theme (Huntsville State Prison) but not sure how many people would get there is a maximum security prison there.  Lisa thought of 80's.  My coworkers were getting risqué.... Anyone else wannna chime in too?


                  Buckeyes.  Mmmmmm.  My grandmother used to make them and was from Ohio.  Is everyone else's the no bake peanut butter dipped in chocolate ones?


                  Christmas food.  Our company isn't providing anything to us this year.  A few of us doctors are throwing in a few bucks to get turkey/ham again. Probably pot luck for the rest.


                  Still waiting to hear about work...  What a shocker.


                  Preface next thought...  I do NOT get into the Christmas spirit.  Not a bah humbug, but not enthusiastic.  What did I do yesterday, nearly all day?  Watched Hallmark Christmas Movies.  Yikes.  So cheesy.


                  Today is possibly the same.



                  Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                  Beast of Burden - August 2024

                  Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                  Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024


                    Cathy---SCORE on the parking spot!!


                    Kat--yes, she wants a fifth wheel trailer set up under a large pull-through trailer metal shed at DH's sister's house. She and DH's dad (now deceased) traveled for years in one and enjoyed it.  I am concerned about the German Shepherd--there is no fenced yard and Lady can easily pull her down when on the leash....I guess I am the only one concerned about this.....??? Lady does not have the best heeling training.


                    Sandy--hope all goes well. The prep is much worse than the procedure. I know you will be glad it's over.


                    Former Bad Ass

                      Thanks!  Ran 9, 6 of those with hubby and a slugfest of tired. I’m even sleepy. Thinking I need more calories in the morning if I am going to run.


                      BTW, our counteroffer was accepted and our townhouse in Doral is under contract.



                      Cupcake Connoisseur

                        We have been looking for homes in the 2100-2500 sqft range. We are in about 1800 now and would like a little more room. For some reason HCDH thinks we need over 3,000. Why do men think bigger is always better? LOL!! That’s what SHE said!!


                        Got an email from the Coach about the group run tomorrow – we start pace groups tomorrow. I like that option. 😊



                        Susan – Oh boy. Smart to stay out of it! That’s always my motto LOL.


                        Sandy – I hope that closing happens and your procedure goes perfect so you can ENJOY the weekend! Have a great time with your sister!!


                        Cathy – SCORE on the parking spot!! That is awesome! I can’t believe you have been there for over 26 years – no wonder you have such great PTO. Did your company go to the Flexible PTO yet? I can’t remember. LOL at the globe!! He is going to be surprised when he gets that gift 😊. He has been angry with me because I hid his cookies. He bought a bag of Oreos, but he has no self control. He will seriously eat that entire bag in one sitting. I kept them in the cabinet for a day and one sleeve was gone when I looked the next day. His excuse, "they are the thins so they are healthy". LOL. I hid the bag and put a serving size in a baggy in the cabinet that he can have once a day.. LOL!! He has to watch his diet for heart health! Smile Aw, I feel bad for your office manager. Not like it was her fault! Frozen custard is really big here as well. Cool that your workout corner is in your room! That is convenient 😊


                        Kathryn – Yes, mine are no bake! The Hallmark movies are the worst. LOL..they are just nothing but tear jerkers! 😊 Sorry for the work delay. LOVE me some vanilla ice cream!!! 😊 Did you have a pony?! I vote for a risque tent at Rocky. 😉


                        Docket – Nice run and GREAT NEWS on the townhouse!!! WOOT!



                        Have a great afternoon/evening everyone!



                        October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                        November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                        March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

                        LC Runs

                          Late check in for me  


                          3 TM miles this morning.


                          Work party/meeting was not bad and kind of fun...we had 3 short presentations in the morning, then lunch, some games and a gift (I got a blanket).  The weather even cooperated, usually there's an ice or snow storm involved and we have to drive 1.5 hours.


                          No big weekend plans, I probably need to get some X mas stuff (i.e. shop) done.


                          Lisa - I can't believe someone said that in an interview; I mean, most of us have those feelings about a job at some point, but you don't actually say that to a prospective employer LOL


                          Carol - today was a nice temperature day for an outside run, looks like tomorrow is supposed to be the same whoo hoo!!


                          Lizzie - exciting about the house hunting!


                          Sue - glad DH, his mom and pup made it there safely and that the dogs are getting along!


                          Half K - I lol'd about the people getting mad about not getting a job call, never say you 'won't' do something when looking for a job


                          Sandy - I hope the day went well and you are now home and relaxing!


                          Cathy - woot woot on the parking spot!!  DS is good today and I don't think he's contagious!


                          Kat - I don't make a point of watching Hallmark Christmas movies, but it is easy to get hooked when you start, I may take a day this weekend to watch a few!


                          Damaris - congrats on the pending house sale!  Nice 9!