Womens Running


Much Shopping Monday (Over 40) (Read 248 times)

Knit queen

Knit Queen

    Hi ladies,

    I have been AWOL for many many months now.  Have been running off and on but not very far (3-5 miles).  Just started doing yoga and that has been enjoyable.  Slowly I have become more flexible.  Have been mostly going to X-bike classes at the gym.


    I was very sorry to read of Karnel's passing.  I enjoyed reading her posts and her quips about her children.


    while I haven't posted, I have done a fair amount of knitting.  I knitted a light summer sweater, a red ponchini and a grey lace shawl for my sister.  I am now working on a yellow spring sweater.  If I can figure out how to post pictures I will post a few of my knitting projects.


    I will try to keep posting.  It is nice not to deal with spam in this new site.


    cheers, lisa




      Susan and Camille, we should get together and quilt! Susan, I am sad, none of the grocery stores around here seem to be carrying fabric sacks of flour any more. Still looking. And it's baking season. I had to buy flour in a paper sack. (Oh, the horror...)


      Lisa, I like the idea of a virtual race/run, keep us posted.


      Susan, that race sounds...interesting. I like night runs, especially relays, but not sure I'd like running on trails in the dark. I can trip just fine in broad daylight, thank you.


      Marjorie, I was a little freaked by the coyote, both because he was so close and I hadn't realized it (they are wild animals, after all) and because anything that is that unafraid of people I tend to think "what if it has rabies?"


      Got in a good run at lunch. 6.82 on the TM. Giving a final tonight, so far I've had one "can we postpone it?" (answer: no) and one "I will be late, I'm at a client meeting" (answer: see you when you get here).



        Lisa/KQ, welcome! Good to see you. Did you go to RW and find us gone?



          Smile Hi ladies,


             I'm new to this Women's thread, used to post on Masters RW,    BUT.... I do see a few familiar faces.

             Glad I was re-directed over here.

             Hello LC Runs and AGuest (Karen)!! heart Used to be RunMom4 and Ultramom4 there, but NOW I am using the screen name SunshineGator.


            My name is Tracey to those of you I don't know.  I am a certified Personal Trainer, Running Coach and Sports conditioning coach and I LOVE TO RUN!!

             I am currrently working on my 3rd Marathon coming up in May 2013, and will have some hefty training coming up, PLUS trying to lose weight to get back to racing weight, so i could use the female support system.

              Today starts week 2 of 26 week training program designed by my hubby who is also a running coach.  5 EASY miles today with my 18 year old son, should be fun!!!

          Pleased to meet all of you! smiley



            Smile   I DID my 5 miles on a trail with my son, who believe it or not, had to walk a great deal of it. I thought I was gonna slow HIM down, but hey.. I LOVED the time with him, not many 18 year old boys want to be running with their MOM.


              Just a slow, and easy run today. Felt great, and it went up to about 62 degrees, don't get much better than THAT in DECEMBER.


               Have a great night everyone, I hope to post tomorrow.




            Run to live; live to run

              Hi Tracey Glad you found us here! You'll find us to be a very supportive and (somewhat enabling) group!




                Smile thanks so much Marjorie...   I already know LC Runs and Anoymous Guest from Masters group in RW, so hoping to meet a few more.


                  How do I get a profile pic on here?   And by the way, cute dogs.  I have a 19month old Siberian husky named Anana. She LOVES to run!

                LC Runs

                  Hi Tracey!!  Girl, I have been thinking about you, glad everything's going well!!


                  As for the picture, click the 'options' button on the top right, then 'my forum preferences' and browse for the pic.  It took me a few tries to figure it out myself lol.


                  Run to live; live to run

                    Hey Laura and Lisa KQ Tracey my 2 are liter mates. They are Basset rescues and just turned 5. I talk about them a ton.



                      I ran 3 miles after work tonight.  I never run at night because I always feel so badly and tonight was no different, but still glad that I did it.  I couldn't get my breathing right and my legs felt like lead, but it was nice seeing the Christmas lights!  Also I ran in capris and a short sleeve shirt, in December, in Ohio!   Tomorrow is supposed to be colder, rainy and windy, so I really needed to get out.


                      I have been so bad in my running the past month, do you think I will be okay for the half on Dec. 16?  I suppose I can walk more than usual, certainly won't be a PR, but I Don't want DNF, especially since it is a local race and it sounds so fun.  


                      Tessa....sorry about .2 weight gain.  A lady at work is doing WW and it seems the weeks that she does really well, she gains.  She gets very discouraged.  She has a lot of weight to lose, but she has already lost about 70 lbs, she stopped for about a year, but didn't gain any back, so now she is back at it, trying to lose the rest.  Says she wants to start to run some day too!  I have been trying to encourage her to start to run some now, but she is self conscious because of her size and her slowness.  I told her I would go with her, but no luck so far.


                      Welcome Tracy.....nice to have you


                      knitqueen...nice to hear from you too.  I was wondering where you had gone.


                      Well...back to watching my Christmas movies!  Love this time of year.





                      6/8 Hatfield/McCoy Half, 8/18 lake Erie Shores and Islands Half, 9/21 Mighty Niagara Half Lewiston, NY, 10/7 Cleveland Rock & Roll Half 10/6 or Detroit Free Press 10/20, A Christmas Story 5 or 10K Cleveland 12/7, Santa Hustle Half Cedar Point 12/15


                      Fire Jumper

                        Good evening!   Did a 45 minute track run with New RB.  We're having a great time getting to know each other.  She's a Communication Arts Professor from Russia.   We ran sprints a couple of times, and enjoyed racing each other down the straight of way.  So fun.  


                        Sue - great race report.  Congrats for toughing it out and getting it done!  Sorry about the wipeout. 


                        Linda - I believe most track events make only left hand turns. My RB says that she runs both ways on outdoor track because it's big enough to stay out of people's way.  The indoor track would be annoying if people were running both ways.  That's why I wish that it was like the skating rink where the direction changes occasionally   Turning one direction hurts my hip after a while.  Please pass along Congrats to your son on his winning DARE essay.  


                        Marjorie - nice run.  And I'm very impressed with your level of Christmas preparedness!   I'm not nearly there.  Poor Quincy.  Ears are SO sensitive!


                        Lisa - great quotes


                        HI ya LisaKQ - nice to meet you.  I knit with a lap loom.  But generally it is just something to keep my hands busy at meetings or trainings (so that my busy brain doesn't wander).    


                        Hello, Tracey!  Welcome.  Glad you found us.  It's great that you and your son have running in common.  that's nice!


                        Tessa - just want to encourage you on your healthy eating plan (my re-frame for the word "diet").  It sounds like you're doing all the right things.  Sometimes our bodies stubbornly hang on to the pounds.  frustrating!


                        Ginny, we're having unusually warm weather here, in NY, too.   I almost went outside for a run today, but it was grey and damp.


                        Good news -  At my meeting today, I found out that my agency got a mini grant!   Every little bit helps in this economy!


                        'nite all! 


                        5K's and Obstacle Runs

                        Goal for 2013:  10K


                        Icebreaker Challenge 5K, Girls on the Run 5K, Friehofer's Run for Women 5K, Hero Rush, Warrior Dash Florida, Warrior Dash Eastern NY, Turkey Trot,  Mud Mania, and yet-to-be-decided goal 10K.




                          Sunshine-I guess I should start my training plan for my May marathon huh?  I so mess up training plans. But maybe this time... LOL Welcome! Race weight? that's pretty much whatever I happen to be on race day. LOL


                          Ginny-You'll do great! and have fun!



                          Disney freak

                            Hi everyone!


                            I’m really enjoying this group.  It’s nice to “talk” to other women my age with similar interests.


                            Today was a rest day for me today.  (exercise-wise, but not in any other way – I was super busy at work today.  Today’s groups of kids are all challenging – in a variety of ways.  I got in 10,000 steps before I left school at 3:00!)


                            A little bit about me for anyone who is interested: I am 42, and married to a wonderful man named Chris who is a network manager at the  University of North Texas.  We have two children: Daniel, 9, and Claire, who just turned 5.  I teach a computer class to elementary students and we live just north of Dallas-Fort Worth.  Hubby and I grew up in Houston, and as a family we vacation in Orlando at Disney World every year. °O°


                            Ginny – yay for Christmas movies!  Our family favorite is The Grinch.  During the entire movie, at least someone in the family is quoting it as we go...

                            Tracey – nice to meet you!  I’m very new to the group and running. 

                            Tessa – so how is flour in a fabric sack different?  I love to bake but don’t do more than simple cookies and fun cakes for my kids’ birthdays.

                            LisaKQ – welcome back!

                            Carol -  I joined while you were gone.  Sounds like a fun vacation!

                            Camille – 16 miles is awesome.  When you say “trail” do you mean like a dirt path?

                            LCruns – I hear you about the Christmas shopping.  My weekends are filling up with stuff  I don’t want to do.  I’d rather go do Christmas stuff with my kids and husband!

                            Crazysue – love your report about your race!  How did you run in the dark?  I’d be afraid I’d step on something and twist an ankle!

                            Marjorie  - you sure were busy today!

                            Lisa – love the quote about the clothing.  No excuses!

                            Lisa Marie

                            • first 5K on 12/8/12 - 39:14
                            • first 10K on 1/12/13 - 1:23:45
                            • upcoming races: Hypnotic Donut Dash - 1/26, Hot Chocolate 5K 2/9, Rock n Roll half relay 3/24
                            • training for Big D half on 4/14

                              Hi to SunshineGator and Knit Queen!  I've been at RA for a while but new to this women's group.   Nice to meetcha!  Tracy, I've got a marathon in April and have yet to get any sort of training plan together.   Lisa, I so admire crafty people!  Would love to see photos of your projects.  


                              To everyone trying to shed some pounds, especially during the holiday season... stick to your plan, believe you can do it, and keep active.  (And please, keep the cookies away from me!  I have the worst sweet tooth...). 


                              I'm a total sap for Christmas movies... "It's a Wonderful Life" was on over the weekend (I'm sure it's on daily, around the clock, on some channel somewhere) and I was lost in it for over an hour even though I've seen it countless times before.  On a related note, there's a movie theatre in downtown SF that has a sing-along "Sound of Music" every December... a total hoot!  Must start Xmas cards one of these days.  


                              Love the race report CrazySue.  But what's up with no hot food after a long, cold slog at night?  That's not right.   


                              GinnyB, as long as you're not dealing with injuries, I say get out there and do your half.  Don't worry about your time, take it easy, and take lots of walk breaks.  You'll finish and you'll be glad you did it.  I bet you won't even be last.  Big grin


                              Have a good Tuesday, one and all.


                              P.S. I'm still getting the hang of dailies so if I don't get shout-outs to everyone, please don't mind!

                              6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                              Favorite Sister of All!

                                Yep, here I am posting with the West-coasters!  Just got home from work-not what I had planned <sigh>  Woke up this morning with an amazing headache--I hardly ever get a headache and I think it is from lack of sleep and a little sinus congestion.  Crawled outta bed at the last minute, caffeiened-up, medicated with a decongestant & Advil, then off to day 8 of 8 at work.  Never got that run in today--was going to do it after work--not feeling it this late! 


                                KnitQueen, SunshineGator--good to have you here!


                                CrazySue--loved the RR--Sounds challenging!


                                Marjorie--Awesome mileage!  Then all the house-XT afterwards!!  You always continue to inspire and amaze me. 


                                Camille2--I really like the mug, too--unique!  I had a Garmin 405CX and didn't have problems with the bezel--the 410 is the updated 405. I really liked the 405 and wore it out!  I now have a 610 that I also love.  There is always a learning curve with electronics for me which required a little extra time setting it up and mastering the features--it was worth it, though!    I love that I can automatically sync it with RA and DailyMile.  WTG on 16--hope you felt better after yours than I did after mine LOL!


                                LCRuns-ditto on the "brain buzzing"  Time is flying! 


                                Carol--Diving is definitely more exercise than some realize.  Sounds like a great time!


                                Julie-D--It's really great that the new RB is working out and you are pushing each other--makes it fun!  Ankles held up--I was pretty much just sore in general--I am really grateful just to be running!


                                THM--Score on the new Garmin and that sync feature is awesome--saves a lot of time!  50F does sound warm for you this time of year--Enjoy!


                                Linda6897--Yep, I am going to do the ad-free subscription as well.  I always made a contribution each year to Eric anyway.


                                Tessa--Airport run wasn't the type of run you really wanted for the morning--Nice run at lunch!  LOL with final exam excuses!! Really ???   Totally NOT FAIR on the .2#--I attribute that to scale error.


                                MMR--My feet did the same thing--went from 7.5 to 8.5 over the years!  Loved the quotes!


                                Lisa-Marie--Was in Dallas last year to cheer my brother in his first marathon. Never been there before and loved the food and peeps!  When do you come to Orlando?  Could always try to get together for a run!!  10,000 steps--wow!!


                                Ginny--Great that you did 3 miles--Better than the zero I did!  Score on the better weather!  I love Christmas movies, too--all of them as a matter of fact!


                                Gatsby--my mom tells me that I sang along to the whole Sound of Music film in the theater as a 5 year-old--OUT LOUD--ohhh all those poor people around me!  We used to listen to the LP on the weekends while doing chores so I knew ALL the words!--LOL-memories!


                                Off to bed--later today is a day off to spend with DH doing something FUN--probably lunch at some neat beachy restaurant!!  Will check back later today!


                                Have a great day!Cool


                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keep Running! Cross the finish line! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
