Womens Running


The ALLs may be back for 2014 (Read 43 times)


Run to live; live to run

    Smiriah (sorry have to do it that way like I used to) nice to see you. Like the new job!  You'll get there. Takes time with the running.



    I ran 10.1 this morning. Hip felt pretty good so it is getting there.



      1.5 miles run/walk after work today.  I planned on being out there for 30minutes, but cut the run short because I had crazy bad side cramps.  Not sure what that was about, but I'm still feeling pretty crappy.  Blah.  At least I got out there.  This weekend will be better!


      Shan-Miriah:   Yay for new jobs!  I hope yours is awesome too!  2 miles is better than no miles!


      Marjorie:  Great miles again!


      Former Bad Ass

        Hi, ladies.  Super busy at work but I managed 8 miles.  Unfortunately, I also managed to step weird on a speedbump and now my foot hurts a bit so I'll see how it feels tomorrow.



        Run to live; live to run

          Ouch on the foot D!


          Jennn the the weekend will be better!


          did my 10.1. Hip is feeling much better overall.



            Hi ladies!


            Marjorie I'm glad that you've even able to mostly recover, that's good. Yes. I love my job. I can't imagine ever going back to a regular job, much less insurance. It was just sucking my soul right out of me.


            Smiriah- happy to "see" you again!


            I got a massage today and it was great. I still have my run to get in and am supposed to be running around 3 but I feel like not going. It's below freezing here and I hate the cold, which some of you may remember. Lol. Ill end up going though. Marathon training

            waits for no one.


              Did 1 mile today... and ug, so much knee pain! So after I came home and did lots of stretching, squats, and a couple other exercises. Hopefully it'll be better by Monday. Not sure WTH it has decided to start hurting so bad when the last few times I went running it didn't bother me, unless it's from skiing and not stretching after that? But I haven't had any pain during skiing.


              So, so far the job is pretty good. It's kind of nerve wracking since I'm a newbie and I pretty much have to prove myself and be on guard the whole time so that I don't mess up. Also, I work 3pm-12am and I've been having a hard time adjusting to that schedule. Also think I need my thyroid meds adjusted again cuz I've just been so constantly tired.


              Marjorie - Glad the hip is doing better! and 10.1 miles... I miss those days, which those were considered my longer runs! haha


              Jen - Sorry to hear about the side cramps. I think I'll have to try to make it up there over the summer so you can teach me a couple things about rock climbing... there are also some good places here for climbing Wink


              Docket - Gotta slow down over speed bumps, that's what they're there for Wink Hope it feels better soon!


              Bobbie - So jealous about that massage! I've really been struggling with the cold this year, although it's been crazy warm here this winter. =\


              Former Bad Ass

                Haha, yes, speedbumps are bad!


                Sigh, a massage.  I need one soon.


                I have 6 miles tonight.  Recovery pace, please remind me of that.



                  No run for me today but planning on getting out there tomorrow (or more likely on the treadmill if the snow doesn't let up).  Went to the climbing gym this morning and did a lot of climbing.  I originally planned to go to yoga class before climbing too, but I slept too late to make it on time.


                  Shan - Ugh on the knee! Sad  Climbing this summer sounds fun!  I'm still pretty new at it myself, but I'm hoping to learn more and get stronger at the gym over the winter too.


                  Bobbie - I love massages.  That reminds me I should schedule one!


                  Damaris - ouch on the speedbump!  Nice miles though! Smile


                  Marjorie - yay for two 10+ mile days in a row.  Glad your hip is feeling better!


                  Former Bad Ass

                    I'm going to end up with an SRD today.  Foot is still a bit ouchy, so it's better to rest it.


                    Shan, sorry about the knee!  LOL, that damn speedbump!


                    Jennn, enjoy the rest day.



                      Nothing today, probably not tomorrow, either. Hoping by Monday the knee will be good. May try to go skiing tomorrow.


                        Hi ALLs!!!


                        It has been WAY too long, and it's great to hear from everyone again!


                        Margorie:  so sorry to hear all the trouble about the hip.  I saw you were having racing trouble on Facebook.  I hope everything else is going well of you!


                        Bobbie:  Congrats on placing, that is awesome!


                        Shan-Miriah:  Sorry you're having injury trouble again.  But glad to hear about the new job and relationship.


                        Lots has changed over here, I have had no luck finding work as a lawyer so I opened a dog walking/pet sitting business that I'm trying to get off the ground, which is really fun, but still early on, so it's slow.  Haven't been running, I've went through a rock climbing phase, which I'd like to start again, and a lot of lifting.  Need to get back to running though, signed up for another Tough Mudder in October!  Also, I'm getting married in May, which is keeping me busy.


                        Look forward to the new group, missed you girls!!


                        Run to live; live to run

                          No run today. We did take Hammy to the pool


                          pumpkin nice to see you again!  Dog walking!  That would be great.   So happy on the Wedding!


                          so, last year was tough. Last dec dad decided he needed to get married. He joined a dating site, got scammed (romance scam from Ghana) , badly hurt me and dh as he lied to us, then scarred a bunch of women off. All this in 8 weeks time. Feb he called me to say he was getting married.  Had only dated her once!  Kept moving the dates For the wedding and made it June.  Decided he was going to sell the house. Ended up selling before he even listed it. Gave away his dogs.  Pissed off my brother. Alienated his grandkids, and is no longer on good terms with my SIL. Dh and I had to go up in April to get what I wanted that was my moms/grandmothers etc since he was going to sell everything.  He got married in June. I went but my dh couldn't get off work.  She is okay. Just way different than anyone would expect to be with my dad.

                          They have a cottage on a lake in MI and bought a house in Tampa Fl. It has been a whirl wind and very stressful.  There is so much more. Just one of those things that would make a great book. She now calls me to complain about my dad as there are things she doesn't understand. Hmm maybe if they had known each other longer....



                            Smiriah - My mom used to work 11pm to 7am and it was always tough for her.  I think there's a term for the difficulty of adjusting to a schedule that is different from the norm, but for the life of me I can't remember what it's called.  So you knee pain starts a mile in to your run?  That's pretty soon to be just from not stretching...have you taken any falls lately or tweaked it?


                            Jennn- Good luck on your run today...burrrrrrr it's COLD EVERYWHERE!!


                            Docket - I hope your recovery run went well!  And you were able to keep it at the speed you set out to.  My DGF has a problem with pacing, she just wants to GO GO GO.


                            Pumpkin - Hi!!!  Wow a Tough Mudder, that always sound like so much fun to me and then I look at the obstacles and get really freaked out about it.  I do a little dog sitting/house sitting for members here at the club and I always have a great time. I love meeting all the personalities of the pups and kittys.


                            Marjorie - Oh my Fing goodness about your dad.  He really knows how to do it doesn't he? You are just SO dang nice, I don't know how I would handle her calling me now to complain, I really don't.



                            RR - I have a 10 mile run planned for today when I get out of the club for today.  I have one more training session at noon and then DGF and I are getting home as quickly as possible to meet another friend of ours who is still a newbie runner.  Our friend has no clue it's a 10 mile run, SURPRISE!  Haha.  It's SOOOOO cold outside, but I think it will be colder tomorrow so better to get it done now.  Marathon is in March!


                            NRR - Because it's so cold I want veggie chili tonight.  I've got to find a way to make that happen.


                            Oh, a little update I guess is in order I really can't remember where we left off in our old group but I figure if I just give information here and there even if it's repeat then we will eventually all be up to speed.  I was a total Vegan for about 2.5 years, it was great and wonderful but alas, I am stupid busy (and I love it) and realized that I need to be more careful about what I am eating for as hard as I train.  There were tons of GMOs in some of the foods that I was eating to stay vegan but to have convenience and some were filled with hormones.  So I started eating some fish again back this past August as well as eggs with in the last month.  I'm picky about both the types of fish and the eggs I eat so I still feel like I'm doing my part and I've felt much better.


                            Ok...client is here early so I'm going to kick her tail.


                              It's only 10 degrees outside and more snow so I ended up running indoors.  Normally I enjoy running in the cold, but I slip and fall on dry pavement, so not worth risking running on ice and snow.  I ended up doing 3.25 miles on the treadmill then 20 minutes of yoga after.


                              Pumpkin - Hi!  Long time no "see"! Smile  Congratulations on the wedding!  I've wanted to try a tough mudder too, but like Bobbie I'm kind of intimidated by the obstacles.


                              Marjorie - Wow about your dad!  You are amazing for sticking it out while he alienates everyone else.  I don't think I'd react as well if I were in your situation.


                              Bobbie - I hope you had a great 10 miles!  Yumm chili!  I hope you found a way to make it happen!  I love making chili in my crock pot.  It's so easy to just throw everything in there, turn it on and have yummy dinner waiting in a few hours.  I try to avoid GMO's as much as possible too - I'm glad you are finding food that works for you!


                              Run to live; live to run

                                I ran 14.2. I could have done my normal but I'm still being careful. I showed dh how to mobilize the hip capsule and this is helping a lot.


                                Bobbie good for you.  I try to avoid the gmo stuff as much as possible. I actually eat the same things everyday. Good thing I don't get bored. It has helped my stomach issues a ton with running. I face up sugar a years go. I have had some since then and it makes me ill. So I made all those wonderful Christmas cookies and only had a few.


                                Jennn great run. I haven't been back to Yoga but do incorporate a few yoga moves into my stuff every day.


                                Yes the the dad issue has been tough. She didn't know he was bipolar until I told her a few days before the wedding. Then it turns out he wasn't taking the medications. What a mess. In September he actually tried to kill himself. But, after they admitted him and wouldn't let him check out AMA since they held him on a psych hold he is back on the meds for the bipolar. This has helped. Initially she didn't tell me why he was in the hospital just saying he accidentally took too many bp meds. She learned not telling me is not an option. She doesn't understand all the meds he takes. I really can't explain all his medical issues to her. But, he does have to take them. It is a roller coaster. When she doesn't understand something she immediately calls me. Dh says I'm the glue for the family. I guess so. I actually did almost all the planning for their wedding. They had no idea what they were doing. Her daughter was to help but honestly just agreed with all my suggestions. I had only met dads wife once but I was expected to plan the wedding. I told dh I have accumulated major karma points. Oh, and I ended up paying for tons of it. I even took her and her daughter to a bridal luncheon the day before the wedding and took dad to brunch the day of. They didn't hire a photographer so I took all the pictures (about 400 of them) and even had a really nice album made (shutter fly.com does great albums) and a framed 8x10 of one of them together that I took sent to them as a surprise. She isn't terrible. Just different.

                                Oh and dad wanted me to call her mom!!!  Um hell no!  It was just a lot if crap to deal with. And trying to keep the family together. He was going to do this no matter what any of us thought. SIL did come to the wedding even though she didn't agree with it.

