Womens Running


Topical, Not Tropical, Tuesday (Over 40) (Read 24 times)

    Brrr....Currently 3.

    Degrees that is.  Will go to gym and be glad I have the option.


    Linda-where all did you go hiking again? pretty! good looking guys too!




    Mighty Mouse

      Monday was 35 minutes on the track (light and easy). After getting home I did 30 minutes of cardio DVD. I slept well. Big grin

      Today will be a track run after a short errand. It's really cold here. It will take a long time for the car to warm up. Hope I don't have to scrape the windows off! EEEE! Shocked

      Happy runs, All!  :::HUGS:::

      Where is the "any" key?   




        Good morning! 20's here and windy. At least it's not  3...brrr.  Lisa, good plan to run at gym. I'll do another easy 5 or 6 since I only got in two yesterday. I babysat for a very active and sweet 2 yr old while family went to the funeral-crosstraining. : )  This afternoon, I'm  on for 5, very easy.  I'm finding I can do more days/miles if it's truly easy. I've read that for years, but it takes me so much longer, I've never really done it.   Worth a try.


        Linda, loved the pic!  You looked great. Kids did, too.  : )  Great 800's.  I'm going to start some speed work next week.The baking was appreciated. Prob not the best timing as I'm trying to drop a few lbs, but at least the stuff went out of the house.  Had to sample the icings though.  Smile  Glad you had no abd pain...thanks for update.


        There's an odd odor on the first floor that's been there for a few weeks.  Not strong, but sure is lingering.  Need to do a serious cleaning to see if I can find it, so need to get busy.


        Have a great day!


        Former Bad Ass

          Morning!  I have 13 miles tonight.  I won't post our weather because you'll probably kick me out of the group.  Having said that, we have not gotten below 80F in forever and I don't even know what other seasons are but Summer.


          Lisa, enjoy your gym time.

          judyruns, which cardio DVDs do you do?

          camille, enjoy the 5-6.


          Have a great day!


          Tar Heel Mom


            6.15 miles this morning. Loved the weather: 31*, sunny, dry, windless.


            Linda-- great 800s. And the hiking looked fun. Your legs are amazing!


            Everyone seems to be running very well lately. In spite of the cold, I think running conditions are favorable almost everywhere.


            Will be looking at more houses tomorrow afternoon. Different neighborhood. Nearer to DS1's house, I hope he won't mind.

            Nolite te bastardes carborundum.


              Bitter cold here today, tomorrow is supposed to be even colder, so TM it will be tomorrow for sure.  Trying to run every other day, I know I can't run 2 days in a row anymore.


              Back at work after a 4 day weekend, tough to come back.


              Linda...nice pic!  You all look great.


              Lisa.....funny about the bread, guess it was a good thing you weren't at my house on Sunday!


              Well everyone that needs to, try to keep warm!





              6/8 Hatfield/McCoy Half, 8/18 lake Erie Shores and Islands Half, 9/21 Mighty Niagara Half Lewiston, NY, 10/7 Cleveland Rock & Roll Half 10/6 or Detroit Free Press 10/20, A Christmas Story 5 or 10K Cleveland 12/7, Santa Hustle Half Cedar Point 12/15

              Anonymous Guest

                Morning all! Up to my ears in budgets today, so I need a break. Got one last decent outdoor run in last night - 6 miles easy in about 38 degrees. Now we've joined the middle of the country with temperatures in the teens, so my speedwork tonight will be on the TM. 6x800 with 400 recoveries. I will make sure I count correctly this time and not do more than the training plan says!


                Linda, great pic of you and your boys. You look like you could be the older sister, not the mom.


                Julie, if you're seeing this, hope you are having a great retreat!


                Amy, bummer the house hunt turned out to be less than ideal. Better luck tomorrow.


                Lisa, very cool on your neighborhood snow run with the DDs!


                camille, I'm working on making my easy miles truly easy as well. It was hard last night as the wind picked up and I started getting cold not to pick up my pace! But now on week 4 of Hanson's and so far I don't need more than the one rest day, as long as I keep the easy easy. So far I really like the plan. One added bonus of running 6 days a week and not focusing on that one huge long run is that it makes it easier to manage what I eat (if that makes sense). I'm generally running 6-10 miles per day, so there aren't wild swings from day to day. And when I get up to the 16 mile long runs, the daily runs will be more in the 8-12 mile range. As opposed to doing a 20 miler with a rest day before and after, trying to fuel for the 20 the day before without going crazy, then trying to refuel the day of/after, also without going crazy.


                Damaris, don't be too surprised if you open your front door one of these cold days and there's a group of us there to take advantage of your 80 degree weather!


                Ginny, I have trouble coming back to work after a two-day weekend, so after four days, ugh, you have my sympathy.


                Big news for the day - we got an offer on the boat! It's not exactly a seller's market for big, expensive cruising sailboats, so we listed well under what we paid, and the offer is about $10k less than that. DH is going to look a little closer at it tonight and we will probably counter with another $4-5k. But at this point, we rarely use it (I think we went sailing twice last summer), we won't be able to move it when we go to Texas in a couple years, and we're paying a lot of money in boat payments and slip fees for something we hardly use. Boats like this can sit on the market for years, so getting an offer was a bit of a surprise since we only listed it in the fall. Will be very strange to be boatless, though, if this goes through.


                Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                Check out my website and youtube channel

                  I'm baaack!  I changed to AT&T U-verse at home and it is AWFUL!!!!!  I have to turn power down the computer, turn off the modem almost every time I want to get online.  I need to call their customer no service AGAIN and complain till they get it fixed.  So annoying.  So I don't get on very much form home lately.


                  Had a great 10K Saturday.  52:40, 1st in AG.  The awards were ceramic snowflake ornaments about 3" in diameter.  Nice.  Afterwards we ran down to the stadium for awards and a lame fitness expo.  10 miles total.  Ran 6 miles Sunday morning.  Had a wonderful weekend of sewing with a little house work thrown in.


                  We were off yesterday (love federal holidays!) but I went to the early power hour class as usual so I wouldn't miss my workout and did a little shopping.  Made some yummy scones for breakfast.   Yard work in the afternoon.  Cleaned up the leaves that collect in front of the doors and spruced up the plants.  Planted some pansies, Swiss Chard and arugula in the planters.  Green is better than dead.


                  Made it out of the warm bed for 6 miles this morning.  Had a nice run, glad I got out there.


                  Sounds like everyone had great runs this weekend.  Lisa Marie---be patient while you build your mileage base.


                  Good luck to the house hunters!  Might as well start early-- you may snag a deal and it will help you better define what you want.


                  Karen-- I would sell the boat.  You are paying alot of money for it to just sit there if you are not using it.


                  Have a great day!


                  Former Bad Ass

                    Anonymous, you're more than welcome.  You must also like cats because I have a ton of them. Big grin

                    Ginny, hoping the TM run goes well.

                    THM, enjoy the house hunting!



                    Former Bad Ass

                      Crazysue, congrats on the 10K!  AT&T Uverse sounds like a nightmare.


                        Ended up doing 6 miles on TM.


                        3min intervals with 2 min slower running in between so 6 miles in 1:02 which is pretty speedy for me!  Guess I can run 6.5 mph if it's only for 3 minutes at a time. LOL



                        Anonymous Guest

                          Congrats on 1st in AG, crazysue!


                          Hmm, some sort of strange way AirTran does accounting - it appears since I booked both of our (canceled) flights to the Bahamas, I can use the refund of both tickets for me. I had used miles for my ticket, which I have since switched to SW miles and used to book flights to IL in April. But if I can use DH's refund money, DWD Devil's Lake just became a much more likely event. I'm thinking a Southwest flight to Milwaukee (AirTran schedule is horrible that direction and I'd have to take vacation) on Friday afternoon, a rental car ($60 for the entire weekend) and then AirTran back to BWI on Sunday. This makes me happy.


                          Also, I looked at the results of the Bahamas Marathon and I wish I'd gone ahead and gone without DH - first in my AG was a 4:08! Flat course.....chances are I could have won my age group in a marathon!!!


                          Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                          Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                          Check out my website and youtube channel


                          Run to live; live to run

                            I did 11 today.  A good run.  Pilates later.


                            Sue nice award.  I will not switch to Uverse.  Most that did hate it


                            Karen nice to get an offer.  I'm glad I don't have to do budgets anymore for work


                            Ginny hope you stay warm!


                            Damaris have a great 13!


                            Amy it was low 40s here with feel like 36 when I ran.  My arm warmers helped!


                            Judy hope you didn't have to scrape the windows


                            Lisa burr!  You can keep the temps


                            Linda nice hiking pics



                              Got to work this morning and when I took off my gloves the middle finger on my right hand was completely numb!  On the underside it looked black and blue and the top yellowish....sounds like I now have Reynauds too!  Never had it before, ever!  I ran the other day in the cold and no symptoms...oh well, just another reason to not like winter!  When I came in from lunch, the same thing.


                              Sue...congrats on your race!  We don't have U-verse, but our internet connection is with AT&T, it shuts down all the time, very irritating, yesterday it shut down and redirected me to AT&T's site which told me it was because my account needed attention!  What the heck was that?  It came back all by itself a few hours later.


                              Karen...I am sure you would have won your AG had you been able to race!


                              Lisa...nice TM run!


                              Damaris....totally jealous of your weather, karen is right, we may show up on your doorstep.





                              6/8 Hatfield/McCoy Half, 8/18 lake Erie Shores and Islands Half, 9/21 Mighty Niagara Half Lewiston, NY, 10/7 Cleveland Rock & Roll Half 10/6 or Detroit Free Press 10/20, A Christmas Story 5 or 10K Cleveland 12/7, Santa Hustle Half Cedar Point 12/15



                                Fairly tropical here too! But the tropics would have to be dry. Santa Ana winds all weekend.


                                Linda, nice hiking pics! Where were you? And he kids look adorable.


                                Damaris, how many cats do you have?


                                Susan, definitely not switching to U-verse. We pay AT&T $37 a month for DSL only. Refuse to go to them for cell coverage, and they have a hard time comprehending that we neither have nor want TV or a land line.


                                Congratulations on the AG!


                                Karen, yes, you should have gone ahead and done the Bahamas! Oh well. Next year maybe. Congratulations on the possible boat sale, hope it goes through.


                                Camille, good luck finding the source of the smell. Such a nuisance when you don't know what is causing it let alone where it's coming from. Nice of you to babysit while the family was at a funeral.


                                Amy, that sounds like good running weather! Hope the house hunting goes well.


                                Ginny, it does sound bitter. Brrr. Stay warm.


                                Lisa, good job! Yes you can run that fast.


                                Marjorie, good work on the 11.


                                Judy, do you need a footstool to scrape the ice?


                                5.5 on Sunday. 15 on Monday because we had the day off, hot and windy. I also took DS biking both Sunday and Monday since he got a new helmet for Christmas. A whole big 2 miles each day. Sunday we made the mistake of parking at the east end of the bike trail, and we wound up going out with the wind and downhill. So coming back was not fun! Monday we parked further down and biked east, which made the return easier, but he discovered that biking can cause painful sit bones if you're not used  to it. Much complaining ensued.


                                4 this morning with running neighbour. We're getting ready for Calico. She's doing the 30K since she and her DH are doing Surf City the next weekend.


                                And getting more worried about my DH. It's been a while since he had a serious hypoglycemic episode. He had one yesterday morning. Seizure, loss of bladder control, no memory of it after he came out of it -- then he fell in the garage trying to get something out of the freezer and DS and I had a hard time getting him up. He was fine after he ate something, but I had to start the microwave because he couldn't remember how.


                                Yes I know I could have called 911, but I'm not feeling inclined to do that. He won't go see a doctor or change his ways, and he's not legally incompetent and I don't want to have to deal with his grumpiness and resentment if I call the paramedics and he winds up in the ER again. He's killing himself slowly and doesn't want to do what he needs to to help himself, and I am so tired of his expecting me to fix everything that goes wrong for him. He needs to take some responsibility or live (or die) with the consequences.


                                Sorry, I'm venting. I don't want to talk to my family about this situation, since their attitude is "just divorce him". There are several reasons why I haven't ended the marriage.  And DH won't listen. I wish DS didn't have to see his father deteriorate like this.
