Womens Running


(Over 40) Time to Deck the Halls Monday/Tuesday Christmas eve/day (Read 267 times)


Run to live; live to run



      But first... a little run.




        Planning to start my wrapping "marathon" soon and hoping my training keeps me from having to stop and walk. I've had my usual pre-race meal and am dressed to be warm enough in the beginning but able to remove layers as things warm up! I feel hydrated but will keep a water bottle near my scissors and tape. Just need a bathroom visit  and then off to the start!




        Mighty Mouse

          Mommymac, I hope you win! Big grin


          I'm about to go over to the track for a light, easy run. Smile Tomorrow I shall cross train at home.

          Happy runs, All!  :::HUGS:::

          Where is the "any" key?   




            Merry Christmas Eve!

            Thankfully, DD is finally better but still has a barking cough. Her DBF came yesterday and we plan a marathon cooking day today. I've made a simple coffee cake and have slutty brownies in the oven.We'll do our Christmas dinner tonight, then to my mom's tomorrow for a big lunch "dinner" and then to my late hubby's brothers for another meal.  Wow...need to do a few 20 milers to help get rid of those calories, but only plan to do at least half hour  run today. Wed-back to normal ,I hope.

            Hi Marjorie and Lisa!

            Carolyn, hope you finish your marathon happy and feeling successful. : )  I've done most of my wrapping.

            Judy, enjoy your day!


            Run to live; live to run

              I did 11.  I was kinda wanting to go even further but I did not


              Carolyn hahaha on the wrapping marathon


              Lisa hope it was  good run


              Tessa yes I did 14 or a litlle more every day last week.   I ended the week with 85 miles.  I was pleased.  My long run went very well yesterday so I'm even more pleased.  This will be one of my highest running months in many years.


              Judy have a great Christmas.


              Camille have great family time


                Just a quick note to send season's greetings to everyone!   Good luck with the last minute chores.  Today DH and I are taking a break from family commitments to do our own thing (late coffee, running, hanging our with our birds, opening presents) then up to Dad's house tomorrow for the family craziness (8 neices & nephews, 3 siblings & spouses, random visitors).  A busy day but always lots of fun.


                Enjoy Christmas, run if you're able, don't count calories until the 26th, and all the best to you and yours!

                6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                  Hi ladies-


                  We are in lovely upstate NY! We left NC on Saturday and drove up into PA, then came the rest of the way yesterday and were here by lunch time. There's a bit of snow on the ground, so the boys are loving it. I got out this morning for 3.7 miles with one of my old friends/teammates from high school. She and I try to get a run in together whenever I'm here. I could have gone farther, but my left shin is a bit twitchy and my foot is still a little tender where I turned it, so I'm trying to take it easy.


                  Marjorie - wow, 85 miles! I know your glad to have your mileage back up.


                  Camille - ok, I'm intrigued - what are slutty brownies?


                  Gatsby - enjoy your day with DH! It's crazy where we are - 6 kids (including my 3), 7 adults, and more coming.


                  Tessa - I know you must be glad to have DD home.


                  Lisa - enjoy the run. Have the eat-and-run inlaws already come?


                  Carolyn - good luck with the wrapping marathon. In a break with tradition, my mom actually has her wrapping done.


                  Judy - will you get to see DS for the holiday?


                  Lisa-Marie - I wear compression socks to help with my shin splints.


                  Off to grab a shower - there are at least 10 of us that need showers before church this evening. Merry Christmas all-



                  2017 Races: Turkey Strut 5K 11/23, Mistletoe Half Marathon 12/2

                  Anonymous Guest

                    No run for me today. I walked for 5 miles on the TM at 5-12% grade. 14:22 pace. Then baked some cookies, then rode my bike on the trainer for 45 minutes. Now relaxing a bit. Red beans and rice for dinner, then over to a friend's house for a Christmas Eve party.


                    We got some snow flurries this afternoon, but nothing that will stick, thank goodness. Supposed to be nicer tomorrow, so plan to get a run in in the afternoon.


                    Have a wonderful holiday, all!


                    Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                    Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                    Check out my website and youtube channel


                    Fire Jumper

                      Hello all!  Happy Christmas Eve!


                      Did a 1/2 hour on the TM today and then full-on weight training session with RB#1.  Wow, it was fun.  But, I think that I may regret the "full on" part by late morning, tomorrow.  We did pyramids on the leg press and I'm already feeling what tomorrow may be like.


                      Tomorrow, RB#1, my other best bud and I are cooking Christmas dinner at the recovery house (where AA, NA, etc meet).  It looks like lots of folks are going to come.  I'll let you know how it goes with the 3 amigos in the kitchen together.  We've never done this... so, let's hope for done turkey and tender roast!


                      It looks like Cindy and I are going to get to have coffee together on Wednesday.  Yipee!  I look forward to meeting another one of us face to face.  Hey, who knows.... I could start my own 50-stater thing.... FE's!!


                      Carolyn - I hope the wrapping marathon goes well!


                      Camille - I'm working hard to stay in front of those calories, myself.  I hope that your family dinners are all wonderful!


                      Marjorie... and 85 mile week... that's awesome.  I'm truly impressed by your dedication.


                      Gatsby - YAY for taking "down" time together.  I hope the big family dinner is only crazy on that wonderfully entertaining level!


                      Cindy - glad you made it to NY safely!  Let's hope the weather holds out so that I can get over the mountain!


                      Karen - Red beans and rice sounds yummy right now.  (a break from rich food)  We're getting a minor snow (2-4 inches) tonight & tomorrow.  But, I'm not complaining about a white Christmas.


                      HI Judy and Lisa!!


                      Have a wonderful evening!


                      5K's and Obstacle Runs

                      Goal for 2013:  10K


                      Icebreaker Challenge 5K, Girls on the Run 5K, Friehofer's Run for Women 5K, Hero Rush, Warrior Dash Florida, Warrior Dash Eastern NY, Turkey Trot,  Mud Mania, and yet-to-be-decided goal 10K.



                        I hit my 1400 mile mark, today.  Yea!!


                        Marjorie:  Shocked!!

                        IG profile @lindasig_runs

                        Headsweats Ambassador Discount Code  "LINDASIGRUNS"

                        Over 45 PR's:  5K - 21:21, Half - 1:39:49, Full - 3:33.47



                        Fire Jumper

                          Linda... I'm looking all over for the LIKE button... but can't find it!  Smile


                          WOOHOOO!!!  ~\0/~  1400 Miles!


                          5K's and Obstacle Runs

                          Goal for 2013:  10K


                          Icebreaker Challenge 5K, Girls on the Run 5K, Friehofer's Run for Women 5K, Hero Rush, Warrior Dash Florida, Warrior Dash Eastern NY, Turkey Trot,  Mud Mania, and yet-to-be-decided goal 10K.



                            Merry Christmas Ladies!


                            Hope everyone has a great day!  We had a wonderful Christmas with the family yesterday, today is "leftover/chill out/movie day" - I am planning my own "jingle jog" will head out to trail for a run, DB & DH are going and will walk the trails...


                            Julie - What a great way to spend Christmas by doing for others...bless you for that.


                            Linda - Great job on the 1400!!!


                            Marjorie - 85 miles.....Wow....you ARE back!!!


                            Carolyn - Hope you got all your "marathon" wrapping done...and didn't hit the wall :0


                            Camille - Slutty brownies....hmmmm, I think we need the recipe for that!


                            Gatsbybird - Sounds like a perfect "chilling out" day with DH, before the craziness!


                            Judy - Enjoy your cross-training day!


                            Cindy - Sounds like you are having a great holiday get together!


                            Lisa - Hope you have a great family time!


                            Karen - Enjoy your long run today!




                              Merry Christmas all!!  Up early like usual!  The troops will all be here around 3 this afternoon, lots of cooking to do.  Not too much pandemonium around here this morning, as it is just my DH and I, youngest son goes to work at 7 a.m.   the sticky buns I made last night are sitting on the kitchen counter calling my name and DH will make us our Christmas omelets later this morning, calories?  what calories?  It is Christmas, nothing has calories today!  I may go out for a short run this morning, really bad storm headed our way later today apparently.


                              I hope you all have a wonderful day, my running family....


                              Camille....slutty brownies?  Sounds like something I need to know how to make!


                              Morning Carol...we cross posted I think





                              6/8 Hatfield/McCoy Half, 8/18 lake Erie Shores and Islands Half, 9/21 Mighty Niagara Half Lewiston, NY, 10/7 Cleveland Rock & Roll Half 10/6 or Detroit Free Press 10/20, A Christmas Story 5 or 10K Cleveland 12/7, Santa Hustle Half Cedar Point 12/15


                                Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays!  I love the business and family get togethers!  It'll be 15 min again today. : ) So glad I did this family challenge.  We survived the cooking marathon-fun but tiring..  DD's fiance helped a lot. with cooking and cleanup.  .I'm impressed.

                                Ginny, love your philosophy on calories!

                                Cindy, enjoy the snow and coffee with Julie.

                                Marjorie, I have to say "wow!" to those miles!

                                Slutty brownies are easy-thus the name.  A layer of chocolate chip cookie dough (your recipe or a package of mix, topped by a layer of oreos, topped by a layer of brownies (your recipe or mix) and baked at brownie instruction temp and time. They are very rich and the brownie batter runs down between oreos. It's first time I made them, but dau does them ...sometimes with mint.  I also made a Texas sheet cake ( my favorite) and dd made another favorite... brownie pie.    You see a theme here?  Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate.... Smile    Thankfully, we take desserts to both families so they'll be out of here.
