Womens Running


Traveling Tuesday (DAILIES) (Read 20 times)

    Anyone traveling for end of summer vacation?


    Elina and I will be traveling to Chicago later today. She gets to see just how exciting it is to drive 4 hours across the small part of our state. I will continue to rein in my extrovert chatty Cathy self (some of you remember that doll). But I can swing both ways and introvert too.  Kind of comes with the territory of running many many hours alone.


    Oh and we visited Bertha.. turns out we didn't actually see Bertha but the toboggan hill in front of Bertha but by the time we had been told that we were already in the other B place.. The Beer Store (in Canada). LOL

    Hill we thought was Bertha behind us. Eh... we got the country right at least.


    And I will add that there comes that awkward moment when the border patrol agents ask "and how do you know her?" ... "well.. you see there is this thing called the world wide web and axe murderers and running" OR you just say "we both are runners" and they figure they don't want to know anything else and lord forbid you start talking to them about running. "Go on you're fine.." while thinking "please don't start telling me about places you have run together"


    Weather for North Country should be awesome. High of 75 on Saturday and 79 on Sunday! Will be sunny but we are almost 100% in tree cover so that helps.


    Elina-you can do whatever race strategy feels right and there is no "I told you so" that would come from my mouth ...with the exception of after you say "I did it and that was great! It was hard but not as hard as I thought and I had fun" ... then I will tell you "I told you so!"   You will enjoy the solitude of the woods after Chicago.




    WINE o'clock somewhere!

      Lisa, funny we posted nearly at the same time!!!  You two have a safe drive!  Enjoy Chicago.


      Elina, in college a group of us would drive up to Canada just to get beer as the legal age was lower.


      Yesterday was a little slice of hell at work because I was so busy.  My walk-ins were waiting for about 3-4 hours.  I just couldn't get ahead...


      More later.



      Kettle Moraine - June 2024

      Beast of Burden - August 2024

      Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

      Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



      Cupcake Connoisseur

        6.2 for me!


        Easy, short run. I like cut week this time around Smile Still hot and gross outside. Relief is coming this weekend thankfully. Probably won't last long but at least my bridal shower will benefit! Wink


        Work was so crazy yesterday. Remember a few months ago I had a branch that literally caught fire? Well, its reopening Monday and a tree company pulled up to the drive up ATM and thought they could make it in their large truck - nope, tore off the ceiling!!!! That was ontop of some other issues...hopefully today isn't as crazy!


        I have my colposcopy at 3....



        Run4kupcakes – YESSSS! Love soft serve with toppings! Sweet Frog!!


        Kilmisters – Aw, I am happy to hear you are having such a great time!! Interesting about the seats at the Arena! I did not know that! Enjoy Chicago!


        Lisa – Safe travels!!


        Kathryn – Sorry to hear about work yesterday! I hope today is a better day!!



        Oh, travels..no. A lot of people are at the beach next week and I AM SO JEALOUS!!! HCF and I haven't had a vacation in over a year!!! We are due. Hawaii is coming but not soon enough!!!


        Happy Tuesday!



        October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

        November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

        March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

        LC Runs



          4 yesterday and 3.5 today.  I took yesterday off but still had to run early because my DD had a dermatology appointment out of town.  DS had his first soccer game (away) so it worked out nicely because I could go to that, as well.  We had a nice weekend away, though a lot of driving and my back was spasming Sunday night and some of yesterday (I think the long car rides and then a bouncy boat ride Saturday attributed to that) - it feels fine today.


          So far behind I'm not even going to try and catch up LOL


          Lisa and Elina - have fun in Chicago!!


          Kat - I also went over to Canada as a college student to go to the bars - my DS, who is 19, went with a group of guys earlier this summer for the same reason.


          Lizzie - whoo hoo, it's almost wedding and honeymoon time!!  OMG that is crazy about the fire and now the tree...be prepared for one more disaster since they say it happens in 3's!!





            I was so disappointed I was at work when Lisa and Elina came over to Windsor. So excited when they posted selfies along the waterfront where I do most of my long runs and of course at Malden Park where Bertha is located. It's one hill but with different routes up.  They were standing in front of Toboggan Hill which I can only walk up. Behind it are the routes of Little Bertha which I can usually run and of  course Big Bertha the bitch. Big Bertha is where I did the 45 repeats 2 week's ago for the fatass event. There is also Woodchip Hill and Soapbox Hill plus some off route ways up it. It's all one hill and nothing like most of you are used to but it's all I've got..


            Rest day today as my legs are fried. Disappointed that I'm not losing the weight that I'd hoped being on this diet but I'm determined not to cheat. Yet. It's been 6 weeks and I've lost only 3 pounds (of course hubby lost 20 in first weeks. Wtaf). Sucks being old and menopausal.


            *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

             **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**


              3.5 this morning. Yay me!  It was a little cooler due to yesterday's storms.  Hip and hammy weren't awful so I will deem success!


              Kat--hope today is smoother. I can't imagine waiting at the vet for 3-4 hours.  The office staff would ask me to take my nutsy weimy girl home.  It's happened before.


              Elina and Lisa -- sounds like y'all are having quite the adventure! Enjoy!!


              Have a great Tuesday!!


              Former Bad Ass

                Morning!  I have the 7 miles I was supposed to run yesterday.


                Lisa, not traveling, although I'll be in Indy this weekend, lol.


                Elina, glad you are having an awesome time!


                Kat, hoping today's work day is better.


                Liz, nice run.  WTF is the matter at that place?  Bad luck?


                Laura, nice runs.


                Lori, boo work.


                Susan, nice run!



                Mighty Mouse

                  Lizzie, a similar thing to the roof being removed can be if there is not much room under a bridge and the road is resurfaced. That can take the top off a truck. 


                  DC called me last night. He had been doing some volunteer work at the library. When he got home he found a big dead limb had fallen onto the patio from one of his trees. It was from a tree that shades his patio. The trees are all huge old oaks. We sit right under that very branch. Thankfully we were not sitting there when it dropped!

                  :::thank you, Guardian Angel:::


                  45 minute TM run this morning. I had started the crock pot, so I was already warm by the time I started. Even with the ice it was hot running. Ick!


                  Happy exercise, All ! 

                  Where is the "any" key?   




                  Running with the Turtles

                    Is it only Tuesday?    5 easy miles this morning.  Weather was a bit muggier but I can't complain.    Prepping for another "fun" workout tomorrow morning... Younger DD had her middle school orientation yesterday and she got her locker all set up.  She was excited.  She has another orientation on Friday for the program she is in, COMPASS (Cultivating Opportunities and Multiple Pathways for Achieving Student Success).  That's a mouthful.    The learning is supposed to be more individualized and in a smaller group setting.


                    Lisa, wow, it looks like you are having a blast with Elina!  We are traveling to the Chicago area and the Wisconsin Dells for a few days next week.  That's the extent of our summer vacation.    Travel safe!


                    Kat, where did you go to college?


                    Liz, nice miles!  Glad you are getting some nicer weather!  We are supposed to have a high in the low 70's later this week.  Wow, never a boring day at work for you.    Good luck this afternoon.  I haven't had a vacation since last April.  But I do have a nice one coming up in October.  


                    Laura, nice running!  Glad your back is better.


                    Lori, it was nice to see photos of where you run.     Sorry the weight loss has been so difficult!  That is awesome that you are sticking with it though.  Hopefully there are other good effects besides weight loss.


                    Sue, yay for the successful run!


                    Damaris, enjoy the 7!


                    Judy, scary about the tree limb!


                    Elina, it certainly looks like you are having fun!



                    Anonymous Guest

                      I was about to say good morning, but by the time I finish this it will be afternoon. I ran 8 this morning, and will run another 4+ this evening during our group hill workout. At least I assume 4+ since it's 45 minutes. It should be a tiny bit less awful than last Tuesday night, probably still with a feels like in the 100s, but less so. It's shady, we go slow, it cools off as we run, it's miserable but not impossible. And it helps to have others there suffering with you.


                      Going through the HOA documents for the condo this morning. Dogs are allowed, whew. Renting it out is allowed, also whew. Some wishy washy wording on recreational vehicles, and I was worried DH was going to see that and want to back out (we'll be driving the van up there and using it as our only vehicle, and it can be considered an RV), but he's with me that the way they word it they mean big RVs, boats, etc. They don't want stuff just parked there, but using the van as our daily driver we should be okay. Any condo is going to be that way. Our current neighborhood is that way and we park it in the driveway on the weekends no problem. We may get rid of the Winnebago decals on it though, just to be safe. And glad we got one without the big Winnebago graphics on it (I refused to consider one with the graphics).


                      Travel? It's the first week of school here so I'm seeing everyone back from vacation and posting first day of school pics. We plan on going up to the condo after we close for a few days with some extra furnishings and to get it ready to rent out, then I'm going to Richmond in October. And planning on seeing the parents and family for Thanksgiving. DH isn't totally on board with that, but he will be.


                      Lisa and Elina, am loving following along with all the adventures. That does look like nice weather for North Country, i remember it being super hot the year I ran it. The tour of the hockey arena looked, well, kinda boring to me, but I could tell from all the pics posted that Elina was in heaven.


                      Kathryn, that sounds rough. The few times I've had to just walk in I knew it would be a wait. My dogs are kind of assholes in the waiting room though, so we generally get put in a room pretty fast. I had to get Riley an appointment on Saturday for his ear infection and shots so DH could be home with Huckles, and I was surprised how quickly I got in and out.


                      Liz, wow that branch has had some bad luck. Good to get the colposcopy done so you don't have to worry about it anymore.


                      Laura, sounds like a busy day off! I see your runs on Strava and am always jealous because I know you're running in nice weather. I'll get my turn in February and March though.


                      Lori, solidarity on how hard it is to lose weight with the whole menopause thing. It is so so frustrating. Hey, compared to where I run, your hills look positively mountainous.


                      Susan, I'd call that a successful run.


                      Damaris, enjoy the 7 tonight.


                      Judy, yikes on the tree branch. Glad you two weren't out there when it happened!


                      Cathy, enjoy those easy workouts, especially if you have a "fun" one tomorrow. I bet DD is excited! Hey, you can always complain about the weather!

                      Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                      Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                      Check out my website and youtube channel


                        Elina/Lisa - What fun adventures you are having!!!  Weather looks awesome for NCT!  Wish it could have worked out to meet/see you both Sad


                        Lori - I hear ya on the weight loss...seriously it is sooo hard


                        Liz - Good luck on your Colposcopy!


                        Laura - was in WB yesterday...longest day ever..several times I had the WTH am I doing here thought .   Ugh, on the back...hope it is better!


                        Damarias - Can’t wait to hear about Indy!


                        Susan - Yay you!


                        Cathy - Which marathon are you running?


                        Karen - Did you decide on a PT job???


                        Judy - Nice run!!!


                        has been a busy week or so, been consistently running.  Am doing a 5k Friday night and then a hilly 10 mile race Saturday.




                        WINE o'clock somewhere!

                          The 3-4 hour wait was only for folks without appointments.  It usually isn't THAT long.  Unless the walk-in is urgent, the appointments are given priority.


                          Cathy,  my freshman year of undergrad was at Rochester Institute of Technology.  We were about 90 min from Niagara Falls.  Beer and the falls, score.  I graduated from Syracuse though.


                          OK, back to work.



                          Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                          Beast of Burden - August 2024

                          Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                          Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024


                          LC Runs

                            Lori - so frustrating on the weight loss, especially when men do the same thing and lost 3x as fast   Hang in there!!


                            Sue - nice run, glad the hip/hammy are feeling better!


                            Hi Damaris!  Have a good 7 later!


                            Judy - wow, that is scary about the tree limb falling, so glad you and DC were not there!


                            Cathy - oh, your vacation sounds fun, I have never been to the Dells.  Glad DD is excited for middle school!!


                            Karen - glad things are working out with the condo!!  Yes, I will be very jealous of your weather this winter!


                            Carol - my friend that started at the Mio clinic has already quit!  She said she couldn't make ends meet with the low salary and also that there was some 'office politics' she didn't like.  I think she made it two weeks!


                            Hi Kat!


                            Cupcake Connoisseur

                              Colposcopy went..uhm, I passed out. Ugh. All was fine until she was describing things to me and said the word "mustard" in a sentence. I lost it. Plus the biopsy's got me - they did 3. I started sweating, nauseous and went white as a ghost - all the while I was spread eagle! LOL. The nurses were great - fanning me and bringing me water. I was taking the water and pouring it on myself just to cool off. Its done. Have to go back in 2 weeks for results. Why can't they just call? $$$



                              Laura – Nice miles! Glad your back is feeling better. Can you drink under the age of 21 in Canada?!?! I never knew this. I don’t want ever want to adult!


                              Lori – Oh man, that is too bad about missing Elina and Lisa. Ugh, men lose weight so easily! At least you are losing and not gaining! There is that 😊. And good for you for sticking with it. That is how results happen! I weighed in this morning and have lost 2lbs in 2 weeks – I was almost going to give myself a hard time for it not being more..but I turned it around and was glad I was seeing some sort of progress!


                              Susan – Yay! Great run today!


                              Docket – Good luck on the 7! Yes, this branch must be cursed haha.


                              Judy – Yes! Exactly! This guy should have known better. That was close regarding the limb! Glad you weren’t sitting there! Nice run today. I keep seeing pumpkin stuff everywhere, that is a sign that cooler weather is coming!!


                              Cathy – Nice run this morning! I was thinking the same thing earlier – only Tuesday? Aw, I am sure DD is really excited! She is one smart cookie 😊. Wish they had that sort of stuff when I was in school. Though, I guess I got some individualized learning when I was in “in school suspension” 😉. We invited several people from Milwaukee – and they all are coming!! I couldn’t believe it 😊. BTW – we saw your note. HCF laughed 😊


                              Karen – Nice run this morning. Good luck in the heat later today. I think any neighborhood says that about RV’s – or most. Your van should be fine. Laughing out loud at visiting your parents and getting DH on board 😊. Hey, you visited his mom this spring so its only fair.


                              Carol – Woohoo on the races!! Did you ever decide on something for Fall?


                              OH YEAH, Karen!! The part time job!! Did you ever decide on that??



                              October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                              November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                              March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2



                                Lizzie... how scary. I'm glad you're ok. Do you not like mustard? :/


                                *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                                 **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**

