Womens Running




    Hi girls, happy Hottie Thursday!  Sorry I'm just popping in...Mr. N managed to wind up with a concussion from his THIRD day of HS wrestling practice last night, and woke up with pretty bad pain in his head and loss of hearing in his right ear, so after school this morning (class is 7-8:20), I took him over to the doctor's office...then brought him back home and headed into work.  Phew!  I'm ready for a nap!


    Waves and hugs to all!


      Hey, folks-- I don't have time to post, but I wanted to say I'm thinking of all of you and grateful for the support you've shown me in the loss of my granddad.  Hope you all have a wonderful day!


        Morning Ladies!


        GSD- I'm glad you found an activity for you and M to get out and do. The acquarium sounds like fun. Have you tried your local library too? Ours has an afternoon story time once a week for kids. I'm not sure if M is the right age for something like that but its another thought.


        MA- Glad your belly isnt burning today. It sounds so unpleasant!


        Jewel- *hugs* Sorry you're having a bad week. I don't blame you for not wanting someone to smoke inside.


        lizo- Glad you're feeling better!


        cara- I agree, morning runs are relaxing. If only I could be more motivated to consistently get up and do them...... Hope you can find something to make you busy at work today. I hate jsut sitting around at work (what I'm doing right now) it makes the day so slow!!


        mel- I know exactly how you feel. After I dropped out of my 50k last year, I was so down for a while about it. *hugs* most of us have been there and we're here for you. I really don't blame you for dropping out.  I would have been freaking out with all those jelly fish. I hope you feel better soon.


        owr- I can sympathize with the cats making noise. One of our cats jumped into the MIDDLE of the Christmas tree last night knocking down a ton of ornaments and almost pulling down the tree. I went into the dining room (at 2am after being woken up) to find said cat getting ready for a second jump. She was on the table and was mid air when I caughter her. Stupid animals!!!


        monk- I'm sorry your family has been sick. Hope everyone is 100% soon.


        RLTW- Sorry about the long wait at the hospital but I'm so happy you're getting help. Tons of good DIVA vibes to you today.


        NC- I could never work from home. I'd always been distracted.


        Nai- I'm sorry about N. THat's awful. COncussions are NO fun.


        Pumpkin- *hugs*


          Morning ladies!!


          I haven't been around much because I've been so busy and haven't been working out much so I feel like a poser! I AM going to do some kind of workout today, TM run, or elliptical or outside if the rain is bearable. And probably some ST with a friend tonight.


          But! I wanted to share my news!! I know lots of you have seen on FB, but DBF and I got engaged over the Thanksgiving weekend!!!!!!!!!! I was so shocked, and it was so perfect. We went out on the rim overlooking Sedona (where we spent our first weekend "together" over 3 years ago camping) to watch the sunset. Two of our friends were there, and we saw their engagement last NYE, so the husband knew what my now DF was going to do and took pictures for us. I cried. My DF had asked my parents the week before, so they already knew. It was amazing!! My ring is at the jewelers now getting re-sized. We haven't hardly talked about the wedding, I just want to know when so we can relax. I think this weekend we'll chat.


          Anyway. I'll get on for personals soon, my work is slowed down a bit today. Thanks for all your wonderful FB comments though!! I'm SO SO SO happy Big grin




            RR: 3.1 last night with the dogs. It was a perfect night for a run. The moon was so big and bright and tons of people had their Christmas lights up. My hip however was bothersome so I cut it at 3.1 (was supposed to be 5). I'm taking off today. I'm really trying to take it easy on my hips until race day on the 9th.


            NRR: DH is at his appointment as I type this. My stomach is in knots. I really hope we get some kind of answer or direction today. We're going into our 16th month of TTC and I just can't take any more road blocks. Lately I've just been imagining our lives without kids and its made things easier for me. I'm trying to think of kids as an added bonus instead of something we "must" have or are "supposed" to have. I'm trying to just focus on all the good things that we do have, our health our family and the things we enjuoy in life. If I find out anything, I'll probably share on the FB page.


              xposted with blue- Congratulations!! Your pics on FB were amazing. It looked like a truly special moment!!!


                Pumpkin- I've been thinking of you and hoping that you're doing ok during this difficult time. Sending lots of hugs your way. 


                bluefish- Huge congrats again! I love the pictures, what a beautiful place to get engaged!!! 


                Nai- So sorry about N getting concussed! Hope he feels better soon. 


                Tex- Well obviously I'm not doing well with the "not being distracted" bit! haha. I hope there is good news from your DH's appt, please update us!

                Humboldt Redwoods Half Marathon 10.20.2013 

                Tiburon by the Bay Half Marathon 11.3.2013 (My Birthday!) 

                Napa Valley Full Marathon 3.2.2013



                Half: 1:48

                Full: 4:34



                  Quick pop-in for me and I'm late to the party! 


                  RR: Didn't get to do my ST last night since I got home so freakin' late from work. So I just ran 2 miles + did upper body ST this morning. 


                  NRR: Since yesterday was deadline day and I had such a late night, today is just a (hopefully) short staff meeting this afternoon. The rest of the day is for working out, laundry, and grocery shopping. Maybe a few other errands. But it means now that I got the working out done,  I need to get my rear in gear and do everything else!


                  No time for personals, but thinking of everyone!!! Big grin


                    Nai: Eww, sorry to hear about N and repercussions over wrestling. I have a friend that lives to wrestle, coaches, man the olympic team (alternate). I know the pains that go on. I am amazed how they adjust.


                    Pface: Hola! Miss you! Thinking of you. Grandpa's are hard to lose. *hugs* Hope everything else is going well.


                    tex: Hope the hip feels better soon. The moon last night was awesome!


                    Blue: Congrats! So happy for you and now DF Smile 


                       Q: Has anyone been in contact with Kitty? I know life gets busy but she been on my mind the last couple of days. 


                        Hi girls! Happy Friday eve!!!


                        RR: Ummm still nothing. I am pretty much chalking this up to a recovery week! 


                        NRR: Still bored, bored, bored at work but DP and I are going to get a lot of stuff done this weekend! We want to do a lot of reorganizing and start painting the rooms in the house we haven't gotten to yet. It's gonna be crappy weather this weekend so seems to be a good time! I'm excited to get the walls painted (in "coastal cool" colors) and start hanging stuff up, finally! I moved in 4+ months ago and there isn't much on the walls at all! 


                        Nai - So sorry to hear about N's concussion!!! 


                        Pumpkin - I must be on another planet, I didn't know about your loss! I'm so terribly sorry, girl. Hugs and warm thoughts to you and yours. 


                        RLTW - Hope everything goes well at the hospital!!!


                        Bluefish - CONGRATS!!!!! Such exciting news!


                        TX - Hugs to you!!! I went through almost 2 years of TTC heartache, I know it's hard. I finally ended up making peace with it, but am keeping adoption as an idea in the back of my mind for down the road when we're a little more settled in. 


                        Work calls - I'll try to post again later!

                        San Francisco Marathon (Worth the Hurt™), June 16

                        Napa Valley Inline Marathon, July 14


                           Q: Has anyone been in contact with Kitty? I know life gets busy but she been on my mind the last couple of days. 


                          I emailed her earlier this week, she said hello and she's very busy these days! She and her DW are getting ready to take a nice vacation in a few weeks down to Naples. I gave her the link to our new forum and she said she'd try to stop by!

                          San Francisco Marathon (Worth the Hurt™), June 16

                          Napa Valley Inline Marathon, July 14


                            Kitty-related: Did they ever get more dogs? Losing both their dogs like that was so sad...


                              Personals! Big grin


                              Athena – Enjoy the recovery week!  Sorry that you are bored at work, likewise!  I have been about ready to rip my hair out the past several days.  Fortunately, my afternoon is looking to be at least a little busier.  It sounds like you and DP have some fun, productive plans for the weekend!


                              Lucy – Sorry that you had such a late night at the office, last night.  Yuck.  Although, good to hear you were able to get in a workout this morning!  I hope you are able to get your grocery shopping done; I am always scared to go to the grocery store during the week…


                              Tex – Keeping you and your DH in my thoughts.  It does help to reframe one’s thinking most definitely.  I am keeping my fingers crossed for good news!  Glad to hear you had such a good run last night!


                              Bluefish – CONGRATULATIONS!  Such awesome news!  It sounds like a fantastic story.  Glad to hear you are SO, SO, SO happy!

                              Pumpkin – ((Hugs)) to you, lady.  Keeping you in my thoughts.


                              Nai – Sorry to hear about Mr. N’s concussion.  That is some scary stuff!  Yikes!  I hope he gets to feeling better soon.  What did the doctor’s say?


                              Meli – ((Hugs)) to you, lady.  I agree with OWR.  Let yourself be upset.  But, your training will not go to waste at all.  Sorry that you had to go to Urgent Care, though.  Blech.  Take it one day at a time; you will get back into a normal routine before you know it.  Thinking of you, dear!


                              OWR – Great to get your baking done, and such last night!  I agree – I get irritated by the time I am at work.  This morning I was all relaxed, enjoying my coffee; then, I had to start working.  Boo.  Glad to hear you are busy at work right now!


                              Monk – Good to hear that your household is on the mend.  Those bugs really can take the life out of a person.  Yuck.  I am jealous of your clean kitchen.  Ours needs a mopping, horribly; but, I run out of gas on the weekends lately it seems.  One of these days, we will have an excuse to get things cleaned up!


                              RLTW – Sorry about another rough night for you.  It does sound like Dr. Hottie is the best of the best, though, and that you are in good hands.  I hope you are able to get some relief, and soon.  Keeping you in my thoughts!


                              Norcal – I hope you enjoy the working from home today!  I would be entirely too distracted at my house…  I can relate to the not feeling very motivated.  Or, it is that I am feeling motivated but have not been able to get my body to function properly.  The heart is willing, but the flesh is weak I guess?


                                Kitty-related: Did they ever get more dogs? Losing both their dogs like that was so sad...


                                Wow, I have been out of the loop so long - I did not know this.  Cry  How awful. Sad
