Womens Running


Crazy Weather TUESDAYS (DAILIES) (Read 17 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur

    60 degrees this morning...will be high in the 30's by 6pm.



    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


    Cupcake Connoisseur

      5+ for me this morning!


      Good run except I overdressed. It was around 59 and raining so I put on capris and a short sleeve..should have stuck with the first thought - shorts! Oh well at least it wasn't a long run. I have one more run tomorrow and then its rest mode!


      Busy day ahead..hope that means it will fly by! I need to clean at somepoint..waiting on my new mop.



      Docket – I love that marathon picture! You look great and happy 😊


      Karen – AWESOME news on the pacer! Your weather sounds like ours – you are going to have some great long runs.


      Tessa – Nice miles yesterday. Wow, brush fire? Be careful! LOL at your comment to Damaris!


      Run4kupcakes – My brother always says..MD drivers no survivors 😉.



      Happy Tuesday!



      October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

      November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

      March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

        Once again woke up too early today and couldn't get back to sleep.    SRD, just having coffee.


        Lizzie, yikes that's a big drop in temps but 30s sounds great for running.


        Damaris, I agree, that's a nice pic from Indy.  You're smiling!


        Tessa, sorry to hear the fires are still a problem there.  We're okay up here for now, but that could change in an instant.  Still no rain in sight.


        Lisa, if the lottery gods are drunk and my single, measly ticket does get picked for WS, I'd back out of Miwok and let someone else in the RC take the spot.  Much easier to get into Miwok than States.


        Karen, lol at getting cropped out of your runner's pic.  That is a nice pic of her.  And your arm and foot.  Glad your pacer situation got sorted out.


        Sandy, yes I did figure out the FB thing--couldn't do it on my phone but saw on my laptop that I could make certain people acquaintances.  A few people are now in that category (no one here, I promise!).  But if ya'll don't think you're seeing enough bird pics, just let me know.  


        Turtles, geez that's some cold weather.  Seems a bit early in the season for it?


        Regular work day for me, heading into the office around 6:30 am.  Have a great day!

        5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

        7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

        9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


        Cupcake Connoisseur

          Margaret - I have had the option to sleep in a bit in the mornings since I am not running as long, but I am always up too early and can't go back to sleep. I feel your pain! Have a great day at work Smile



          October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

          November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

          March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

            I'm back!!!  Last week's training was SO busy!!  I barely had time to breathe, and only got to run once while I was gone.


            My allergies are haywire with all this wind.  Opted to stay in this morning.  Really blowing and supposed to freeze tonight.  Here! Really early for cold weather here.  We brought most of the plants in last night, just trying to decide what to do with the papaya trees--they are too big to bring inside. Will wrap them up, I guess. We did drag them up under the porch next to the house -- hopefully that will help too.


            DH was supposed to sail today, but seas are too rough.  Now they are sailing at 2pm tomorrow.


            OMG I have SO much to do at work today!!!  Better get busy.

            LC Runs

              Good Morning!


              3 TM miles this morning....weight workout yesterday.  Super cold and snowy here, ugh, way too early for this weather!


              Lizzie - nice rainy run.  Enjoy your busy day!


              Margaret - enjoy your SRD.  6:30 is early to start work (I go in at 7:30 and am still half asleep LOL)


              Sue - welcome back!


              Former Bad Ass

                Morning!  It snowed yesterday and it was 11F feels like -3F when I left the house this morning.  My lungs have never been happier frankly.  RD.


                Liz, hope you enjoy that cold front.


                Margaret, enjoy the office.


                Susan, hoping your allergies feel better.


                Laura, nice job on the workouts.




                  Margaret could you post your kettle bell routine?  I desperately need to strengthen my back and core.  Thanks.

                    It's a winter wonderland here. I believe officially was 8 inches of snow at the airport. I measured 10 inches on the back patio table. Had gear all ready for a morning snowglobe run but DD flew in from Miami last night. Got a call at 2am that car rental may be out of cars so I was up and in the car to pick her up. Then they might have cars but she had to wait 30 minutes. I sat in the somewhat plowed out area I could find to wait for final call. She got a car so back to the condo. By time I was back in bed it was 3:45 so that did not make a morning run a very good idea. It's gorgeous out and 19 degrees. Not getting warmer than 35 for the remainder of the week so there will be other snow runs. Will likely go to Zumba and Butts/Guts tonight (1 hour and 30 minutes total) as I need some cardio.



                    Lizzie-I'm surprised that capris to shorts make that much of a difference but it must. LOL Excited for your first marathon as a Peacock!


                    Margaret-and how does BH fit into either race schedules? LOL We love it when you flip birds our way.. pictures that is.


                    Sue-the wind really kicks things up!


                    Laura-I imagine that you had even more snow than us down here. It's pretty as in pretty early in the season! I prefer to be transitioned a bit more into it but holiday sales should go up.


                    Damaris-It's beautiful out there! Hope you get to enjoy some snowy runs or even just going out for walks in the snow.


                    Oh and on my new profile pic that is directed at myself. I care that YOU do ultras and run. Just not making it as big of a deal about myself. The shirts and hats are pretty funny. Just like the Slow As AF stuff but like I need more hats and shirts? HA! I do like this and would totally get it when I finish a 100 miler instead of standard 100 mile decal





                      Nothing for me today. Except return to work. I was laid off last week.

                      I'm not feeling so wonderful today. I think mental stress caught up with me physically. I may be catching cold. Hopefully it will pass quickly.

                      Lots of snow yesterday. About 10 inches. Hubby had to clear the steps for Gus. Gus is too old and short to be confident going down them in the snow. Hopefully I can use my cross country skis before it all melts. Because it melts as quickly as it falls here usually. We are the Banana Belt of Canada for a reason.  Just not attempting skiing today. Maybe tomorrow? Tomorrow I booked a day off as it will be my birthday and maybe I can at least do that besides the doctor appointment that I've scheduled. Fun stuff those appointments. not.  But I've put it off too long.


                      *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                       **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                        No real crazy weather here.  Just cold cold and more cold.  3* this morning so, NOPE, not running in that.  Went to Sculpt instead.  Will suck it up and run in the teens tomorrow and Thursday.  I would LOVE me some 60*!!  At least there is no snow, yet, so there's that.  And it's sunny.  But, honestly, I'd rather have it overcast and warmer - that's what November is supposed to be around here.  Ah well.  Nothing exciting going on today.  Just workin' for the weekend!


                        Cathy - dang that sucks you are getting the cold AND snow!!  Good thing you like that dreadmill enough LOL.  Awesome job getting in that long run outside on Sunday!  That wind was rough.  Has DD started volleyball?  Or, what's next for her?  How is DD1s mouth doing?


                        Lori - good job on the weights baby or not haha.  Gotta start somewhere!!


                        Liz - shorts until 40*   Yep, ready for the move.  Been staring at these boxes in my living room for almost 2 weeks now.  And, I'm starting to miss some of the things that have been packed haha.  For some reason I thought Thanksgiving was your favorite holiday.  Sorry for having to compromise on Christmas.  Can your family do it a different day?  Or, is that your point - you want to keep your family tradition?  My family always did Christmas Eve which never seemed to conflict with my sisters' in-laws.  But, there were years Bis fam didn't come down - specifically the year my nephew was born (Dec 30th) but we always knew we could go to my parent's.  I guess I'm probably just not super sentimental go figure haha.  Hopefully it all works out in your favor.


                        Damaris - enjoy that rest and recovery!  A massage sounds lovely.  What a great pic!  I love that you are smiling.  That's great the cold weather is so agreeable with your lungs!  How was the drive in the snow?


                        Karen - hooray for pacers!  I'm excited!  Let's hope this cold snap kicks it a bit by then, however haha.  Awww glad your boys were so good at the dog park!!  I'm looking forward to meeting them.  Hey, thanks for remembering I read that book!  LOL.  I returned it.  On to The Whisper Man which I think came for you or Cathy as well.


                        Tessa - yep, kit kat will be fine.  And, YES!  He will have SO much investigating to do!  Yes, the only time he gets in the carrier and car is to go to the vet which (bad cat mom) is only when he's sick.  Yikes on the brush fire!  Stay safe out there.


                        Margaret - oof on the early wake ups.  And, on rest days no less!  But, I selfishly am enjoying your extra posting   Glad you figured out the FB thing!!  I was wondering if you had to be on the computer as opposed to phone.  Yeah, don't ice me out - I LOVE the funny bird pics!!  Western States.  Wowzers!!  You are a freakin rock star for even considering it.  Crossing my fingers for you!!


                        Sue - welcome back!  Sorry for the allergies.  Hope the papaya trees survive the freeze!!


                        Laura - yep, WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too early for this weather.  But, ugh, you got the snow, too.  Nice job hopping on the dreadmill!  It's pretty easy to stay in a nice warm bed these days.


                        Lisa - ooof, that's a lot of snow!  We are supposed to get to almost 40* this weekend and I'm pumped for that haha.  Awww, shoot, sorry for the wake up that was not needed at the end.  What a good mama bear!  Welcome home to DD.  Is this the one bringing you a grandbaby?


                        Off to get some work done.  Later, peeps!!


                        WINE o'clock somewhere!

                          Lizzie, I looked at your sig line and was like, why rest mode, the race is the 16th...  DOH, that is THIS WEEKEND!!  WAHOO!


                          Margaret, congrats on Miwok!!!  Agreed on taking WS over it though if the drunk gods align.  That would be coooool.


                          Sue, enjoy your extra night with DH.


                          Laura, nice miles and weights.


                          Damaris, do tell, how was driving in snow???  Had you ever driven in it before??  Glad you are enjoying it!!


                          HI Diane!!


                          Lisa, what a pain for your DD.  Glad it got sorted out, but sorry you lost your ice cold snow globe run over it.


                          32 degrees here now.  Warmed up from 30.  Heat wave.  Went to work yesterday and it was 70, left and it was around 40-45.  Uh, no.


                          I have been struggling the last few days at work.  I had a super hard case come in and I felt over my head in it, and it later died on the next shift with my boss.  Really was sad and stressful.  But the one tech who gets difficult at times was a major PITA and made life Sunday terrible and in my opinion compromised patient care.  My boss came in and we started taking about something else, but veered onto the tech.  Apparently I am not the only one with issues.  I felt really bad ratting him out.  I didn't want to get him into trouble because I really do like him and also he is going to make things uncomfortable and difficult, which is exactly what happened after he got talked to.  Sigh.  Tons of tension in the clinic...  And lots around me.  Doesn't make me happy.   AND, I was not being a DIVA about anything, for once....   I am at the point where I don't want to be a doctor, think I am terrible at it, and am very stressed/unhappy.  (No, another clinic wouldn't make a difference, it is just a phase.  Well, I ALWAYS feel that way to be honest, but not to this level.  I was in tears yesterday over it.)  Point blank, I don't have the confidence for medicine.  Never have.


                          No running, haven't found the enthusiasm.  Plus it is way too damn cold out.  Screw that.


                          Oh yeah, my fence blew down a few weeks ago, right.  Well, I picked it up and had it leaning against a metal couch frame.  Got home last night and it was back up in place.  WTF???  I think the strong winds we had might have blown it the opposite way.  Now it is leaning towards the neighbors ever so slightly.  Strange.  Contractors come Friday for an estimate.


                          Enough whining,,,  Crossing my fingers for work.



                          Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                          Beast of Burden - August 2024

                          Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                          Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



                          WINE o'clock somewhere!

                            Cross posted...


                            Lori, 10" is too much.  What kind of dog is Gus?


                            Sandy, I think I forgot to weigh in on kitkat.  Go to the pet store and get a small bottle of Feliway.  (Comfort Zone.)   Spray a little in the carrier and let it dry, then pop him in for the car ride.  If he loves a soft toy, you can soak it in Feliway too and let it dry, pop it into the kennel.  It isn't going to FIX the problem, but it might lessen the anxiety some.  You can spray some in the house too the first day.  It is a calming pheromone.  Don't know if Shorty Shorts (aka, Tessa) has ever tried it, but it can help a little.  There is a slight odor to it, but I don't find it offensive at all.  Good luck.

                            Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                            Beast of Burden - August 2024

                            Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                            Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024


                            Anonymous Guest

                              Lazy morning here. It's cold and really windy, so I didn't feel the need to rush out to get my run in. The cold is good, the wind less so. I finally got my butt up to put on warm running clothes and glanced at my Garmin, which was down to 19%. That ain't gonna make it 3-4 hours. So I plugged it in and will wait a bit until it's at least over 50%.


                              I did talk to my property manager guy this morning and he says the condo is going to go live for rentals either this afternoon or tomorrow. Just doing some last minute testing on his website!


                              Liz, yes, sounds like the front that came here yesterday evening is going to hit you today. We had a 20 degree drop in an hour. Dude, you are so excited about this new mop, IS THIS WHAT MARRIED LIFE HAS DONE TO YOU ALREADY?


                              Margaret, don't like that you keep waking up so early, but do like seeing you around here more!


                              Susan, welcome home! I saw we're supposed to get down to 27 overnight tonight. Don't usually see that until January!


                              Laura, Damaris, Lisa, Sandy, Cathy.....all you midwesterners stay warm and dry! Canadians too!


                              Kathryn, that sounds super stressful and anxiety producing. I wish I could offer you more than sympathy. Or empathy....I always get those mixed up.


                              Our water softener for the house is giving error messages so I have a guy from the manufacturer helping me troubleshoot via email. I see he just emailed the next thing to check, so off to the garage I go.

                              Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                              Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                              Check out my website and youtube channel


                              Running with the Turtles

                                Crazy weather indeed, about 5 degrees here with -15 wind chill.  But it should get up into the teens later today.  I guess the benefit of it being colder is less snow.  And I put my electric blanket on the bed.  It's nice to get into a cozy warm bed.    About 8.5 miles this morning with my pal the TM, 8x800m intervals with 45 second recovery.  45 seconds never went by so fast.  


                                Liz, I just about fell over when I saw it was 60 degrees there this morning!    Yay for the taper.  I got the text alerts set up on my phone for your race!  Mrs. Peacock!     I hope you get your mop soon.    Well, DD is excited about getting a Swiffer.  


                                Margaret, I worked late last night so I could have run in the morning after dropping DD off at her bus stop.  But I woke up at my usual time, so I just ran at 4:30 AM!    It's getting harder and harder for me to sleep in.  I am with Sandy, I am impressed that you would consider WS!


                                Sue, welcome back!  That sounds really cold for you for this time of year.


                                Laura, it is way too early for this weather.  But I suppose we did have warnings that it would be an extra cold winter.  


                                Damaris, glad you are happy with the weather!  That is awesome pic!


                                Lisa, haha, I like the new pic!    You are a good mom.


                                Lori, I hope that you feel better.  That is a lot of snow!  I hope the appt goes well.


                                Sandy, this weather is crazy.    Well, for us it's 20-30 degrees colder than normal for this time of year.  Besides the snow on Halloween...  Well, DD is now interested in a VB "mini" club.  It's not a club that she would have to tryout for and their schedule is not as busy.  It doesn't start until Jan though.  I think most of the VB leagues take a break around this time of year for the holidays.  Makes sense, with multiple practices a week and tournaments weekly, it gets busy!  I think DH already signed her up for spring soccer.  That usually starts in April.  Yeah, most of the time there is still snow on the ground.  DD1's mouth is doing fine.    The procedure for bringing her teeth down into place seems to be going well.  Her next appt is on the 26th.  Haha, yes, I think you read How to Walk Away right after I did!


                                Kat, I am sorry about the work struggles.  Your job is stressful.  I don't think you are terrible at it though, I would want you to be my pet's doctor.  You have compassion and I know that you would do your absolute best.  Hugs!  That is really strange about the fence!


                                Karen, yes, you must charge your Garmin.  Nothing really happened unless the Garmin records it.     These cold fronts are crazy, I can feel the temps dropping.  Haha, I was laughing about Liz's mop also.  Hope you figure out the water softener issue!


