Womens Running


Happy 2013! (over 40) (Read 198 times)


    Crazysue - It is a HIM here in Michigan.  There is an IM/HIM - last year was first year for it, and it got pretty good reviews.....Are you considering another HIM???  I love clearing out/cleaning up the house as well.  I have cleaned some closets and drawers over the past few days Smile


    LCruns - Congrats on 2nd place in AG from Saturday!!!  There were more runners there than I thought.


    Vicki - Good luck on WW and the 15#'s!!!  I saw they changed the program again, I would be curious to see what is different.  My Newtons are Distance U.


    Gatsbybird - 50k WTG!!!


    Went to PF with DH, did some cardio on bike/weights/then ran a couple of miles on DM with my new Newtons....got to say I loved 'em.  The felt very light and flexible.....





      Happy New Year everyone!


      Julie, nice work on the Frostbite 5, hope your tailbone heals quickly. Um, yes, anime conventions have been a part of our lives for some time, ever since DD got interested in anime in 6th grade. You should have seen her 13th birthday party, when we took the whole mob down to a fairly small convention.

      Me, to ticket person: Hi, we have a fairly large group here.

      TP: Oh?

      Me: Yes. One fifteen-year-old, six fourteen-year-olds, four thirteen-year-olds, one ten-year-old --

      TP: [look of horror]

      Me: And two parents-in-tow who will be staying.

      TP: [look of profound relief]

      I got quite good at finding a place to sit in the lobby of whichever hotel or convention center it was with a book or some sewing and being the anchor person, providing a meeting place, bag check, occasional costume repair, and words of wisdom such as "don't spend your money as soon as you get into the vendor area, look at everything and then decide what you want to buy".


      Carol, I've heard good things about MFP, I do WW but I get that for free since I'm lifetime. Newtons? Envious. I like the looks of them and how they feel but I don't like their price tag!


      Camille, not sure what key does that and I certainly don't want to experiment. But if you find out, let me know please! (I have done that too.)


      It will be resolutioners day tomorrow at the gym, I'm sure. Today there were more people than usual out walking, many with dogs (who are probably thrilled that their owners are taking them out).


      What happened that caused you to be worried about your safety? Trust your instincts.


      Miles for 2012: 3542. Hoping to beat that for 2013. I did 14.1 this morning so off to a good start.


      Marjorie, when you do an epsom soak, do you use hot or cold water or just warm? I bought epsom salts but am not sure how best to use them.


      Laura, hope you had a good run. I think we will all be back on TM tomorrow.


      Susan, glad you had a good run also, enjoy the class. Envious on your having the tree down. Ours is still up.


      I am not a big fan of mystery quilts, I like to know how it's going to look before I put it together.


      Carolyn, I beat even you...in bed at 9 PM. DS and DH stayed up, and DD was out with a friend, but I was too tired to stay up. (Yes there was wine involved.)


      Vicki, good for you on WW, they are probably the best of the plans out there. And something you can do for the rest of your life rather than buy their food forever.


      Gatsbybird, any possibility of Shadow of the Giants rather than Big Basin? Straight shot across to 99 and then up 41 from Fresno to Fish Camp, it's not that far...June 1st. Gorgeous race. You could do it, it's not technically challenging and the time limits aren't strictly enforced. Baz is happy to have runners and is laid back and flexible.


      Lisa, thanks for sharing what Susan has done so far for Karnel's event. Not sure what I'm going to do but will definitely do something.


      Fig Newtons? Not my favourite cookie, but if that's good fuel for you...


      (end of page 1)



        So one good run so far this month, I don't want to get on the scale until next Sunday since I weighed in last Sunday. 123.8. I need to take off some, that's at the top of my weight range and I'm only 5 feet.


        However, we have leftovers from NYE in the fridge...including sparkling wine...and that has to be drunk before it goes flat. Embarrassed


        I did take DS out for a VERY short bike ride today, first time he's been on a bike in years. He got a new helmet for Christmas. Saturday we will go to the bike trail so he can get some practice without cars going by.


        Happy 2013!


          Tessa,  Miles for 2012: 3542 Unbelievable!!  Wow. Where is that dancing elephant when we need her!?!

          I have to confess, I ate a handful of sugared pecans last night knowing we'd weigh in  today. : )   I froze the rest.  : )


          Lisa, thanks for posting Karnel's info.  There's a race near my mom's I may do for it.

          Knit queen

          Knit Queen

            Happy New Year Ladies,


            So I weighed myself in and I am 120.  So I want to lose 10 lbs.  That will put me at my best cycling and running weight.  However, I did not start the first day out right.  I had two HobNobs for breakfast (along with yogurt) and then had 4 Dove chocolates after lunch.  Whadda way to start, right?  I promise I'll do better tomorrow.


            Didn't feel all that great this morning, despite only drinking one glass of wine last night.  So, I didn't run or bike. I have to overcome my discomfort in the cold.  It was 33-39 up until 10am today.  It was sunny today but still nippy outside.


            I took down the tree and other decorations.  My husband took down the lights outside on the house.  All we need to do is get them up in the attic and Christmas will be closed for this season.


            The next celebration will be my birthday, Jan. 23.  We are planning a visit to Austin, Texas soon.  Nothing special.  Just wanted to check the city out and use frequent flier miles.

            cheers, Lisa


              no motivation to workout today... well, motivated to lose weight but not enough apparently.


              Getting a bit caught up for work, flying to NYC tomorrow for a couple of days.  Rutgers job fair on Thursday. Seems like a wierd time for it but that's when it is.


              Will get up and run in the morning.



              Anonymous Guest

                Quick post as I'm one-finger typing.  I did it! I broke 22 minutes in my 5k today. Official time was 21:52, good enough for first in the 40-49 AG. It warace good size race, I think I was 7 or 8th overall woman. This was the race I ran last year in over 30 minutes that got me to lose weight and train better. Last yearII had to walk up the big hill in mile 2. This year I ran it and I passed afew people while I was at it. Splitswere 6:38, 7:06, 6;42 and a 6:41 pace for the last little bit (0.21 miles for me).


                Also, I had tried to sign up for the Megatransect before I left for the race (registration opened at noon and they expected a sell out in less than an hour). Couldn't even get the reg site to load. So I decided it wasn't meant to beand went to the race. Got home around five and clicked on the site, registrations still available because of all the problems with people not being able to get through. Took a few tries, but I got in!


                Hi to all. Have a very tired dog wearing his cone of shame on my lap. Pretty tired myself.


                Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                Check out my website and youtube channel

                  Woohoo Karen!  Nice AG win and great time!  And clearly Megatransect was meant to be.


                  Safe travels to NYC, Lisa/MMR


                  Lisa/KQ, tomorrow's another day... you can get on the diet wagon then.  Maybe you need warmer clothes to be more comfortable running in the cold?


                  Tessa, 3542 miles last year?!?  Wowza.  I'm thinking Shadow for next year which will give me time to get stronger.  More miles, maybe core/strength training.  The altitude at Bizz Johnson was really tough and I know Shadow is at altitude too, but I think being stronger would help a lot.


                  Boo for going back to work tomorrow. Dead

                  6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                  7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                  9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR
