Womens Running


Working Wednesday DIVAs! (Read 176 times)


    Happy New Year ladies!!


      RR- planning on the gym by the office for 5 miles of speedwork. It's kind of icy up here and the gym I go to by me is still sort of far to drive in the morning.  I officially end the holiday streak on Friday when I'm looking forward to my first day off running since Nov 20!


      NRR- had a nice new years. DBF and I went to a party at my girlfriends house, then yesterday I did laundry, ran, and took a nap. Back to work today! Just hoping for a smooth start to the work year. I didn't post on the new years thread on fb, but I think I finally have my resolutions narrowed down. 1. Eat healthier! I am back on MFP. I have a few extra pounds I wouldn't mind loosing. 2. Realize that my life is my life, and the timeline /schedule other people are on has nothing to do with me. 3. Just be aware of my money and how I'm spending it.


      Today is just working. Hopefully not working late and coming home to relax.


      Anyway, gotta get moving. Happy first work day of 2013!!!


        Jewel-those are some good goals for the new year


        RR: probably some speedwork after work today


        NRR: had a nice New Years. DBF and I went to see some fireworks, though it was freezing cold out. Then yesterday we just lounged around, got a little work done,and watched some Netflix. Back to work for me today too, though I am very glad it's a short week.

        MA runner girl

          Morning ladies! Back to work I guess...


          RR: 4 miles yesterday, it was windy and chilly but I was happier running them outside than on the treadmill! Rest day today. I was contemplating a swim, but I am fearful for the craziness that is the gym tonight...


          NRR: Back to work! It was nice working at home last week, but back at it. Being back in a routine will be good too. Yesterday I cleaned the house and put away the Christmas decorations. It felt good to clean up, but after a few hours my body started rebelling, my back was KILLIG me. I guess I can't spend a whole day on my feet, bending and picking things up anymore. Sigh. Last night I made homemade turkey meatballs and instead of trying to use the rest of them up this week, I froze 3 bags of 8, so we will have easy dinners in the future. Not sure why it took me so long to figure that out... lol Tonight DH has promised to make dinner. Yay!


          Jewel - Super impressed with your streak! That's awesome. Enjoy your day off on Friday! Sounds like some good resolutions you have there. Good luck!


          Taylor - Glad to hear you had a good new years. I am super glad it's a short week too! Ease back into working again... Smile

          PRs: 5k - 21:22, half marathon - 1:39:43, marathon - 3:37:16


            Morning ladies!! Happy 2013!!!!!


            Jewel, I also plan on five. Good luck getting back to work!!!


            Ma, awesome with the cooking! Yumm. Sorry your back was hurting.


            Taylor, wow cold and chilly in Chicago! Glad you had a nice NYE!!



            TriR, 5 miles tonight afterwork. Hoping to get back in track, I've been lazy.

            NtriR, have to go my mother in laws to fix iTunes contact list on iPhone after work and after my run. a first day at work today since December 22 or so. I hope it's easy going......


            Had a great time in NYC and Washington, D.C. With C and his family!!! And C got me a kindle and I love it!!!! Now back to reality. Blahhhhhh. Hoping to hear from my residency this week as well. Cross fingers.


            Have a great day!


              Morning Ladies--


              Thank you again for all for the love and support you've shown me over the past months. I'm feeling really good this morning. My incisions are  healing up and I'm feeling good. I'm really sore and bruised along my neck and chest where they tunneled the tubing. But my symptoms have already improved. I'm still adjusting to the pressure change within my head and once in a while I get a little dizzy, but as long as I don't "jump up" from bed I'm okay. My surgeon said that those feelings should resolve within the next few days. Smile


              I can't wait to start working out again. I miss running so much! I've also missed eating "real food". It's so nice that I can eat without being so nauseous! Last night I had shrimp scampi and angel hair pasta and tonight we're having chicken with atichokes, tomatoes and mozzarella cheese. YAY!


              Gotta go, ladies. I'm going for a walk with my mom and Rufus.


                Hey from work! It was freezing out so I'm glad I went to the gym instead.


                RLTW - So glad you are healing up well! Enjoy eating real food again, that sounds amazing. When do you go back to work?


                MA - I love turkey meatballs! DBF doesn't care so much for them, but I've been pushing for spaghetti and turkey meatballs this week! You're a rockstar for running outside!!


                Taylor - I'm glad its a short week too! Fireworks for new years sound nice!


                  Ojewel: I go back to work on January 28th.


                    Happy New Year!!


                    Jewel- wow! impressive streak!! hope you get your speedwork in tonight. I love your resolutions. I have not posted either, but have really enjoyed reading what everyone else is posting and putting together mine. I like your timeline resoltuion...such a good, but tough one!


                    Taylor - sounds like a nice NYE... I don't know about you, but I was so not ready to come back to work!


                    MA- way to get in those cold, windy 4 miles! I am sure it must be tough for someone who is as acitve as you not to be able to be on your feet all day long! I am still impressed with everything you did...more than what I did yesterday!


                    Meli- good luck with your run tonight. and good luck with your residency, crossing my fingers for you because I know how stressful that is!! glad to hear you enjoyed your trip and your holidays


                    RLTW- so happy to hear that you are healing nicely! I am so happy for that your surgeries are behind you and you are back to eating normally, hopefully running normally will be the next thing for you!  I think 2013 is going to be a good  year for you


                    RR- set my alarm to run this morning, but I just couldn't get out of bed. So, I will be running tonight after work. I am aiming for 4, but would be happy with 3.


                    NRR- I feel like today is Monday! I was so not ready to come back to work today so I am happy it is not MOnday. I am still working on new years resolutions, etc. with running. The truth is I have been secretly training for a marathon in the spring and can't quite commit yet. So, if this weekend's run goes well, I am going to sign up and make it official. we will see. I am excited to be back to my clean eating this week...doing it for four weeks and then going off of it for the holidays made me realize how much better I feel when I am eating well!


                      Morning divas! Its been so long! Did we have posts last week? I guess we did, but it feels like a really long time ago.


                      ER: I'm officially changing to ER since I'm no longer running... but no exercise since last Thursday thanks to NER. Boo. Not sure when I'll get back to it...


                      NER: Sick. Ugggh. I started feeling it on Sunday and its been progressing. Nothing too terrible, but I think that makes it worse because I still have to function. Well, I still have to function even if I can't because I desperately need to save as much sick leave as possible for maternity leave. Its really just a mild cold, but I'm being a baby about it I think. My throat's been sore and my head stuffy. Yesterday my throat soreness morphed into lack of voice. Hopefully this will pass quick because my nephew's first birthday party is this weekend! Remember last year when baby T was born 8 weeks premature? I can't believe he's already 1! He's a big boy and doing great. I don't want to miss the party for being sick!


                      The weekend was quite boring. We modified our plans on Saturday. A and I met my best friend at a restaurant instead of them coming to our house because DH was still sick. We canceled dinner with my parents. So on Saturday I was able to get the two things done that I wanted to get done last weekend. I cleaned the shower and went to Kohl's to use my gift card and bought a new purse! Its Chaps and was regularly $89, I got it on sale for about $40, but I only spent $3 because I had a gift card and a coupon! Woo hoo! Anyway, it was a good thing I got everything done Saturday because I didn't do much the rest of the weekend. It was pretty boring but sort of nice too. We stayed home on NYE, DH went and got some food and we rented a couple on demand movies. For the first time in years we were asleep at midnight, though I knew when it was midnight because our neighbors were setting off fireworks every hour from 9 to midnight.


                      The good thing about getting sick at 31 weeks preggo is DH would hardly let me do anything yesterday! He took over a lot of chores since I did everything for a few days while he was sick. Hopefully we can get healthy and stay healthy for awhile. We started working on potty training with A over the weekend and had some mixed results. I'm optimistic it will happen, I just don't know how long it will take! I decided last night the holiday season is way too long for a 3-year-old. She had the mother of all meltdowns last night, in spite of taking a nap yesterday. It was a stressful evening for sure, but everything was better this morning.


                      OK, I've been long winded enough and better get to work. Have a great day divas!


                        Good morning, ladies!


                        RR: Got in 7 miles (6 + 1 Fay) in a light snow. I LOVE running in this sort of weather - 19* and snowy-ish roads. Nothing this afternoon.


                        NRR: Back to the office today. I worked a lot more than I wanted to over the Christmas holidays - as of now, I've only used 3 hours PTO. BOO  Anyway the office will be a nice break from pajamas and the kitchen table. I also think I'm trying to get a cough or something, and we all know that is illegal so I'll be doing the clear fluids drill the next few days.


                        Jewel - I like your resolutions! DBF and I are limiting the amount of money we spend on going out to eat.


                        Taylor - I'm glad it's a short week, too, even if I worked on Monday.


                        MA - Well you can't do everything, you know. Smile


                        RLTW - Glad you are feeling better.


                        Mel - Fingers crossed!


                          Monk - Wow, I had no idea you were at 31 weeks already!


                          KLM - I hear you on the clean eating. I fell off the wagon a bit with too much work and then the holiday hoohaa, but I am feeling much better now.  I hope you commit to that marathon.


                            Happy New Year everyone!!


                            RR: Woke up later than I planned but I still squeezed in 3 miles with the dogs. It was so cold!! So many other people were out and about this morning. I give it two weeks before I'm all by myself out there again.


                            NRR: Had a fabulous holiday vacation. We went to North Carolina for Christmas to visit DH's family and came home Friday. I spent most of my weekend on the couch and then had a great NYE with friends. I didnt make any "resolutions" per say but the end of one year and the beginning of another is a good time to reflect on things and I decided that I'm going to work on being happy. I've been dealing with depression for the last few months and I really need to work on my mental health so I guess that's my "resolution".


                              Good morning, Gals! Smile  It has been a while since I have checked in on here.  I have been busy, as well as trying to keep myself busy over the past several weeks.


                              Some of you probably saw my FB-update post last week.  Not much has changed.  I have now cycled back into a "fear-to-eat-just-about-anything" hole.  Ugh.  I am seeing a new therapist this afternoon, so I hope that I will start to see some improvements from there. Sad  The medication my doctor gave me to stimulate my appetite is not really doing its job, so I may need to contact him to see about doing something else.  I really hate going through all of this.  I am pretty much terrified to leave the house...  Undecided  Ugh.


                              I wrote my boss yesterday, and told her that I was tentatively planning on being back at work next Tuesday; although, I am going to visit with several of the doctor's I am seeing in the next few days, and solicit their thoughts.  Maybe half days, so that I do not get so overwhelmed?


                              RR:  We did an hour on the bike trainer yesterday, which was nice.  I am not sure what is on tap today?  I pick DH up from work to go to my appointment with me; then, we need to run and pick up our kitty from the vet.  I set out some fish for dinner, so I need to come up with a tasty marinade before then...


                              NRR:  Yesterday, we had a wonderful afternoon and evening.  Lunch at Panera, drove to Omaha and saw a Butterfly movie at the IMAX theater (in 3-D, too, which was SO COOL); stopped by Scheel's, and then home to a little restaurant for appetizers and beer.  Of course, my gut went crazy as the evening went on, and I spent some of it sobbing in DH's arm again.  Way to kill the mood...  Oye.  One of these days, I am sure to function like a normal human being.


                              I hope that everyone is doing well.  I really enjoyed the New Year's Resolutions on Facebook.  Those were so fun to read!  Well, I need to get going.  I am going to take some warm-baked banana bread to DH's work, and then I am meeting a friend for coffee.


                              ((Hugs)), Friends!