Womens Running


Off to a good start Mondailies (Read 12 times)



    3.5 mile run with Scamp, my boss is OOO today and tomorrow AND I remembered my work phone passcode! It's gonna be a good day. Last week I realized I was past the "this run feels so crappy but I'm still trying" hump. Ready to increase my daily mileage. Today I was short on time, so as Scamp picked up the pace, so did I.


    The work phone saga: In 2010, my previous supervisor told me I could use my work phone for work and all personal use, so I gave my personal phone to DS2 and have only used my work phone.  With retirement in sight, I got a new personal phone and have been changing everything to my new number.  For security reasons, the work phone passcode changes every 60 days. I had to change the code and did not write it down...it took me a week, but I finally figured it out. And wrote it down. Relief. I didn't want to go through the hassle of contacting HQ for a passcode reset.


    No running this weekend. We kept the grands Friday night and went to GS Cameron's(4) kickball game Saturday morning. A parent is on the field with each kid, so Grandpa ran the bases with him while I held Minna (16 months). We handed the grands off to the other grandparents and did house/yard work the rest of the weekend.


    Have a great Monday!


    WINE o'clock somewhere!

      Had a lovely weekend at Lisa's.  Got in Friday and we did the 12 hour that night.  I had a meltdown and only got 16 miles in.  Lisa got 38.  She did a 60K for her 60th Birthday.  Saturday we slept in some then about 16 of us got together at a pub for drinks.  All family but me.  Was fun.  Sunday was the party.  It was a doubly lovely party.  We celebrated her 60th.  Lots of friends and family throughout the day.  Then..  once friends were gone...




      He did it quietly and privately, but they announced it after with just family.  I asked Lisa's permission to post on here, as she has already informed all the important family folks so I don't feel guilty about blabbing.


      Sitting at the airport bar with a bloody mary waiting for boarding time.


      Back to the grind tomorrow - both work and running.


      Have a good Monday.



      Kettle Moraine - June 2024

      Beast of Burden - August 2024

      Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

      Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024


        Kat, sounds like a great weekend. 16 miles is awesome!!




        Former Bad Ass

          Congrats, Lisa!!!!


          I ran 5 and lifted. WFH today because I have to present tomorrow.


            CrazySue, hooray for a good start to the week.


            Kat, sounds like a fun weekend full of good stuff.


            Damaris, nice workouts, yay for WFH.


            Congratulations to Lisa!  Yay!


            I'm having a sort of slow, unmotivated start to the week.  Getting the bare minimum done, which will have to do today.  Coach gave the thumbs up to a 50 miler in July as prep for the 100 miler at the end of August, so I signed up for Siskiyou Out Back in Ashland, OR.  When I went to sign up for SOB, it showed that the 50 was full and there were a few spots open in the 100k.  While I was contemplating that, I looked at another 50 that was farther away, and not as appealing.  When I went back to the SOB website, a spot had opened up in the 50!  So I grabbed it.  I think fate was telling me that it's the right call.


            SRD today.

            5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

            7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

            9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

            Anonymous Guest

              I ran 4 very slow miles this morning. I am afraid hot and humid is here to stay


              Exciting news about Lisa! Thanks for sharing Kat. Sounds like a super fun weekend.


              Susan, knowing what we do about your boss, having her OOO is definitely a good start to the week!


              Margaret, hooray on the 50 miler signup - the distance you want and the race you want! Perfect timing.


              Damaris, nice job getting it done at lunch.


              I asked DH weeks ago if he wanted to go to the hometown with me this coming weekend. All I ever got was maybe. He maybe'd me right through the time when flights were reasonably priced. Then when we got back from Big Bend he ordered a bunch of stuff, which is mostly showing up this week. I assumed that meant he decided not to go to Quincy with me, and that's fine, sitting around at my mom's for a few days is not exactly exciting times. I said something about it this morning and....he didn't realize it was THIS weekend, he maybe does want to go. I said I'd have to find someplace for the dogs and he'd have to figure out what to do about all the stuff he ordered. He has since decided that he probably shouldn't go. Which is perfectly fine. But why couldn't he have thought about this a week ago or a month ago? Mostly I think he doesn't want to be home by himself, but jeez, we were just together 24/7 in a tiny van for a week and a half. I think he can survive four days in the house with the dogs. Sigh. Anyway, excited to go see the family in a few days and do a 5k with my sister and mom.

              Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


              Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

              Check out my website and youtube channel