Womens Running


No More Year Monday (Over 40) (Read 221 times)

Knit queen

Knit Queen


    Went for a bike ride with my husband.  It was my first cold weather ride so I had all the cool weather gear on while my husband had on an underlayer, his shortsleeve jersey, no armwarmers but he did have knee warmers on.  He is definitely more warmblooded than me.  Tommorrow I plan on riding with a new group I have not ridden with before.  It is a "Poker Game"  rdie.  I guess there are stops where you get a new card and then you compare your hand at the end of the ride.


    Did not get a run in today.  Maybe tomorrow I can get a run in too, to start off the new year right.

    Tomorrow is weigh-in time for me.  Given the way my cycling gear fit me today (tight) I think I am shooting for a  10 lb weight loss goal.

    Cheers, Lisa



      Just got back from the kids "Ball lightlng" at the New Years Eve celebration....was fun, tho, I am froze...Having a good time with Aly tonight!


      Had a PR at the 5k today...27:3x.  Was happy with that, it ended up a hill...Roll eyes....ran across the finish line - huffing/puffing and ran right into Laura Smile   course I could barely speak for a few minutes....she was all cooled down by then LOL....


      LisaKQ - I am actually looking forward to this challenge starting tomorrow!!!  Good for you on the bike ride.!


      Laura - Was great to see  you!  Looking forward to some long runs - hoping some of your speed rubs off on me!



        Hi ladies,


        Hope your holidays have been going well!   I haven't been here for a few days because of all the Christmas/post-Christmas/family stuff going on.  I've been getting out to run but feel like I'm starting to come down with something.  (Lots of nieces and nephews from all over = lots of new bugs that I have no resistance to!)  I had to go to work today, but to tell you the truth, I was a little relieved to get out and take a break from the visitors staying with us.  I love the holidays, but I'm also looking forward to getting back into a normal routine.


        Happy new year to everyone!

        6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

        7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

        9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR
