Womens Running


There it is Thursday - PREGGOS (Read 262 times)


    Canada: It's DH. I have my masters and he's almost done with his masters. But he's going on b/c he wants to teach English Literature at the college level. Yeah, the timing is not perfect but not as horrible as it could have been if, say, we had had kids right after we got married 4 years ago... He will get a fellowship wherever he goes, so we won't have to worry about me working. We had always planned on having kids around the time he started a PhD program. This is just about a year earlier than we were expecting to start. But it's ok b/c he'll be graduated when the baby comes. Walking epidural sounds much preferable to being strapped to the bed! Thankfully Charlottesville is a pretty "progressive" town, and midwives are actually considered very cool by a large portion of the population. The most popular newspaper actually did an article on home birth last summer!


    Mann: Oh, the birth classes! I am sincerely hoping they will help DH as I think he might actually be more scared than me. Spin class sounds great! Much preferable to running in the rain!


      Sasha: the good thing about the hubby's being students is they can come to all the appointments, and stay home and work if I have to go out or something! Might work out nicely!

      Mine is thinking of going into consulting, Acadamia is crazy competitive (unless you're a librarian like me, ahha!) I don't want to have to wait through post docs and term positions for him to get a real job!


        Sasha - I'm actually a little envious your classes will be based on hypnobirthing; I have read the book and like the concept to at least try! But they don't run many hypnobirthing courses here.


        TN - You must be on the upswing now, I hope you are feeling better soon, too cool on the Doppler! How reassuring!


        Update - my U/s is booked for tomorrow 1pm and I'll leave work early for it...


          sasha - of the last four football games I have been to, one has been for my brother's birthday, and two have been because DH received tickets due to his job - so we're not huge fb fans here or anything Smile  They are fun, though.  Basketball and football are my two favorite sports to watch.


          mann - Great job on signing up on the classes! DH jokingly asked if he could skip them since he went through that once before (13 years ago) - I said no. Smile Yeah, I'm happy I dumped that OB to the curb.  I think I'll request that he not deliver my babies, even if he is the on-call doc - now that I don't trust him, I don't want to have to rely on him for anything.


          Ozzy - I'm glad you were able to get in tomorrow already for the u/s - the waiting in limbo is so not fun.  I'll be thinking of you tomorrow for good news!


            MA – Being ringless is never fun. Hopefully you get the rings back in a flash. Is there a temporary ring you can wear so you don’t feel naked? Wink


            Teri – Hope you are doing ok! Did you ever make it out for that run?


            Sasha – I found reading positive birth experiences really helped me. I had a natural med-free birth and used hypnobabies and going in with positive affirmations really helped me relax. You can do it! If you can work on relaxation techniques that will really help. You want to go with the contractions, not fight them. And if you have access to a water tub, use it! I'm sooooooooo hoping I can have a waterbirth this time.


            Canada – I also am not a fan of soy milk but coconut milk I find tolerable. Especially coconut milk ice cream. Yum! Hope you’re feeling better!


            Ozzy – Hope all turns out well with your u/s. On the positive side, it’s another look at your baby, right? Though I don’t blame you for feeling nervous, hope you only get the best news.


            Monk – Clean kitchens are the best but what a pain they are to get them to stay that clean! Wink


            TN – Glad to hear the Doppler seems to be working for you.


            Mann – March seems so far away but it will be here before we know it. Good job on the workouts.
