Womens Running


Spumoni WEDNESDAYS (DAILIES) (Read 18 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur

    I never knew what Spumoni was until I met HCF. I have been missing out! LOVE it!



    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


    Cupcake Connoisseur

      7+ for me!


      Loving rest week because I am hating the weather. Good run just hot.


      Going to be a long day. My client boss moved our Friday meeting to today and I have a budget meeting immediately following. Never had a budget meeting before but I will say, I am not good at it. Sometimes we have to do Facility Manager assessments and I always score high in finance. Not sure how? Math hates me and I hate it. Anywho, also have a hair apt this evening at 6! That was the only time they had this week. I probably won't get done until 8-8:30 which is my bed time . Going to grab dinner before so I am not hangry!


      Feeling OK after yesterday, just sore and can't think about it. 



      Karen – Oh, remote assistant would be awesome! Part time job sounds nice. HCF’s friend (she is standing on his side at the wedding) used to own a bridal salon. She owned it for about 20 years and sold it. She started working part time for a while as an office manager and LOVED it. She liked not having any responsibilities and being able to not take work home.


      Laura – How did I not know the drinking age was 19?! Haha. Oh, you had one, too? I hope everything turned out okay with it!


      Docket – Sometimes I share too much LOL. But you know, its what I would tell any of my best friends. 😉



      Okay, have to go prep for meetings! Have a great day everyone!



      October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

      November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

      March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


        So we had an early conf call with some new people from another organization.  During the call, my boss referred to me using my old name. I corrected her. After the call I got an email chewing me out for correcting her in public!!!   I am so pissed. I guess I'll just wait and see if the new folks say "send it to Susan who?" Just irritating.Next time I will turn on the mute button and not say anything. ANYTHING!


        AND---I had to skip my body pump class to be at the office in time for that stupid call. 


          Lizzie - Glad you are feeling better today!  Interesting about the “mustard” comment - I have done many, many Colposcopies and we always called the Monsel’s (iodine) solution  “mustard looking solution”......hope I didn’t just cause you flashbacks....and feel bad if  that comment bothered patients. 


          Susan - Ugh, when can you retire????  Sounds very frustrating there.


          Laura - yes, grants and public health are very scary...$ comes and then disappears.


          Quick run run this morning, and then lots of cleaning today.


          Has anyone done the Bowling Green Kentucky Full/half?




          Former Bad Ass

            Morning!  I have 10 miles tonight.  We chose 4 houses we want to look at this weekend and sent them to the realtor.  Eeeek.


            Liz, oh, I don't mind the TMI, ha.  You must not suck at math as much as you think since you are acing it.


            Susan, sorry about that.  Ugh.


            Carol, nice run.  Enjoy the cleaning if you can.  Never done that race.



            Mighty Mouse

              Lizzie, glad your procedure is over. Fall is coming. The cicadas told me so. 


              45 minutes running on the TM then 15 minutes walk and a bunch of errands (not on the TM).

              Happy exercise, All ! 

              Where is the "any" key?   




              Running with the Turtles

                I don't think that I have ever had Spumoni.    About 9.5 miles this morning with threshold intervals, 5x1 mile at threshold with 1 minute of recovery.  I aimed for around 8:20-8:30 min/mile for the intervals.  It actually didn't feel horrible.  I did wait until it was light outside to run this morning, I refuse to use a headlight already!  


                Lizzie, nice 7+!  Well, now there are all sorts of tools so you can budget without doing any actual math.    Anyway real life math is always better than theoretical math, and apparently you understand that kind!    Sorry about the issues yesterday.  The mustard comment seems kind of odd.  But apparently not too odd according to Carol.    Oh, I think you asked how old DH's niece was, the one that got engaged?  She is going to be a senior in college.  I assume they will not be getting married until after graduation.  They go to the same college, they went to high school together.


                Sue, sorry about the work issue.  Unless you were rude when correcting your boss, I don't see the issue.  I don't see you being rude.  


                Carol, I am running the Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon in October.  Kentucky?  Is the race hilly?  I think of Kentucky as hilly.  


                Damaris, good luck with the 10 and the house hunting.  


                Karen, many kudos to you for running in the heat.  I would do anything to avoid running in temps over 80.    Ooh, sounds like a nice lead on a PT job!  Are you making note of these evil workouts so you can utilize them?  




                Cupcake Connoisseur

                  Carol – I am sure that comment is fine!! I was just already worked up and the sounds and smells were getting to me. I think during my IUD placement I had taken a Xanax before. Now I know…I haven’t heard of that particular marathon! I took a look at the course map for the full – reminds me a bit of Toledo! Are you thinking  a full this fall?


                  Susan – Ugh, sorry about your rude boss. Can’t say I wouldn’t have done the same thing!!!


                  Docket – Good luck on the 10! SO EXCITED FOR YOU!!! House hunting will be fun! OMG..your running is going to change so much! COOL air! 😊


                  Judy – I hope your cicadas are right! 😊


                  Cathy – NICE run today! Oh man, it looked hard but you crushed as usual 😊. I noticed how it is staying dark a lot longer now! Its almost time 😊. Never had Spumoni? So good. Its always around during the Christmas season. HCF stocks up on it. My cousin is marrying his high school sweetheart in February. Weird thing is – she is still in college in another state – so they are going to get married and then not live together for 2+ years. Very strange. Not sure why they don’t just wait? What do I know.



                  Hair apt soon! Hope I dont fall asleep in the chair..Have a good evening everyone!



                  October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                  November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                  March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


                    Cathy - You are killing this training cycle!  Have you ran Quad cities?


                    Lizzie - No fall full for me.  We have to make a couple trips south and I want to try to do a race on the way Smile.



                    Half Crazy K 2.0

                      Got in 3 miles after spending way too long waiting at the car dealership. Went for an oil change, wound up also needing new air filters, a tire patched and a new battery. It was too hot to walk to either cupcake store while waiting--well, the walk there would be ok, but the icing would melt on the way back.


                      Lizzie, I hated math classes all through undergrad, then had no problem with the classes that were heavily math based for my MBA. That stuff was meaningful. In the algebra class where I was suppopsed to calculate the height of the tree from across the river based on angles, nope, never using that in real life.


                      CrazzySue, your boss is a real piece of work. How are people supposed to contact you if they don't have the correct name!!!