Womens Running


Why oh why Wednesday - PREGGOS (Read 267 times)


    Aaaand I'm back!


    Canada - I knew since teenager-hood that milk gave me problems, but I could drink Lactaid and eat cheese and do ice cream in moderation. But I always felt like crap afterwards, my sinuses would get whacked out and I had biannual sinus infections. When we found our family dr. when we were expecting DS she offered allergy tests so my husband went first. He had allergic esophagitis but the scope didn't reveal what was causing it, so when we got his results, his allergy to dairy was off the charts. So I went dairy free a few months before I got my test done and I could feel a difference. My test results also showed gluten and a few other random things, and I haven't had a sinus infection since. I lived on milkshakes and cheeseburgers with DS so I'm a little lost as to how to go about the foods I want to eat when I can't eat them (or at least taste how I want with the dairy/gluten alternative). You'll figure it out if you do have an intolerance, and I can always share helpful resources.

    You might have to go dairy free when you have your LO since babies can be affected by milk/soy/gluten too. Dairy also aggravated my DS when he was first born, he broke out in a rash. Once I went dairy free it stopped. You might be fine too, but just a heads up. I never thought about stuff like this happening when I was pregnant the first time.


    Wow novel much? Sorry so long!


    Mann - Hope the make-do kitchen goes smoothly. Good job on the run. I really need to keep my running up if I expect to keep running at all.


    Ozzy - You're better than me with spiders. They freak me right out, especially when they're in the bedroom.


    Liz - Hope you settle into your job the more you're there. The first few weeks at a new job can be weird. I've heard people like pregnancy yoga but I've never tried it myself. At least you can try and see if it's your thing? Otherwise you're staying plenty active otherwise.


    Sasha - Good luck to your DH on his PhD applications. I think you got a good deal on pants! Especially from 90 dollars, sheesh.


    The model shoot went well. I got hard copy versions of the Spring/Summer 2013 catalog he'll be in and I think he enjoyed himself pretty well. I don't get paid anything, but I'm only doing it for fun. No Toddlers and Tiaras over here! Wink I'll post a pic on the FB page.
