Womens Running


Peanut Butter FRIYAYS! (DAILIES) (Read 16 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur

    Peanut Butter Day!!!


    Sorry Kathryn, I know you don't really like peanut butter Smile



    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


    Cupcake Connoisseur

      Rest day for me!


      Of course it is rest day and I woke up an hour before my alarm . What I would do to sleep until 9 or even 8!


      Long run tomorrow! Its going to be raining. I feel like it has rained on a lot of my long runs this year. I think its going to downpour overnight and bring warm temperatures (surprise surprise) but the rain should start to taper off by sunrise. Hoping for a good run!


      Interesting thing happened yesterday. I got called for an interview! I had seen this job pop up on my LinkedIn a few weeks ago for another management company that is a lot smaller than the one I work for now. It is a WFH job based in Richmond. I applied and entered a salary that it would take for me to leave my current job so I am surprised they called LOL. I have an interview next Wednesday. She said my background is great and she thinks I would be the perfect fit for her Facility Manager. We shall see...it would take a lot for me to leave the company I work for now. Been here 5 years so have built up 4 weeks vacation. Raises/bonuses every year. They also understand most of us are contractual and will try to place you on another account if needed. If we win this RFP..there will be a TON of opportunity. But there is a chance we won't get the RFP. And hey, money talks. LOL. I have also always been told to keep my options open for other opportunities! Interested to hear what account this is for.


      Oh, roughin walk-thru for the house on Tuesday. We should HOPEFULLY know a close date by then.



      Docket – LOL at Hershey. At least it didn’t ruin the carpet! Ruger always chooses to vomit on carpet. If he is in the kitchen, he will run to the carpet.


      Run4kupcakes – Nice workout yesterday! Did you get any pie themed cupcakes?



      So busy in my world!


      Happy Friyay!!!



      October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

      November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

      March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


      WINE o'clock somewhere!

        Lizzie, I am starting to realize it is just plain old peanut butter (and peanuts) I don't like.  Peanut butter products seem to be good, dare I say... yummy even.  Strange, I know.  But the real stuff is just yucky.  Peanut butter pie, ice cream, Reeses, etc...  Those are all good.  BTW, favorite pie - Pecan w/o chocolate.  So... I was once told that looking at other jobs on occasion isn't a bad thing.  Quite often you realize you are actually happy where you are.  I guess it helps reaffirm things.  I look at the ads, but don't apply because even though I know I don't like my job, I have a ton of flexibility and time off.  Trade off.  Though after this week, not so sure.


        Nothing other than work.  Have Mon/Tues off then.... ROCKY.  Not enough time to get ready, but I will wing it.


        Happy Friday to all of you M-F folks.



        Kettle Moraine - June 2024

        Beast of Burden - August 2024

        Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

        Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



        Running with the Turtles

          Mmmm, peanut butter!    Happy Friyay!  Ready for the weekend.  Running rest day today, will try to fit my yoga in sometime today!  DD has a volleyball tournament tonight, she plays 3 matches so it will be a long evening.  I have the running group trail run tomorrow morning and then off to Chicago to celebrate Chinese New Year with my parents.  Winter weather advisory tonight for us and for the Chicago area through Saturday afternoon so it may make travel fun.


          Liz, hope the long run goes well!  It was raining here this morning.  I guess that's OK, a few degrees colder and it would be a bunch more snow!  As for the job interview, it's always good to see what's out there.    Haha, you can have our snow.  It seems that you are having fun running faster.  


          Kat, nice that you can wing a 100K.    Sorry it's been a rough week for you!


          Damaris, why poop on the hard floor when there is plush carpet?  


          Karen, hope you can figure out what is going on with the dog!  Kids.  



          LC Runs

            6 TM miles for me today, it was actually a pretty good workout! Weather is warming up so I should be able to run outside tomorrow, depending on the snow we're supposed to get tonight.  At least I am at the point where I don't detest using the treadmill!


            I love peanut butter as does my oldest daughter.  My older son thinks it is completely disgusting and won't eat anything with peanut butter or even pb flavor.  I think he's missing a gene LOL!!


            Lizzie - awesome about the interview.  It never hurts to keep your options open!!


            Kat - hope work next week goes quickly and then you can enjoy Rocky!!


            Cathy - sounds like a fun weekend!!  I hope your travel isn't too bad, man I hate winter driving!


            Cupcake Connoisseur

              Kathryn – As long as peanut butter cups are included, then no judgements here 😊 JK! Flexibility at a job is KEY. Sometimes I feel like im glued to my computer but that could be my anxiety in trying to get everything done at once. I am sorry you have had such a rough week ☹. Next week will be better – its ROCKY!!! I am with Cathy, “winging” a 50K?!


              Cathy – Enjoy your rest day! Tonight sounds like a long night for you. But, sounds like you have a fun weekend planned! I hope you have a great run and have a great time with your parents! I will take your snow anyday 😊


              Laura – Nice treadmill miles!! Hopefully you are able to get some outside miles in this weekend. Your son despises peanut butter that much!? He is crazy. 😊



              Have a great afternoon everyone!!



              October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

              November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

              March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

              Half Crazy K 2.0

                Am I still allowed to post? I'm not a fan of peanut butter.


                9 miles this afternoon, we have a wedding to go to tomorrow, so will be in the car for what will seem like forever.


                Lizzie, always good to see what's out there. Time off can also be negotiated.


                KatS, oooh, forgot about pecan pie yesterday. Yum!


                Former Bad Ass

                  Evening! I love PB, that is all, lol.


                  Busy day today. I was off but the constructors arrived at 9am and didn't sleep much, then we went to sign the papers for the house closing in Miami, shipped them, went to see Bad Boys III and then ran 6. They were a speedy 6.


                  Liz, all my cats vomit in the bed or carpet. Right by the floor. It's like really? REALLY? Fortunately, they have not thrown up on top of the cover for the piano...yet.


                  Kat, now you're speaking my language, lol.


                  Cathy, hope you enjoyed the rest.


                  Laura, nice 6.


                  HCK, you don't like PB?



                    I love peanut butter. I used to eat it out of the jar with a spoon.


                    Lizzie, hope the LR goes well in the rain. No harm keeping your options open about jobs!


                    Kat, lol about winging it at Rocky. You have spent too much time with enablers in this group. 


                    Turtles, good luck with the weekend travels for Chinese New Year. I might need some Chinese food this weekend to celebrate.


                    LC, WTG on the TM miles!


                    HCK, not a fan of peanut butter?  Does not compute.


                    Damaris, my birds do the same thing re pooping. The avoid the newspaper and wait until they’re somewhere else, like the sofa.


                    I did 6.8 today.  Going up to Auburn for a WS meeting tomorrow. Maybe a short run in the morning.

                    5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR