Womens Running


Woohoo Fridailies (Read 12 times)

    Just walked the pups this morning.  Wondering if I strained a glute last week and my runs have felt awful!!!  Maybe it is time for new shoes.


    Watched Hudson (2) yesterday. He was a happy guy and we had a fun time.


    Need to run a few errands and maybe transplant a few veggie seedlings today, then sew. Retired old lady stuff Smile


    Have a great day!



      Crappy night sleep last night. Afternoon shift is never kind to me. And it didn't help that my wrists were aggravating me to prevent sleep even more.  Repetive strain. So I always try to request Friday nights off now. As well as Saturdays.

      Had a massage today to continue working on this darned shoulder. It's improving but very very very slowly.


      Sue, hope your glute feels better.


      *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

       **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**


      Anonymous Guest

        i ran 12 miles this morning and felt like crap. I waited too long to get out there and sunny and 70 was just too much at the end. I still feel kinda wonky and can't eat anything yet. Not ready for summer.


        Susan, so far retirement seems to be going all right for you. Isn't it nice to not even worry about work?


        Lori, glad there's improvement in the shoulder, just wish it was happening faster.

        Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


        Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

        Check out my website and youtube channel


        Former Bad Ass

          Wind advisory today. Glad it's an RD. Pilates later.


          I woke up all sore and achy in the lower back (what's been ailing me that we believe is what is making me drag my leg). Chiro adjusted three things and I feel much better.


          May be an image of dessert


          Half Crazy K 2.0

            Strength training before work and 7 after work.


            CrazySue, sounds like you are enjoying retirement


            BerthaSlayer, hope the shoulder continues to improve.


            AnonymousGuest, we're supposed to get up to 80 next week. Too soon. We haven't really had much spring weather.


            Docket, yea, we have a gale warning now. We really hope the window people fix the damn new windows. They are whistling like crazy with the wind.

              TGIF!  SRD.  Spent the day trying to figure out a challenging case at work.  Still not there yet but my brain is done.  RTO was postponed by another week till 4/22.  Whatev.


              CrazySue, new shoes is always a good answer!


              Lori, your poor body!  Hope the massage helped.


              Karen, that would be too hot for me by a long shot.


              Damaris, festive Rice Krispy treats!


              HCK, gale warning is never good.


              Volunteering at a trail race tomorrow then my trail race is on Sunday.  Getting up super early all weekend.  

              5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR