Womens Running


Chocolate Milkshake THURSDAYS (DAILIES) (Read 18 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur

    I can't tell you the last time I had a milkshake. Sounds good, though.


    FYI - Chick fila has the BEST Oreo milkshakes



    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


    Cupcake Connoisseur

      Body pump class for me this morning. Running rest day.


      Good class - ready for a new routine. This is the same one we have done for the past few weeks. Class was PACKED this morning. Must be teachers and mom's Wink


      Today is going to be 96 degrees. Sigh. Tomorrow is going to be a humid 76 degrees. Saturday and Sunday is going to be in the mid 80's. WTF is this?! Summer. Sad Sad. Tough run tomorrow - 16 miles with 12 @ MP. May skip the MP miles if its too humid. We will see how I feel. Worried if I push it then I will crash and burn at the end if its too warm. Tired of this crap. I am cranky because they predict warmer temperatures through the end of September. Since it has been so warm, we won't get much color this year. I hope it is nice and cool by October 19!


      Another busy day ahead!



      Lisa – Congrats on the condo being all yours! Yay! Oh, I am happy to hear you are going into the doc!


      Docket – Do you almost cry when they get the knots out of your hamstring? I swear, my MT presses down on something on my butt and it radiates through the back of my hamstring and then she rubs it. OMG. Tears. It helps but its painful. You were the first person I thought of when I was thinking if I would travel to KY 😊. I would! Only fly though, would NOT drive.


      Lori – Glad you are feeling better! Compression sleeves are the best. Have you ever tried them? Obviously I don’t wear them in the Summer, but in the Winter they are my goto. Really makes a difference IMO.


      Run4kupcakes – I hope you aren’t getting sick!! Wow, crazy about the training.



      Happy Thursday! Almost to the weekend!!



      October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

      November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

      March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  I have the 9 I didn't run yesterday.


        Liz, yeah, I almost cried.  And on top of that, my foot hurts from when a cat dinner plate fell on it, sigh. I'm a mess.  Ha.


        LC Runs

          Good Morning,


          Actually, not so great, you know the day's going to be fun when the first phone call you make, the person (who is in a professiona position, not even a client), hangs up on you mid sentence UGH, I hate people sometimes.


          3 on the TM for me...never made it out last night as it started T storming late afternoon and into the night.


          Lizzie - I love milkshakes but haven't had one in years.  I can't eat a lot of ice cream, does not digest well.  Ugh on the 96 degrees.  Humid here, but not hot.



            I had a strawberry milkshake last night...first in a long time. It wasn't as great as I remembered them being.


            Lizzie when my massage therapist first used the cupping on my lower back I almost cried.  Then last one I asked her to work on my right foot as I was having what felt like the beginning of PF....she put cups on my feet and holy cow that hurt but so far my feet are back to 100% no pain.  I've not had any leg pain so she's not done it there but I can imagine how bad that would hurt.

            Anonymous Guest

              Good morning! Feeling much better today. Just a little bit of headache left. Calves were super tight this morning but my foot felt fine. I will foam roll again today. I ran 8 miles this morning and it felt really good. Probably because I don't have a million miles on my legs right now. Picked up the pace the last couple miles to get down to almost MP, which is pretty good considering we're still in the low to mid-70s and humid. Although that still feels pretty good - the hell of overnight lows in the 80s make a lot of things you'd once complain about feel good (I know Damaris can back me up on this, although not for much longer).


              I'd say the closest thing I've had to a milkshake in years would be a mocha frappuccino on occasion after a really hot run. But now I want a milkshake.


              Liz, you know what I'm going to say about MP on a hot humid morning. In fact, I'm going to go calculate what you're revised MP would be in that weather once I post this and come back. That sucks that you're having crap weather though, and especially that it's supposed to continue through the rest of September.


              Damaris, enjoy the 9.


              Laura, ugh. What a crappy way to start the day. Hope it gets better!.


              Off to see if anything new has come up on the trying to buy this condo front. Not a whole lot going on today, just some cleaning and chores. Oh, the sports doctor that talked to us after the run Saturday mentioned during our core workout that if you could hold a plank for 3 minutes he would almost guarantee you would not get back pain. So I've added a plank to my daily squats. Right now I can barely make it a minute, but I figure if I can keep it up I'll get better, and that should also help during the later miles of the 100.

              Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


              Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

              Check out my website and youtube channel

              Anonymous Guest

                Okay Liz, I looked at your weather for tomorrow (yeah, that sucks). For your temp + dew point of about 140, slowdown would be 3%. So for a 9:30 MP in good weather, same effort in tomorrow's crappy weather would be 9:47 pace. So I don't want to look at your Strava tomorrow and see a bunch of 9:15-9:30 for those MP miles, mmmmkay? I would say if you keep them under 10, you're winning.

                Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                Check out my website and youtube channel

                Half Crazy K 2.0

                  Why does it have to be 90+ today? We get to leave early because the Cheeto in Cheif will be about a mile away. Traffic is supposed to be awful.


                    Another stormy morning so no run.  Getting grouchy about that but will definitely double up tomorrow with TRX/Bells.  We might even see the sun!  Missing that this week.  Oof.  Productive day yesterday getting two of my parents things mailed off as well as my passport renewal.  Also got an oil change.  Watching lots of Shameless.  It’s so ridiculously out there it makes me laugh!


                    Liz – scary your dad was in DC on 9/11.  Not sure your question about my working over the weekend.  Our cutover is tomorrow 10pm-4am – hopefully it doesn’t take the entire window - so yah, that's part of my weekend.  Man I am soooo sorry your friends and family feel the need to share all their opinions around your wedding.  I am SO GLAD my family does not do that sort of thing.  And, the “friends” that like to do that I have backed away from.  Nobody needs that.  Not a fan of milkshakes – they make me too full!!  How could you tell it was teachers and moms at class?  Sorry for the continued weather woes.  That sounds like your piriformis your MT massages – painful for SURE.  LISTEN TO KAREN ABOUT YOUR PACE TOMORROW!!


                    Karen – OMG on DH being able to see the Pentagon burning!!  I had been in the office at 4am CDT that day working a maintenance.  They sent most people home but my group was deemed “essential”.  Not sure why.  We mostly stood in the breakroom watching TV.  It’s crazy to me that there is now an entire generation that was not alive and they are learning about it in school.  I guess sorta like the impact the shooting of JFK had on my parent’s generation.  Hope you staved off that migraine yesterday!!  Sounds awful.  And, no more jumping around, ya here??  Take it easy on those burpees!!  Ha ha that’s funny what you should have said to the bank about DHs 10K bill haha  “It's not too super stressful since I really don't need a job, but I would like one. I think.” <------ that made me laugh haha


                    Elina – you youngster you!!  Yah, about working tomorrow night and the full moon on Friday the 13th.  I brought that up in our meeting yesterday and everyone just laughed!!  Sure hoping it’s good luck for us!!  Awww, glad the minis are letting you sleep – definitely a fun new trick.  Great job getting back to the floorball!!


                    Laura – hope you were able to get out after work for some miles yesterday!  How is work going, anyway? MTA – just read today’s post.  People are mean!  I’m so sorry.  Probably the full moon.  Nice dreadmill miles.  Humid and not hot here as well.  The gross damp weather where nothing dries.


                    Kat – it took me a bit to get into Shameless as well but about a few episodes into the first season I was HOOKED.  It’s just so raunchy at times and outrageous it makes me laugh.  Definitely a win at the work meeting yesterday – way to go!!


                    Cathy – sooo scary about DHs uncle narrowly avoiding the towers that day!  Killer workout yesterday, speedy.  That’s great you were able to take the day off after the late-night calls.  Unfortunately that doesn’t regularly happen around here.  I already know I’m going to want to take Monday off after our Friday night party but not sure I’ll be able.  It’s been kinda humid here but, swampy humid rather than hot humid.  68*/68* temp/dp just makes things damp.  We haven’t hit 80* in WEEKS.  Man, Mr. Math is going to CRUSH his marathon – if he isn’t over trained, that is.


                    Lisa – LOL an expensive cat for sure!  Congrats on the townhome!  Good idea on getting some bloodwork done – can’t hurt!


                    Damaris – glad the MT was able to work some magic on the hammie.  How’s the packing going?  When do you start driving north?


                    Lori – glad the legs are feeling better but super smart to continue to rest.


                    HCK – yikes, hope you aren’t getting sick!  LMAO at Cheeto in Chief!!


                    Karen – glad you are feeling better today!  And glad your foot is feeling better, too!  Nice run today!  Totally 150% agree with the correlation between planking and back pain.  TRX abs are killer – plank/mountain climbers/etc with toes in straps but it has helped SO much with running and just keeping hips aligned.  Obviously I’m not a trainer but, I would just recommend doing it sideways in front of a mirror at first just to ensure your position is level.  After awhile you should be able to tell.  Butt too high doesn’t do much and sagging butt will put a strain on things.  But, you probably know all that already so then just ignore me.


                    Have a good day!


                    Former Bad Ass

                      Okay Liz, I looked at your weather for tomorrow (yeah, that sucks). For your temp + dew point of about 140, slowdown would be 3%. So for a 9:30 MP in good weather, same effort in tomorrow's crappy weather would be 9:47 pace. So I don't want to look at your Strava tomorrow and see a bunch of 9:15-9:30 for those MP miles, mmmmkay? I would say if you keep them under 10, you're winning.





                      Former Bad Ass

                        Why does it have to be 90+ today? We get to leave early because the Cheeto in Cheif will be about a mile away. Traffic is supposed to be awful.


                        I almost fell off the TM reading this.



                        Running with the Turtles

                          7 easy miles this morning in drizzle.  It actually felt good!  Younger DD has her first cross country meet tonight.  She is really nervous!  They are running about 1.5 miles.  We had storms come through last night and our temps dropped back down.  Good news for her, she will be running in about 65 degree weather instead of 85!   Haha, I often have chocolate milkshakes.  Once I had one as a meal.  


                          Lizzie, conditions for your run sound bad.  I guess the good thing is that there is no pressure!   I would just watch my HR and run at MP effort.  Whatever the pace happens to be.    You know, I have never eaten at Chick-fil-A.  They didn't have one near us until recently.  Now there are a few near us but I haven't gone yet!  DD loves chicken but she never has wanted to go there.  Wait until I tell her they have Oreo shakes.    The Lakefront Marathon has a 22 mile build-up run this weekend.  That seemed like a lot to me!  


                          Damaris, good luck on the 9!  You dropped a plate on your foot?  You are very prone to weird injuries.  


                          Laura, someone hung up on you?  And it wasn't a mistake?  Hope your day goes better!  It's your virtual Friday, right?


                          Diane, my massage therapist does cupping on my feet and legs.  They are so tight most of the time!


                          Karen, glad you are feeling better today!  Nice paces you ran this morning!  I did a plank challenge a few years ago when I couldn't run due to PF.  It does help with the core strength, I could definitely notice a difference once I started running again.  I also do Supermans, do you do those?  That also helps with the back!  I have scoliosis, so I try to do some back exercises.  Sorry the loan has been so difficult.  Hopefully it finally goes through!  I think it would be nice to have a low stress, part-time job.  I think.  


                          Sandy, the weather has been depressing this week!  Milkshakes making you full is not a problem if the milkshake is your meal.     I am glad that I don't have lactose issues.     I am lucky because Mr. Math can cover things at work if I am not there.  You need a Mr. Math!    Our weather has been so weird this summer.  We should see sun tomorrow!  Mr. Math has an odd training philosophy.  He believes that running every other day is the best for him to avoid injury.  But he runs really hard on the days that he does run.  He followed a training plan for his first marathon a couple years ago, since then he's done his own "plan".  Now he is pretty close to a BQ, maybe 5 minutes off.  It will be interesting to see how his marathon goes!  It is on Sept 22.


                          Lisa, congrats on the condo!




                            Cathy - nice drizzly miles this morning!  I think my RB was bummed I said 'no' to this morning but it was raining HARD and lightening.  A drizzle with lightening I probably would have gone out.  GOOD LUCK to DD in her first meet!!  I'll be thinking of her!!  Awwww, I bet she surprises herself and wouldn't have needed to be nervous.  Nice the temps dropped!  Weird "summer" for sure - doesn't feel like we've had one.  I haven't had my A/C on since July.  Pretty sure I need a Mr. Math for more reasons than one   That's awesome, though, that you have such a great coworker.  Sleepy has now bailed on our Friday night party and I will put money on him calling in on Monday.  Wow, one more week until his race!  I really hope he does well.  Just seems an unconventional training philosophy but, we are all an experiment of one.

                              Good morning!  Quick hello!  Two things:


                              1. Yum milkshakes. I have been known to have one after a tough run, if I can find one nearby.  Protein!


                              2. I don’t know what the hell “cupping” is nor am I googling it because naughty things might pop up.


                              I’ve taken a couple super short, slow walks. Things are getting back to normal, still twinges in the left ankle but it’s moving much better.


                              Back in in the office today, boo. Have a good day ya’ll.

                              6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                              WINE o'clock somewhere!

                                Not a milkshake fan here.  But is a DQ Blizzard essentially one?  If so, then I love milkshakes!!  Wink


                                On ice cream - I recently stumbled on Tillamook's Salted Caramel Ice Cream Sandwiches - to DIE FOR!  Try 'em.


                                Lizzie, take it easy tomorrow.  96?  You might beat us today. I am partial to Chick fil A's lemonade frosty thingie.  Have you had it?  Delish.


                                Damaris, you excited for Chicago?  Soon!!  Then........ INDY!!!!!


                                Laura, that is awful about the phone call.  Hanging up is so childish.


                                Diane, how is the back doing??


                                Karen, good luck with the planks.  NO BACK PAIN ALLOWED!!!!!!


                                HCK, Cheeto in Chief - hysterical.


                                Sandy, I think on Shameless I watched a few episodes out of order, probably on a plane.  Maybe if I started at the beginning.  How's house searching?  Did you already have one in mind?  I love love love looking at houses.  I have browsed the Vegas area a few times already.


                                Cathy, good luck to DD tomorrow!!!  Exciting.  Nice the weather will be cooler for her.


                                Margaret, yay on the improvement with the ankle!


                                Didn't get up till 9am.  Wanted to run a few errands first thing because my package was due to be delivered, but I figured I had time, they usually don't come till mid afternoon.  Well...  Not today!  Luckily I got home in time, because he came about 20 min ago.  Camera lens and Cricut.  Guess I have time to do stuff today now outside of the house.  Though I am still planning on a tumbler day.  I got a crapload from Walmart this morning. I am still resin challenged, but improving.


                                One of my smoke alarms is beeping quietly, not sure which, I have stood under all of them and can't quite tell.  Guess I should get the ladder out.  At least I remembered to buy batteries.


                                Have to work tomorrow, blech.  Since I took off Sun/Mon I am trying to make it up.


                                Happy Happy.



                                Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                                Beast of Burden - August 2024

                                Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                                Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024

