Womens Running


Its Monday Again (DAILIES) (Read 20 times)



    Hi everybody

    It was so beautiful today which made me so sad not to be able to run. I didn't walk either but I did do a baby weight workout which nearly killed me. I'm so out of shape


    I am hoping to be able to run soon. I would consider the possibility of a fall marathon if I'm allowed to run that distance. Ultras are a deal breaker unfortunately. Hoping to be able to compromise on a full but if not,  then a half. Damaris suggested to me Monumental. That one looks intriguing. Which other ones are you ladies contemplating?


    *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

     **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



    Mighty Mouse

      Lizzie, hearty congrats on the race! 


      Tessa, how terrible for all about the terrible shooting.


      The last 2 days have been raking leaves. I really enjoy doing it because they are not my leaves. 

      45 minutes TM running this morning with 15 minutes of fast walking tacked onto the end.


      Happy exercise, All ! 

      Where is the "any" key?   



      Half Crazy K 2.0

        JUst need to get through the next 4 days of work and I have the week of Thanksgiving off. Strength training tonight. Docket, get on that.


        Arimathea, scary that the shooting was so close to home.


        Turtles, WTF, a live drill with students? DId they do anything to prep them for it? If not, that is just so messed up. I know there is curriculum written around active shooter situations (something I can't believe I am typing).


        MyMomRuns, wondering if Pound is similar to Drums Alive? Last year, our PE and music teacher did that and had a performance for staff to come watch. Some of the kids really got into it.


        Lizzie, you totally deserved a day on the coach!


        Former Bad Ass

          It's tomorrow, lol.


          Didn't run today.  It was raining and tomorrow (my RD) will be nicer so Ima run tomorrow.


            Finally made it to the Pound class. Lots of youtube videos out there.



            If you would like to basically do squats and lunges for 45 minutes while taking out aggression with drum sticks... it was fun! Or stay in boat and bridge for an entire song there's that to mix it up. Arms are already feeling it. I'm sure that the butt will feel it tomorrow.



            Liz-just enjoy the rhythm of the ups and downs following all you've been through. You know the ups always follow the downs. .


            Damaris-gorgeous piano! Weights tomorrow morning. Get on it!


            Karen-I'm reading the Deena Kastor book now.


            Tessa-so sad for all.


            Carol-looking more at the ones that work in strength vs just cardo like Zumba although there is a lot of squatting in zumba. LOL


            Cathy-that's crazy to have shorts and tshirt on in those temps. Nice run!


            Kat-what a morning. It is behind you and now you don't have to worry about that thing going off at an even more inopportune time.


            Sue-are you joining us at Scorpion or Screaming Monkey? Will be fun!


            Laura-cool that you are looking at a full again!


            Damaris-did you do your weights?


            Lori-why call it baby weight workout? I only use 3 or 5 pound weights in the classes that use weights. No reason to hurt myself using heavier weight. Woodstock of course. LOL Come and enjoy the weekend by doing the half along with all the other festivities.


            Judy-LOL on liking raking others leaves.


            HCK2-not the same but similar. I've seen those classes too.



              As if it wasn't Monday enough, I had to go into the office today instead of WFH.    Ran 60 minutes plus hill repeats after work.  Coach has me doing baby uphill strides, 20 sec x 4.  Surprisingly hard considering how much I run on hills.  But I'm used to going slow and easy, not fast.  Which is why i got a coach.  


              Lizzie, no strength training per se with this coach.  I think hill repeats and speedwork will be enough strength training for my legs.  I might add in some type of core work, will play it by ear.   The running mojo will return when it's ready, sometimes we just need a little break to reboot.


              Karen, taper time?  Yay!  Nice thing about loop courses is that logistics are easy.  Everything is at the start/finish, you see your stuff and your team every 16.7 miles, and you don't need to stress about drop bags unless you really want to.


              Damaris, I didn't know you played the piano!  Multi-talented!  And don't forget to do the weights on Tuesday, okay?  


              Carol, nice cross-training.


              Turtles, you're too nice.  


              Kat, ugh, what a day.  I hate alarms, home or car.  Glad to hear it's dead now.


              CrazySue, bummer about the coughing.


              LC, ooh a full marathon?  Neat!  June sounds like good timing.


              Lisa, that Pound class looks way too complicated for me... too much going on...


              Lori, HMs are great.  You do your race, it doesn't kill you, and you can still enjoy the rest of the day.  Woodstock would be a fun one.


              HCK, lucky you having Thanksgiving week off.


              Judy, enjoy the raking!  I don't mind it, maybe because I didn't grow up having to rake stuff.  Not many trees around my house dropped leaves.


              Tessa, hang in there.


              Good night all.

              5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR
