Womens Running


Manic Monday (Over 40) (Read 26 times)


Mighty Mouse

    Post. Smile

    Where is the "any" key?   




    Mighty Mouse

      Friday I did 45 minutes on the track, some with coach. We also walked for at least 25 minutes at the end. New shoes gave me a blister during the walk. :mutmad:
      Saturday was SDO especially since I am nursing a blister from the new shoes I wore on Friday. : pbbt:
      Sunday I did 45 minutes with the cardio DVD. Bister is better as is the heel. I've swapped arch supports. That helped the heel more than anything.
      Today will be a track run with Fast Buddy.
      Happy runs, All!   :::HUGS:::

      Where is the "any" key?   



      LC Runs

        Good Morning...here we are, back at it Monday!


        3 miles TM, 1 mile stairclimber, weights.  Is it spring yet??  Big grin


        Judy - ugh, I hate blisters.  Hope it is better today!


        Fire Jumper

          Manic Monday.... that kind of describes it today!


          I'm "off" today... ha!

          • Have to finish packing
          • Go do my strength training at the gym
          • Put the finishing touches on my class prep
          • Go to the Endocrinologist about my sugar thing
          • Teach my class 
          • Pick up my co-worker
          • Drive 3 hours to a work retreat in the Adirondacks.  

          It's okay.  I'm looking forward to my retreat.  We are working on alcohol policy strategies for New York State (I'm excited... most people's eyes glaze over at the thought).  It's at a private fishing club with an 1896 Adirondack style lodge on a lake, about 20 miles from civilization (a member of the club is able to have guests).  No cell phone connection.  Ahhhh... sweet cel phone peace!  It's a wonderful place to get some solid work done.


          It's supposed to be below zero most the three days, so no runs for me.   I'm taking my resistance bands, a medicine ball, and a few sleds.  So, I'm hoping to get some activity in during breaks and after our work sessions.


          Tessa - thanks for the reminder that my high mileage week is a PR.  I didn't think of it that way!


          Lisa- Marie - it appears that you're doing great with your plan!


          Karen - congrats on a great training run.  It's cool that you ran into people who are doing Karnel's run.


          Marjorie - WOW....22!!


          Lisa - YAY on the 15.


          Thanks to those of you who encouraged me in increasing my miles!   That 10K is in my sights!!  


          I may be AFK for the next several days due to my work trip.  If I'm able to check in to say "HI," I will!


          Be well!


          5K's and Obstacle Runs

          Goal for 2013:  10K


          Icebreaker Challenge 5K, Girls on the Run 5K, Friehofer's Run for Women 5K, Hero Rush, Warrior Dash Florida, Warrior Dash Eastern NY, Turkey Trot,  Mud Mania, and yet-to-be-decided goal 10K.



            sorry that I have been MIA for a few days.  I had no runs to report and I was feeling like a slug!  Got out this morning though for 3 miles and it felt good..was 19 degrees when I left the house, but it is supposed to be even colder tomorrow.  Running in the cold really doesn't bother me that much, amazing how much you warm up once you get into it.  As long as the streets are snow and ice free it is good, as long as I get out the darn door, that is the tough part!


            Amy...my Garmin died too and I am eyeing the Garmin 10 also.  I feel like I lost my friend while running!  How did the house hunting go?


            Lisa (MMR)  Dh and I play euchre, but no one around here does...we will have to play the next time we are all together...I will warn you that I am a terrible card player, but sometimes I get lucky! Nice 15!


            I apologize, but I just skimmed the weekend posts, so I have missed a lot,


            I baked bread yesterday.  I have no idea why I wanted to, but I had been thinking about it for a few days, haven't done it in years.  Now I know why...I consumed half the loaf with peanut butter when it came out of the oven!  Boy, was that good though.





            6/8 Hatfield/McCoy Half, 8/18 lake Erie Shores and Islands Half, 9/21 Mighty Niagara Half Lewiston, NY, 10/7 Cleveland Rock & Roll Half 10/6 or Detroit Free Press 10/20, A Christmas Story 5 or 10K Cleveland 12/7, Santa Hustle Half Cedar Point 12/15


              Ginny - I can just taste that warm bread with PB! And if I try I think I can smell it too!


              Cold here today but hoping to get out for a few later on. Just got an e mail about the Diva Dash Obstacle 5K; looks fun and may try to get a few running friends to do it in October.


              The Adirondacks - love it up there! But then again, I'm an Upstater by heart and love New York state.


              Laura - Uhm, no, it's not spring yet. Soon . . . Smile


              Hi Judy - Trying to prevent blisters myself by throwing away worn socks. I pay enough for them I forget they actually wear through! Thru?


              I have DD home today and she's trying my patience. I haven't held her accountable for enough things over the years and I think it's time to change that. She's not going to be a happy camper.


              Stay warm those who are feeling this arctic blast; looks like it's here for awhile.



              Tar Heel Mom


                Good morning. Went to the gym today for elliptical and abs.


                Damaris, you are house hunting, too? I was disappointed in what we saw yesterday. One house backed up to some kind of industrial building's parking lot and garages. It was a hideous view from the back yard. The 2nd place had been "remodeled" but so cheaply! Not worth the huge price they were asking.


                Julie, that doesn't really sound like a day off at all!


                Ginny, glad you are back at your running. It's supposed to be crazy cold here, too.


                Marjorie, I just can't stand portapotties, but when you gotta go ....


                Carol, you have fun with Aly!


                Carolyn, how old is your DD? I think we all "enable" our kids to a certain extent.


                Greetings to everyone else. Enjoy your day whether you are working or not!

                Nolite te bastardes carborundum.


                  Yesterday’s 15 went well, and my husband got the lights down.  Intervals are on the agenda, today, which will be awful, because I drank yesterday—watching the football games.  I’m from New Orleans, which means that I don’t like the Falcons.  I, of course, tow the line and dutifully hate the Falcons, but the extent of the Falcon hating on Facebook, yesterday was comical.  Everyone calls them the dirty birds which is just funny to me.  One gal, who lives in CA now, wrote that it just made her sick to her stomach to think of those dirty birds practicing in our stadium (the Superdome).  New Orleans fans are known for being drunk and very friendly to the opposing team’s fans.  Seriously, I’m glad the Falcons aren’t going to the Superbowl, because there could have been real violence.  Nice, normal people were saying funny, but crazy stuff.


                  Hi Judy, Marjorie & Ginny


                  Carolyn:  Good luck with changing old habits.  I’m sure you’ll meet resistance. Stay tough J


                  Amy:  I’m sorry you didn’t see anything promising.  Keep at it.


                  LC:  My two boys can’t stand shopping.  They are growing so fast that I don’t like to shop without them, because I just end up bringing stuff back that doesn’t fit.  They both have holes in their shoes and declined an offer to go shopping yesterday.  I’m going to make them go, today.


                  Damaris:  did you say you ran 10 miles with a swollen eye?  That is pretty bad ass!


                  Gatsby:  It sounds like you had a nice run.  Happy Running


                  Lisa-Marie:  Good sleep and good eating definitely helps your run—easier said than done.


                  Tessa:  20 miles into the wind sounds uncomfortable.  It was warm, here.  You might be interested in this Penny Lane Trail Run:  http://allwedoisrun.com/


                  Camille:  The coolsculpting went fine.  I had no pain.  There are many horror stories on the internet, but I had no pain after, at all.  My belly was only numb for maybe a day.  The question now is whether or not it is going to work.  It takes anywhere from a month to two to see any difference.  Nice job on the baking Camille.  Keep it up.  It is very special for people.


                  Julie:  Enjoy your retreat.

                  IG profile @lindasig_runs

                  Headsweats Ambassador Discount Code  "LINDASIGRUNS"

                  Over 45 PR's:  5K - 21:21, Half - 1:39:49, Full - 3:33.47



                  Run to live; live to run

                    I did 10.5 this am.  Hammy got up super early.  Guess since he put himself to bed at 730 it was no wonder he woke me at 3 because he needed outside!


                    Judy boo to the blister!


                    Laura not spring yet but it is coming!


                    Julie good for you taking stuff to do in between sessions.  Now a days a lot of people freak out when they have to be disconnected.  Enjoy the down time. I think you will do well at the 10K


                    Ginny people always ask me about if running in the cold bothers me.  It doesn't.  I've run in some pretty cold stuff in Mi/PA and Illinois.  One is amazed the cold air doesn't bother my lungs.  It never has.  My nose runs a lot more but that is about it.


                    Carolyn that reminds me that some of my socks are nearing the end of their lives and I must get more to replace them.


                    Amy that is the hard part finding the house that speaks to you and has your must haves.


                    Linda you'll have to report back in the next month or so if the cool sculpting did anything



                      Marjorie:  I will let everyone know how it all works out with the coolsculpting.


                      I just got back from intervals.  I thought that they would be terrible, but they were surprising good.  I managed (8) 800's.  I wanted them all to be under 3:30.  The 7th was 3:31, but the others were all under 3:30.  Now, I'm off for a hike with the family.

                      IG profile @lindasig_runs

                      Headsweats Ambassador Discount Code  "LINDASIGRUNS"

                      Over 45 PR's:  5K - 21:21, Half - 1:39:49, Full - 3:33.47



                      Former Bad Ass

                        Hi, girls.  SRD for me today.  Drove to Jupiter to meet with a fellow forumite from the BF.  Had a nice lunch.  Allergy shot today as well and so far, except a huge welt, everything went OK.


                        judyruns, Great workouts.  Hope the track workout went well.

                        LC Runs, can I wish you get Spring but not me?  It's been 80F or above here since .... since, OK it has never gone colder except 2 days.

                        Julie, sounds like a lot to do.  Enjoy the retreat!

                        Ginny, sometimes we need to be slugs for a day or two.  Now don't be shy and pass the bread!

                        Carolyn, hopefully DD is taking it well now.

                        THM, ugh.  Yes, we're sorta house hunting but for 1-2 years from now.  We're still canvassing new neighborhoods.  The problem here is the cost.  We can afford a house but I'm still not happy to fork a $500K mortgage when we're perfectly happy with our $300K townhouse.  I hate big city and its costs, bah!

                        Linda, well, the eye was getting better but yes :-)  Hope your speedwork didn't make you throw up.  I know that feeling.

                        Marjorie, nice mileage.  I am on my way to getting back to where you are.  I've missed it.


                        Have a nice afternoon!


                          5.4 on TM this morning at the gym.  2 older dd's had slept over and I didn't want to wake them (and DD2's dog!) up when I came home and showered so worked out well.  Was a work from home day so actually fairly stressful since I was spending time with them adn trying to keep up with emails.


                          What was nice was that 2 older dd's and I went for a little run around neighborhood to take dog for a run.  It had snowed and was only 18 degrees so much gear of mom's was used, including my 2 pairs of Yaktraxs.  We took a picture of us with my Karnel's Amazing Event picture.  On dd's camera so I need her to send it to me.


                          Judy-boo on blisters!


                          Laura-sure not spring here!


                          Julie-enjoy the cell free zone.


                          Ginny-yes we will have to play euchre. drink wine. and run.  Ahhh... sounds like a good visit! You did read about us forgetting who had played the cards that were laying on the table in front of us, right?  trying NOT to think of just out of the oven bread.  My dad loved to bake bread, I loved the hot soft middle part.  Once I sliced open the end of a cooling loaf and picked out a little piece from inside. Picked again... and again.. and again. Eventually I hollowed out the entire loaf of bread.  Put the end back on and went to hide under my bed.  I heard my dad come in, make "wth" sort of sounds then start laughing.


                          Amy-at times I have preferred a bush to the portapotty.  (Ginny knows this as a fact)


                          Linda-wtg on the intervals!


                          Marjorie-I'm pretty good with runing in the cold but tomorrow morning will be 3.  feels like of -16.  Plus since we had a dusting of snow it'll be slick.  TM it will be.




                            Hiking pics




                            IG profile @lindasig_runs

                            Headsweats Ambassador Discount Code  "LINDASIGRUNS"

                            Over 45 PR's:  5K - 21:21, Half - 1:39:49, Full - 3:33.47


                              Happy Monday to all.  SRD for me today, but I was happy about hitting 41 miles last week.  Not sure I'll get there again this week but here's hoping...


                              Linda, looks like a fine day for hiking... and love the big grins on the kids' faces!


                              Lisa/MMR, was a work at home day for me too.  Still 10x better than going in, but keeping one eye on work email while trying to get other stuff done can be stressful.


                              Tar Heel Mom, better luck next time on the house-hunting.  Good to see what's out there, I suppose.


                              MommyMac, love the doggie in your avatar!  And good luck with DD.


                              Ginny, I agree, sometimes getting out the door is the hardest part about running.  That fresh baked bread sure sounds tasty.


                              Julie D, hope you survived your manic Monday and have a productive and enjoyable retreat.


                              Tessa, Mavericks was a little bit of a disappointment this year... beautiful day but someone forgot to bring the waves.  Things picked up a bit in the final round, but not the giants they were hoping for.


                              Hi to LC, Judy, and everyone else!

                              6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                                Bitter cold here today, tomorrow is supposed to be even colder, so TM it will be tomorrow for sure.  Trying to run every other day, I know I can't run 2 days in a row anymore.


                                Back at work after a 4 day weekend, tough to come back.


                                Linda...nice pic!  You all look great.


                                Lisa.....funny about the bread, guess it was a good thing you weren't at my house on Sunday!


                                Well everyone that needs to, try to keep warm!





                                6/8 Hatfield/McCoy Half, 8/18 lake Erie Shores and Islands Half, 9/21 Mighty Niagara Half Lewiston, NY, 10/7 Cleveland Rock & Roll Half 10/6 or Detroit Free Press 10/20, A Christmas Story 5 or 10K Cleveland 12/7, Santa Hustle Half Cedar Point 12/15
