Womens Running


Re-Gift THURSDAYS (DAILIES) (Read 16 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur

    Okay. Who has done it?!



    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


    Cupcake Connoisseur

      5 miles for me. One mile was hill repeats.


      Good run - it was 25 this morning! Chilly for us Virginians Smile There are two "hills" in my neighborhood so I decided to do one this week and one next week. I just ran up as fast as I could for a mile. My booty may be sore later.


      Meeting with the house people at 1! Nothing else exciting..working for the weekend.



      Run4kupcakes – Nice miles! Are you done with work until the New Year?


      Margaret – You KILLED that run yesterday. Nice job! NICE that you have Christmas Eve off!! We have a half day..not really expecting much to happen that day.



      Happy Thursday!



      October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

      November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

      March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning! I have 8 tonight.


        I don't recall every regifting but I've donated gifts.


        Liz, nice run.



        Cupcake Connoisseur

          Sandy and Damaris - Thought of you two cat lovers this morning - as I was racing up this hill..this little kitten with a bell collar on kept running after me. I think she was trying to play Smile



          October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

          November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

          March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

          LC Runs

            3.6 TM miles, I am getting in to a groove with the TM!


            Office potluck today, I brought cheesy potatoes.  Will hopefully be a productive day since I have lots of paperwork to catch up on.  Working Monday, then off until Jan 2nd


            LIzzie - I don't think I have ever re-gifted, per say.  I've given stuff to (mom, kids) but just as in "I probably won't use this, do you want it".  I'm not opposed to it, though   Nice 5!


            Hi Damaris!


            Running with the Turtles

              I don't think I have re-gifted, though I have donated unused gifts.    8.5 on the TM this morning, 6x800m intervals at 10K pace.  They went fairly quickly.  It could also be because it was a little after 4 AM when I started and I wasn't awake yet.  Talking about cats (Liz mentioned them), my friend that we walk the dogs for got a new cat about a month ago.  She named him Sokka, pronounced "so-kah".  DD kept mispronouncing it, so I said, "Let's just call him Tom", as in tomcat.  So we've been calling him Tom or Tommy and now he answers to it and comes running when I call him.  


              Liz, that is a long hill repeat.    The hill is a mile long?  There is a mile long hill by my new place.  I usually avoid it.    Hope the house meeting goes well!  I like HCDH's idea of cheese popcorn.    I love cheese popcorn but hate how it makes my fingers all dirty.  Apparently HCDH does not have that issue.    Though of course he should not be partaking!  Yes, DD is in choir.  They are required to take music for 2 years in middle school, they have a choice of general music, choir, or band.  She picked choir because they have an end of the year trip to the Six Flags theme park!  She hates music.  Though I was teaching her to play piano and she enjoyed that!  Yes, the concert was Christmas themed!  Which was fine, I like Christmas music.  Especially when it is actually close to Christmas.


              Damaris, haha, nice that you donate gifts also!    40's I wear capri's and long sleeves.  You run hot!  Or I run really cold.  Enjoy the 8!


              Laura, nice job on the TM!  The TM is your friend.    Nice that you will have some time off!  I will have most of that time off too, though I am working on the 30th.  Not sure why I decided to do that.  


              Margaret, nice intervals!


              Karen, love the sticker!


              Sandy, boo on your boss!  Was in the low 20's this morning, seemed balmy.    Mr. Math has been having body issues, really sore back and he thinks he has a sports hernia (Google self diagnosis).  But he says he will try to run this weekend since it will be in the 40's and we may not get that again for months.  I told him not to end up in the emergency room!  We will go to see my parents next Friday and stay until Sunday.  My brother isn't coming into town until the day after Christmas.  They decided they want to spend Christmas at home, which is understandable.  I hope the Windows update goes smoothly.  Most people haven't had issues, but one person that I know did.  They did tell me that it takes about 90 minutes, so I guess I should bring a book!  




                I'm not sure I have ever re-gifted per se but, like others, have donated and just given to someone else like Laura.  I don't like "stuff"   And since I've moved and purged even more, I dislike "stuff" even less haha.


                3 and half this morning.  15*.  Damaris, I had to add a vest over a thick long sleeve.  Like Cathy said, 40s this weekend!!  I might have to run the next 10 days in a row just because!  I'm usually a shorts and long sleeves for 40s but with snow I might do pants.


                Friend coming over for HH and see the new digs this afternoon.


                Cathy - I busted a gut over how you renamed the cat.  That is FUNNY!!  Killer run, Speedy McSpeederton.  Hey, even 15* with little wind felt balmy.  I may be sun bathing this weekend!  It's supposed to be sunny, too!  Oh, Mr, Math.  Maybe he needs a bit of rest.  Even the Elites take time off!  Totally understand your brother wanting Christmas at home.  My sister in BIS prefers that, too.  Kinda funny they used to travel when the kids were really small but now they are adults (well, almost) and mama bear likes all her cubbies at home.    For SURE you need a book while waiting for the WIndows update.  Hope it goes well!  HAHA, I do not like getting my fingers all cheesy from cheese popcorn, either!  So, I will eat it with just my index finger and thumb one kernel at a time 


                Laura - you are becoming one with the dreadmill   Sweet on the time off!  I decided to take the three days next week mostly to get a break from my boss haha.  Enjoy the potluck!


                Liz - awwwww kitty kat!!  I would have stopped to play.  But, what was she doing out so early??  So did you just go up and down the same hill until you hit a mile?  It's good to fire up those glutes!!  Good luck with the house meeting.  Too funny about HCDH and the cheese.  But, uh, yeah, that stuff is BAD news.  I get why he likes it - it's crack!!  But, man oh man...  How about sprinkling parm on the popcorn instead?  Maybe a *little* better? I have been craving popcorn since I couldn't have any last week but don't have any in the house! Oh, no real work "party", just lunch in the break room.  Kinda dumb since the food takes up the only two tables so you have to stand around with your plate and eat.  I prefer to just take it back to my desk but sucked it up and was social with those dirty boys yesterday.  There was SO much left over I was wishing I brought a to-go container!!  Instead the manager takes it all home to his family.  Whatever.


                Damaris - oh my little Eskimo you...  Have a great eight! 


                Margaret - hooray for the 24th off work!  Is that ALL Feds?  As in, will there be mail?  Inquiring minds and all that.  That guy, though, ooof.  What a shit show.  It's truly embarrassing to be an American in these times.  Awwww, sounds like you have an awesome family!!


                HCK - nice 7!


                Lori - sounds like a VERY frustrating trip to the mall.


                Later, peeps!



                  I've regifted and I've swapped. The key is,  especially with regard to the first,  not to do so in the presence of the original giver. But usually I love  everything given to me and usually only do it if I've duplicates.


                  Today hubby wanted to attempt a run and to do so safely we opted for the indoor track.  40 laps (5 miles) in approximately 1:04ish for me. Garmin won't work inside so that's a guesstimate. I'm content. He mostly walked but did run 16 laps himself.  His head still feels wonky but he says the running hasn't aggravated it.


                  So tonight I'm going to a Ladies of MPR event at one of the ladies homes. . MPR is the local running group I belong to.  We are supposed to bring wine to drink and share. Yuck. It wouldn't be stupid would it if I brought myself some beer instead? I'm assuming it would be ok but I have a bottle of  wine someone left here (unopened and hence it would be regifting lol) that I can bring instead. I just don't like wine but will sip on it when necessary.


                  *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                   **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                  Cupcake Connoisseur

                    Cathy – NICE run this morning! LOL at the cat..Sokka is an interesting name. Did she say how she came up with it? Well, the actual hill wasn’t a mile long 😊. I just had to do hill repeats for one mile. I just went up and down up and down 😊. Laughing that the Six Flags trip is what drove DD’s decision – LOL. She’s funny.


                    Docket – Have a great run this evening!


                    Laura – Nice treadmill miles! Man, jealous of your long vacation coming up! Hope you enjoyed the potluck😊


                    Sandy – Nice run this morning! Don’t kill me but we will be in the 60’s over Christmas. Happy hour sounds fun! Lucky you with some time off next week! 😊  Yes, exactly – I just went up and down the same hill until I hit a mile! I was wondering the same thing about the kitty. It was also cold this morning – shouldn’t she have been inside?! Even when I was done with the hill repeats she followed me for a little while. Parmesan on popcorn is a very good idea! Are you going to see your sisters over the holiday?


                    Lori – Nice job on the run today!!I would bring the beer but maybe also the wine just incase? LOL regifting!



                    Busy afternoon! Going to get Ruger walking before its dark! Have a great evening everyone!



                    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

                    Half Crazy K 2.0

                      I don't' think I've ever regifted, but have definitely donated stuff. Got in 4 miles and some strength training. I need to make myself get out of the house early tomorrow--my low tire pressure light came on (again, last time was about 4 weeks ago). I got home and checked the tires and the rear one is way low and there is a nail. So first thing in the morning I need to go to the tire place to see if they can patch it.


                      Lizzie, I am working tommorrow and Monday, then I am off until January 2.