Womens Running


Hopeful weekend (over 40) (Read 24 times)


Run to live; live to run

    Wow Laura that sucks. Some lock smiths use a blood pressure cuff   They get it wedged in the door or window enough and pump it up to get something in to unlock the door.


    Fran just jump in. We don't bite. It won't take long to get to know us. I'm Marjorie. I'm 46 married. No kids. Two bassets in my AVI. I talk about them a lot. I'm a physical therapist And live in Charleston SC.



      Fran - Sorry, I forgot to welcome you!!!  Jump on in anytime...we are helpful/friendly - tho a bit enabling when it comes to crazy running things!



      Anonymous Guest

        Beautiful day here. Sunny, high supposed to be right around 70, low humidity. And I had to blow off my ten mile race this morning. Woke up in the middle of the night with a really bad upset stomach. Several trips to the bathroom the rest of the night (trying not to give TMI, but both ends...) made me turn off the alarm clock at some point. Running and racing didn't seem like the best idea. I'm feeling okay today, no idea what could cause 5-6 hours of horrible stomach distress, with no issues beforehand and so far nothing since. Thought maybe something I ate, but DH and DDog ate the same things I did and they seem fine.


        Fran, come on in! We have all different levels of experience here to learn from and commiserate with. I'm Karen, 45 and living in Maryland with my husband and 12-year-old dog. Been running for about 5.5 years, and went from the Couch to 5K program to marathons and ultras. I still like the shorter distances too, though. And I've had the pleasure of meeting several of the ladies in this group in real life - they are all awesome.


        Ginny, I think I'd have ditched the 5K if I were you. And I also think you have way too much common sense to remarry if anything happened to your DH!


        Lisa and Carol, don't be silly - chopping off a leg to lose 10 pounds.....you are runners, chop off an arm!


        Laura, what a week! I think I'd want about a week-long nap after all that. And running slower with a friend is fun. I think I enjoyed last Sunday's 2:58 half more than Saturday's 1:40. Just much more pleasant.


        Lisa, why does that stupid sciatic nerve seem to act up when a race is coming up? Hope you're feeling better for Labor of Love. And competely healed for NJ.


        Julie and Lisa, next year's annual meeting is in Florida (Boca) in February. Now you have me looking at dates....assuming I don't have another job by then.


        Speaking of Florida, my mom and dad booked their timeshare condo at DIsney for January of next year so at some point I guess I'm going to have to go ahead and drop the >$300 for Goofy signup. Have you guys seen the new thing DIsney is doing in 2014 - the Dopey Challenge? It adds doing the 5K and 10K to the half and full. But $500, and getting up super early 4 days in a row? I don't think so. Goofy is enough for me.


        Hi to those I missed.


        Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


        Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

        Check out my website and youtube channel

        Anonymous Guest

          Argh! I made the mistake of looking at the results of this morning's race. I would have easily gotten third overall, could possibly have gotten second. I'll be honest, I signed up because I love the ten mile distance, but also because I looked at the last two year's results and figured I had a really good shot at winning my AG, and possibly overall masters. I run faster than the winner of the 45-49 AG in training runs. Oh well, it's all about who shows up, and I didn't.


          And while I'm bitching, can I complain a little about DH? Lately, everything about him is "you run too much". Seriously, I run and work full time and clean the house and cook dinner and do laundry and do everything else. He works and rides his bike. My weekday runs are never more than an hour and a half, his rides are often 2 hours, not to mention his group rides when he sometimes doesn't get home until 8-9 p.m. And I run too much? He of course blames my getting sick on racing and traveling, although he's had some sinus thing for the last several days. But I "always" get sick when I travel for running, apparently, like that time last year when I got a bad cold after some race and he caught it and it wrecked his last two races of the summer. I pointed out that that was after a work trip, because I was better by North Country, which was the weekend before his last two races, and when he was coming down with the cold. Then I told him I was probably not going to run today, even though this is my highest mileage/ last big week before tapering, because of last night and I didn't think 8 miles one way or the other would wreck my marathon. He agreed. Then he tried to get me to ride my bike with him this afternoon. So apparently, all running is bad but all cycling is good. I love the guy, but I can pretty much guarantee that if he dies before me, I am not going to get married again.

          Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


          Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

          Check out my website and youtube channel

          LC Runs

            Welcome, Fran!!


            Carol - cool, we can probably all run together, my friend Jenn is planning on 10+/mile pace


            Lisa - ouch on the sciatic nerve, hope it is resolved soon


            Marjorie - that is a great idea with the B/P cuff.  He used a small block of wood (protected by a towel to not chip paint) and then sawed off a plastic coated shelf stick to reach the lock.  The really weird thing is the dealer made two separate keys based on the VIN and neither one works, so not sure how we can ever have a back up key.


            Karen - Boys are dumb sometimes, though after last week I have gained a new appreciation for mine lol.  I need to learn how to do more 'stuff' but it's nice having someone around who knows all of this crap.  Makes him feel needed, so I guess it works out for both of us ha ha.  Yes, never look at race results of a race you didn't run...Big grin

              Happy Saturday!  Back from 15.6 run with RC and DH.  Beautiful day for running... 50s and sunny, ocean was sparking... and I have to keep reminding myself of all the upsides of living here as I'm dealing with refinancing our eye-wateringly large mortgage that is the price of living in Northern California.


              Lisa, sorry your sciatic nerve is acting up.  Has that happened to you before?  Would deep tissue massage help?  That helped me when I had piriformis problems a few years ago.  I vaguely recall the sciatic nerve was involved in my issue too, but might not be the same thing.


              Ginny, I would have bailed on that race too.  Discretion is the better part of valor or something like that.


              Cindy, hope your 7 went well.


              Marjorie, autocorrect can have some funny results.  Last weekend in St. Louis a bunch of us were staying at the Drury Hotel and iPad kept changing it to the "curry hotel".


              JulieD, sounds like spring might actually be around the corner?  Fingers crossed.


              Hey Carol, have fun at your half tomorrow!  That's the best kind of spontaneous.


              LC, you doing the same HM as Carol?  Happy running to you and your friend.


              MTA  page 2...


              Karen, the mouse and his marketing machine really know how to suck in us runners!  Sorry DH is being a butthead.


              And a shout out to Fran... come on in, the water's great!


              Hi to everyone else!

              6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                Carol...you could get your wisdom teeth extracted, worked for me!  Not quite as extreme as cutting off a leg!


                Karen...sorry DH is being a *&^%!  Yep, never getting married again sounds great to me.  We could all live together in some kind of running retirement home...


                Lisa...ouch on the sciatica, I spelled that wrong I think.  Anyway hope it gets better.  Have you tried the old sitting on a tennis ball?  It really does help.  Isn't the weather lovely??????  Sheesh!


                Had a great time with the neighbor ladies, laughed so hard my cheeks hurt.  We got to the restaurant at noon and didn't leave until almost 3.


                Fran...please join us,  I am 63, still working and running.


                Hi to everyone that I didn't mention.





                6/8 Hatfield/McCoy Half, 8/18 lake Erie Shores and Islands Half, 9/21 Mighty Niagara Half Lewiston, NY, 10/7 Cleveland Rock & Roll Half 10/6 or Detroit Free Press 10/20, A Christmas Story 5 or 10K Cleveland 12/7, Santa Hustle Half Cedar Point 12/15


                  FYI to everyone first.  The Northern Lights are expected to be much further south than normal tonight.  I posted a new thread with predicted areas expected on women's.


                  Welcome, Fran.  Which half are you signed up for?  That's exciting!

                  Annie, also good to see you again the weekend.  Congrats on the good feedback from the doc.

                  Ginny, I've sure ditched local races when the weather's been bad, occ even if I had registered.


                  Lisa, bummer on the leg! Remember..."the hay is in the barn," so no worries about resting. FWIW, I like my Stick or rolling pin much more that the foam roller. The latter always seems to hurt, which may be good for me, but I usually opt for what feels good.  : )

                  Marjorie, nice that you "planted a few seeds" for your dad to think about.  Hopefully, the church will also influence him reg the 6 mos. Prob not, but we can hope.  : )

                  Laura, the same thing happened to me several years ago with DH's truck. It had auto locks and I wasn't really used to that...it was running...had to call a locksmith...late to work.  Handy guys are worth a lot.  : ) You might consider getting him to show you stuff...I've learned a lot since DH died.  Good luck tomorrow!

                  Amy, l'm looking forward to meeting you, too!  I'm looking forward to the race.

                  Cindy, 37?  Let's hope it's sunny if  that's the temp!  I won't worry yet...when I went to Houston, the forecast changed every single day...a lot. Guess I'll bring many  clothing choices. : )

                  Carol, good luck tomorrow!  Glad to read another person here is impulsive about races!

                  Karen, bummer on missing the race, but prob a wise choice.  On your getting sick and not DH...my DH's job before I knew him had been Environmental Health. He once told me one factor in some people getting food poisoning when others don't is related to dose of toxin. Bodies can handle small doses, not bigger ones. Since you're small, you might be more affected.  There were other factors, but it's been a while...   Could be something else, too.

                  Gatsby, sounds like a very nice day for a run!  CA does have advantages!

                  Julie, Ragnar does sound like fun!


                  I signed up on T or W for a half today, Run at the Mill in the Run for God series, which I had heard nothing about.  What a nice surprise!  It was very well organized and a lovely run thru the peaceful GA country side.

                  I was scheduled to do a 12 miler and thought I might as well do it with company. : )  I got up at 4 for the almost 2 hr drive (Note: I'lll skip tonight's dance party in favor of bed). We started at 7, a couple minutes before sunrise and had very soft light for a while and the fields were covered with sparkling dew.  It  was 42 which felt chilly for about an hour, but  warmed up after the sun got higher.   It was on quiet country roads and we ran past cows, green pastures and pretty barns. Spring has come here...a few dogwoods were beginning to bloom and irises, violets and other small wildflowers were on the roadsides and the trees had small leaves.

                  I was impressed with how well organized it was despite the small size of 1-200 I think. Plenty of waterstops, a few port a potties on the route, etc. They even had a couple bands on the course...a total surprise...and a van of loud early preteens moving around to be our cheering section.

                  I finished in 2:18 which seems to be my new time. It was hiller than the last half...constant rollers today, but runnable, nothing  like my neighborhood hills. I did get first with only 2 of us in AG, though I think third finished just before awards. The award was a red metal size 13 footprint with Run for God and this quote as cutouts:  "...And let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."

                  They had the usual bananas, oranges and packages of PB crackers, but a church group cooked hot dogs.

                  It was just a nice surprise. I might do it again...

                  Tar Heel Mom


                    Hi, again, girls.


                    No run today, had to work this morning. Teaching 7th graders, they were wonderful (never thought I would say that; they were horrible at the beginning of the year).


                    Welcome, Fran. I have been posting with this group since 2008, just disappeared recently.


                    Lisa, I have missed that you are injured. You can't put weight on your leg! Be careful and use that roller.


                    Karen -- ugh, I think men sometimes are moodier than women. My DH goes from being proud of my running to being all jealous of the time spent. They can't help it.


                    Cindy -- 35 degrees!!! I must have misread the forecast I saw; I thought it said 55 for Saturday morning. I think my DS told me that it was cold last year, too.


                    Well, I am not sure when I stopped posting, but my DH has still not found full time work, but he does have a contract with ESPN for this year and has been pretty much promised one for next year. So we are now able to get out of this gross rent house and we bought a townhouse. We are closing on Monday and the painters come in that afternoon. The floors get done later this week, then we move in on the 25th. We will have to get rid of some furniture (like my dining room set, boo-hoo) because this is a pretty small townhouse, but it's about all we can afford in the close-in neighborhood we want to live in.


                    Anyway, I am still working about 5 part time jobs and looking at another teaching job, too. But it turns out that I can run Thunder Road this year, so I will put out an invitation to anyone to come run it on November 16 and you can stay in my little townhouse with us.


                    Unfortunately, I will not be able to join you girls at Hatfield-McCoy as my Dh, my sister and I are all going up to Boston some time in June to help my mother and her sister move out of their houses and into a retirement community.



                    Nolite te bastardes carborundum.

                    Tar Heel Mom


                      I missed your post, Camille. I think we are too far south for the Northern Lights. I look forward to seeing you next week!

                      Nolite te bastardes carborundum.

                      LC Runs

                        Gatsby - yes, Carol and I live about an hour apart, I am excited to see her tomorrow.  Nice run for you today!


                        Camille - oh, you made me feel so much better about the truck situation!  I loved my Ford cars because they had the lock pad on the door.  Yes, I will have him show me more stuff because it's inevitable I'll do something equally demoralizing at some point ha ha!


                        Amy - glad you are back!!  Sounds like things are looking up Smile


                          I ran (6) 800's, today.  They weren't terrible.  My legs felt OK at the time, but they hurt a bit now.  I have a goal 5K in about a month, but I am racing a "test" 5K next week.  I am trying out a new way to taper for next week’s race.  In case it is a flop, I won't do it next month.  I read about it in the racing forum.  Evidently, I am supposed to cut my mileage drastically and run nothing but 400's.  (5) 400's on day 7, (4) on day 6, etc.  I’ll either be really fast or really exhausted.  I posted this in yesterday’s thread, accidentally, so this is a repost.


                          I was planning on going to a funeral for a colleague today, but someone hit my car, yesterday (hit and run).  I live almost an hour from my job, and I really need my car to get to work.  I can’t carpool, because I work a different schedule than most.  There is no public transportation.  I could have had the insurance deal with the repairs, but I didn’t think I could deal with anymore insurance company stress.  I just spent the last month dealing with house repairs.  I had most of the car repairs done, today, and paid out of pocket.  There is still a small dent, but the car is almost 10 years old.  I’m just going to live with it.  Unfortunately, I didn’t get to the funeral, which I do feel bad about.


                          Ginny:  Racing is supposed to be fun, not an obligation.  Skip it if it is too cold.


                          Cindy:  I hope you had a good run.


                          Julie:  Do you mean that you are going to do your long run on the TM.  That is hard core.  Good luck.


                          Lisa:  I’m so sorry about your leg.


                          Carol:  Good luck on your half tomorrow.


                          LC:  What a hard week!  Enjoy your race, tomorrow.


                          Fran:  Welcome.


                          Hi Marjorie & Amy


                          Karen:  I hope you feel better soon.  Stomach problems are the worst.


                          Gatsbyburd:  sounds like a nice run.


                          Camille:  That sounds like an awesome race!!

                          IG profile @lindasig_runs

                          Headsweats Ambassador Discount Code  "LINDASIGRUNS"

                          Over 45 PR's:  5K - 21:21, Half - 1:39:49, Full - 3:33.47



                          Run to live; live to run

                            Camille um he is still getting married June 15 th. I may have just enabled it as our priest will bless the wedding afterwards when they come here this summer. I talked to him tonight and then called dad. He was all excited. He wants the marriage recognized in the Catholic Church  just his parish is giving him a hard time. So they will get married at her church in June and have their vows repeated at our church when they come here.


                            Amy no thunder road for me. We are hoping to do OBX this year. I'm hoping d h is ready to so the half and I will do the full.



                              Carol, re: your question about the weight loss, I started using the app My Fitness Pal in the middle of January. It was time consuming at first, mostly because of the way I cook. I cook lots of  things from scratch, and don't necessarily use recipes. That meant if a was cooking a pot of say, chili, I would have to measure every ingredient before putting it into the pot, and then when the chili was finished I would have to measure all of it to find out how many 1 cup servings were in the whole thing. However, once you do that and save it as a recipe, you are set. So after the first couple of weeks, and entering a number of recipes, it was easy to use. Now it takes very little time.


                              However, I still have about 15 pounds to lose. You are working on 10--don't you think those last 10 are the hardest to lose? I love Karen's comment about cutting off an arm, not a leg! And Ginny's dental suggestion!


                              fran, welcome!


                              karen, sorry about the illness...and about the DH comments. And the race results.


                              LC and Linda, yikes about the car problems.


                              camille, I am heading over to look at your northern lights map, although it's overcast here.



                              Hi to all I missed!





                                Had fun at a local 5k this morning.  25:27 I think.  I was 2nd in AG.  DD ran too and did 30:18.  I think she cut several minutes off her time -- friends told her to hang with us and we would make a runner out of her!  LOL.  Went to the commissary, did some house work, mowed the grass and raked leaves.  I am beat.


                                Sorry y'all are still having nasty weather.  Um.....I got sunburned again today.  Embarrassed  Back is better but not 100%.  At least I could roll over in bed last night for the first time this week.  It didn't bother me to run.  Yay!  Hope I didn't over do it today.


                                Welcome Fran!  We were all beginners at one time.  I've been running for 8 years or so.  Single mom, 2 grown kiddos (DS is married, DD is a middles school PE coach) and DS2 is a sophomore in a nearby college.  Two weimaraners, Ben (13--old man dog) and Jake (kinda nutsy rescue weim).  DD brings her weim Gracie over during the day and DS2 has a yellow lab named Deuce,  It is crazy town here at my house somedays.


                                Linda--Sad sorry about the car.


                                Karen--my friends and I were thinking about the Dopey challenge next year.


                                I was going to say something else but it is late and I am headed to bed.  Later!
