Womens Running


Friendly Tuesday (dailies) (Read 20 times)

    National Friend Day... ironically also National Clean Out Your Computer Day and Safe Internet Day. You all made the cut; it's not like your deranged axe murderers after all. LOL


    About to head to the gym for a few easy TM miles. We are back to freeze thaw freeze cycle. Ice here on sidewalks.


    Will finish out day at the Marriott near our Valentine's Beer Dinner taphouse today. That was my V Day gift for us. Opted to NOT drive back home after the 4 courses of yummy food paired with 8 different beers. LOL


    Yesterday was just slammed. Didn't get home from work until almost 7.


    Liz-that's neat that your mom is selling your house for you! Doc said after 50 women should have a baseline test. Then won't have another for 5 years. I guess I'm overdue since I'm 56.


    Lori-Good to have a job that pays for the fun vacays though! I give you the right to tell them that Lisa has told you there is running allowed in Lisa Land.


    Carol-will be doing the Trail Half in mid April. Nothing else on the calendar but may add some other shorter (Marathon or less) ones during the no travel time period depending on when going for DD to Miami. I think we will coordinate travel the next time she is here so that I can lock in baby dates.


    Sue-that is ridiculous to make someone work through a sick day. Totally different to say you are working from home because you don't feel well but to go against doctor orders isn't cool. A note from her doc would provide more backing. I'm not an expert in this area but it is possible to ask for intermittent accommodation meaning that from time to time a person requires work accommodation. If this turns into something ongoing.


    Damaris-happy rainy run!


    Kat-wasn't a day off, just early appointments then on to more than a full day of work. That is great news on your puppy!! Hopefully the situation with work will be better than you expect!




    Former Bad Ass

      Morning! My legs are toast. I have 8 with 3 @ Tempo but I might take my RD or switch it to the easy 6 I have tomorrow. I'll see. WFH and taking Rubio to the oncologist this afternoon so maybe I will run after all. We shall see what the onco says.



      Former Bad Ass

        Strike that. We are expecting snow tomorrow night between 3 and 5". That will be lovely for an easy run but not sure that it's good for a tempo run, ha.



        Cupcake Connoisseur

          5 miles for with 3 @ tempo. Did a Body Pump class afterwords.


          Was not looking forward to tempo miles but run went pretty well! I was right in the pace range I was aiming for. Drizzly and in the 50's so felt good in shorts and a t-shirt. Did a new routine in BP and my arms are jello. 


          My mom dropped off the signs yesterday but forgot her name plate! Haha, I am going to meet her halfway to get that. We will be able to officially put the sign up tomorrow. Its exciting. Hope it sells fast and the buyer will let us stay here until our house is ready! Crossing my fingers. We are meeting our wedding photographer tonight to pick up our album. REALLY excited to see it. HCDH and I will probably eat out since we aren't meeting her until 7. We never eat out so I am going to pick somewhere good. Smile


          Okay, off to get this day started. Lots to do.



          Lisa – I love that Valentines Day idea!! I was just trying to think of something special to do. May postpone and celebrate Saturday since I have LR Saturday morning and don’t want to eat anything crazy on Friday. My Monday was busy, too. Hopefully today is better – of course you have an awesome evening to look forward too. 😊



          Happy Tuesday! Looking forward to the 3 day weekend!!!!



          October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

          November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

          March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


          Cupcake Connoisseur

            Docket - Yeah, haha, tempo won't be good on snow. You are still going to want to run in it, though! Smile Good luck with Rubio. Let us know how it goes!



            October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

            November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

            March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

              Good Morning!!  4 miles in heavy fog this morning.  Got a late start and decided to cut the run short.


              Not much to report here.


              Have a great day!



                Hello friends!

                Today was supposed to be hill day but I didn't feel like driving to Bertha. Honestly woke up feeling yucky. I blame going back to work on an afternoon shift. I despise afternoons. Anyway,  had hubby wanted to go i probably would have driven there but he didn't want to run so i just ran 6 in my neighbourhood. BOOM! I pushed it hard. Both for a fast run and progression run. SUCCESS. Not pr pace by any stretch if the imagination but I am starting to regain my speed.


                Lisa,  I will probably only get chance to run 3-5 miles so likely just on joslin road. Is hunting going on? I don't think I have orange gear. So probably will stick to road.

                Damaris,  good  luck with Rubio today.

                Liz,  great run and workout!

                Sue,  are you starting to feel better?


                *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                 **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**


                  I feel much better, just can't seem to kick this stupid cough. Ugh.

                  Anonymous Guest

                    8 miles yesterday, 8 miles today. Spent an hour this morning listening to a podcast - my neighbors/baby runners were on it talking about training for and running their first marathon. They are adorable. I have a bunch of errands and stuff to get done, so am going to post and run. I figure that's a step up from yesterday, when I forgot to post at all.


                    Kathryn, great news on your old man doggo!

                    Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                    Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                    Check out my website and youtube channel


                    Former Bad Ass

                      The oncologist called and they are taking Rubio in for some tests to determine if it's high grade lymphoma. I am hoping the test comes back as a no because that's the bad one. If that is a no, more testing is needed to determine the low grade lymphoma or inflammation but that is for another day.


                      Karen, nice runs! And awww at the baby runners.




                        Karen,  which podcast? I listen always at work.

                        Damaris,  I'm sorry about the kitty. Hugs.


                        *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                         **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                          Lisa - how exciting to be talking about baby dates!!!!  So many  fun things for you to look forward to in your family and life!!!  

                          Damarias - Fingers crossed for the “better of the two news” on Rubio.  Still not use to use posting about snow!


                          Lizzie - Hope you pick a yummy place to eat!


                          Sue - Dang on that cough - it has hung on for awhile!  I almost did a Mainly Marathons half in Gulfport MS, is that near you?  We were going to visit friends in Port St. Joe Florida.  I ended up getting sick after Disney so we came home early.  

                          Karen - Nice job on the 8’s Smile.  I’m with Lori...which podcast????   I LOVE podcasts and listen to them all the time!  Always looking for new ones.


                          Lori - Loved your pictures from vacation!!!  Looks like you had a great time.  I’d also love seeing you posting about running!!!!


                          Kat - So happy for the news on your old doggie!


                          Did some speed work with RB’s this morning.  Trying to map out my race calendar .  Might give up trying the 50 state idea (should have started that 10 years ago) and try to complete as many Michigan ones that I can, and also there are some that I really have a strong desire to do.



                          Cupcake Connoisseur

                            Susan – Nice run this morning!


                            Lori – NICE run this morning! Woot! Hopefully you aren’t coming down with something!


                            Karen – Nice miles for you!! How cool about your neighbors/baby runners. Is it their own podcast or were they guests on a podcast? That’s cool!


                            Docket – Thinking of poor Rubio


                            Carol – Great idea about the Michigan races! I think I have given up the 50 states as well. I kinda am doing what is affordable 😊.


                            Run4kupcakes – Hope you are feeling better!


                            Cathy- Nice treadmill run today! Smile Hope you are having fun in Vegas!



                            Ugh, awful day. I need wine.


                            Have a good afternoon/evening everyone!



                            October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                            November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                            March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


                            Former Bad Ass

                              What a change of tune since an hour ago. The oncologist said that what she saw during the exam is not only optimistic that it is NOT high grade lymphoma (pending confirmation by the aspirations made) but that it could be not even cancer but the inflamed intestinal syndrome. So, she was cautiously optimistic that we might get good news (or not so bad news) tomorrow. Crossing fingers!


                              Anonymous Guest

                                Errands are done and laundry is going, so I am back.


                                For the podcast, try this link. The link he (baby runner) sent me was to Apple Podcasts and I know not everyone has Apple. It's also on Spotify, but I can't figure out how to get that link on my computer since I only have the spotify app on my phone. A little google search led me here:

                                https://lnns.co/0LRPATnM7eU. Kind of funny, the guy that is doing the podcast is a part of the group that broke off from my group and started their own thing the year before I got involved. They are the ones we see on the trails all the time on Saturday mornings. So I was a little worried about how it was going to come across, but I thought they did great. And they mentioned that they run with my group, and talked about us (and me - if you listen, both coach and Karen are me) throughout the podcast. Anyway, they are adorable. Kathryn and Sandy both met him at Brazos Bend.


                                Liz, your run this morning - those paces, you were like a running machine on those tempo miles. So exciting your house is going up for sale. I hope it sells quickly - it gets old keeping everything ready to show all the time.


                                Lisa, sounds like a fun night for you and A.


                                Damaris, thinking positive thoughts for Rubio's oncologist appointment.


                                Lori, nice job on the progression run. Your post reminds me I was going to start driving to the hilly park for some of my runs this training cycle. I haven't gone yet....


                                Carol, trying to do as many Michigan races as possible is a great goal. Not to mention logistically less daunting.

                                Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                                Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                                Check out my website and youtube channel
