Womens Running


(Over 40) Spring Clean Weekend (Read 20 times)

LC Runs

    Hi Gatsby - nice 10.7 with DH!


    Carol - I thought about doing Mud Dogs, but was thinking my friend and I would be running it and since she hasn't run with me since last month, I didn't sign up.  I love those races, though. Great time for you!!  I am actually doing the Covenant Kids Half in April (Saginaw), have done that one the past couple of years, pretty easy/flat course.


    Nice dinner out with the BF, now am snuggled on the couch with the lap top ha ha!

      Marjorie-a clean start is certainly a good thing.


      Julie-the longer runs will make the 5k seem shorter... the flip side is that is that you've lost "permission" to ease up since you can run longer than 3.1 miles. thus why so many of us dislike 5k's.  in the meantime you should find that you can push harder knowing that you don't have as far to go and it will be over soon.


      Karen-I'm with you on assuming that temp will go from winter to summer. we sure are skipping spring.


      Damaris-sorry to hear about your kitty.


      Camille-I've long learned to not be surprised by others passions and goals.  I think we're going hiking on Saturday too so that's a bonus! Still would like to do something Monday.


      Laura-nice run and I know what you mean about the wind always being in your face.


      AmyD-your secret is safe with us.  Glad to hear from you! Nice run!


      Gatsby-smart to turn back if your not feeling great. slowing down, walking more is also an option.  I was out there today!


      Carol-awesome 10k PR!!


      Coworker and I before the half the morning.


      Pic along the way.


      I must say that the logistics for even a half in NY are daunting. 3 trains to get there.  Met a young woman on the first train who was doing this as her first half.  So unprepared it was sort of scary.  She kept saying "I'm so glad that I met you both" because of all the advice we were giving her.  we lost her in the first mile though.  Was sunny but windy... much in your face wind that almost pushes you back.  Started out what I thought was slow, ran with coworker the whole time with only walk breaks being when grabbing something to drink (not every stop though since I carried handheld) or 2 gels.  After mile 9 I decided to try to get to 2:20 time so sped up. The course was fairly boring I hate to say.  The wind didn't help. 2 loops around a big lake and the rest of the park then once around a small lake.  Felt sorry for the really fast people having to dodge through the slower runners. Never did get passed by the guy in the white suit.  but I sure passed a lot of people myself in those last 3 miles.

      splits were: 10:39, 10:39, 10:35, 10:32, 10:43, 10:18, 10:37, 10:11, 11:08, 9:37, 9:44, 10:21 (straight into wind), 10:16 for last part with 2:22:24 watch and 2:21:56 chip. No where near a PR for me but was a solid hard effort so I'm happy with it.  Couldn't do that pace for full anymore. At least not at this point. Ha! As if I ever did.




        Looking good Lisa!  Sorry i couldn't join you.  Maybe next time!


        Was going to run 3 this morning, but ended up doing 5, and I felt pretty darn good!


        Laura...this wind was in my face the whole time today it seemed, how does that happen?


        Gatsby...good idea to cut your run short if you weren't feeling it, I know how you hate to do that, but sometimes you just have to!  I haven't done a double digit run in a while, so I think you did great!


        Marjorie...I am not nearly as inspired as you yet with the Spring cleaning, maybe if Spring would actually come?  I did get a great deal on a comforter set yesterday though...whole thing for $49, bedskirt, comforter, shams and sheets and this is for a king size!  i love how it looks.


        Julia...hope your doggie is better.


        Damaris...same for your poor kitty.  hope all turns out well.


        Thanks for the comments on my GD's pic...very proud of her.  It is so fun having Grandchildren!  Not sure how many of her games I will get to, the weather is terrible and most games are right after school and I can't make it with working.  I am a fair weather watching grandmother!


        Still feeling pretty good today, so hopefully the worse is over with these darn teeth.  Still can't eat much, but getting there.


        Have a good Sunday everyone.





        6/8 Hatfield/McCoy Half, 8/18 lake Erie Shores and Islands Half, 9/21 Mighty Niagara Half Lewiston, NY, 10/7 Cleveland Rock & Roll Half 10/6 or Detroit Free Press 10/20, A Christmas Story 5 or 10K Cleveland 12/7, Santa Hustle Half Cedar Point 12/15

        LC Runs

          Happy Sunday!


          Just back from another 7, this time I ran my hilly route, haven't done that in a few weeks.  The knee/calf feels fine, thank goodness.  I am going to meet up with a running group later this afternoon for another 4ish, looking forward to that Smile


          Lisa - great pics and nice job on the race!!


          Ginny - awesome 5!!


            Ginny - So glad you were able to get in 5!!!


            LCruns - I am excited for you that there is a running group starting up your way!!!  Will be waiting to hear how it went!


            Will go out in a while for a 4-5 ish miler.  Not snowing, not too windy, in the high 30's....so for us....great conditions LOL



            Anonymous Guest

              I almost blew off the 5K this morning. It was below freezing out when my alarm went off at 6:30, and I was so warm and comfy. And my training plan said 10 easy, not race a 5K. But eventually I got my butt up, ate a little oatmeal, put on some warm clothes, drove over to Metro, and got to the race right about 8 a.m. (start was at 9). It's really cool to start a race a couple blocks from the White House and race down to the Capitol and back, but the logistics are a pain for a 5K. Got there, hit a port-a-potty (no lines an hour before a 5K!!) and basically ran up and down Pennsylvania Avenue to warm up (4 miles total). There were 3,500 people signed up for this (I am sure the majority were walkers, it's a big fundraiser for colon cancer awareness), so I lined up at the start about 8:45. The start line was only one traffic lane wide and it looked like there were a lot of people that didn't realize where they should be lined up. sp I wanted up near the front. This would totally be a PR course (flat as a pancake) and was PR weather (37 degrees), but I am finishing up week 12 of a brutal marathon training cycle, so I knew a PR was doubtful. We took off, my splits were 6:54, 6:47, 7:02 and then a 6:35 pace for the last 0.19 miles. I apparently can't run a tangent to save my life. Time was 21:56, so 4 seconds slower than my PR, but on a much easier course, so the hard training definitely played a factor. The course was basically out, loop around a few blocks, then back. It was really cool to be running with pretty much the whole road to myself, then come out of the loop and see the huge crowds on the other side of the road....I admit that was a big ego boost.


              Anyway, ran another 3 miles as a cool down and to keep myself warm until the awards, for a total of just over 10 miles. Spotted a Starbucks across the street from where they were doing the awards, so got a coffee, and just as I walked out they were getting started. The age groups were 0-19, 20-29, 30-44, 45-59, and 60+.  I won the 45-59 AG, and they handed me an envelope with $100 cash!!!


              If you can't tell, I'm super-psyched right now. Was a little uncomfortable carrying an envelope full of cash on Metro, but realized no one knew what was in there. Man, after Friday's horrible run, I needed this confidence booster!


              Now off to do a little cleaning and then take Jake to the vet for a check up. Need to get some groceries too as they are calling for snow overnight and tomorrow. I need me some spring and I need it now!!


              Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


              Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

              Check out my website and youtube channel

                Woohoo!  Way to go Karen on the AG win, especially on tired legs!


                Nice HM Lisa!  Always satisfying to pass people towards the end of a race.  Or so I've been told.  Big grin


                Hi Carol, LC Ginny, and anyone from page 1 that I missed yesterday!  Had a lazy morning that involved coffee and a cinnamon roll.  After digesting my power breakfast, will hit the path for 5-6.

                5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                LC Runs

                  Hi Carol - enjoy your run!  I will let you know about the group, the gal that started is the one you met at the Resolution Run (Holly).


                  Karen - whoo hoo!!  I can't even fathom running a sub 7 mile, holy smokes!!


                  Hi Gatsby! Smile


                  Run to live; live to run

                    Terrible storms here this am.  Almost didn't run.  Waited as long as I could and finally said wth and went.  First 7 miles driving rain at times and generally yuck.  Finally got better after mile 7 so just kept going.  20.5 total.


                    Ginny we are having spring but that means jumping from 70s to 40s or a few 30s.  So we will be summer soon.  Doing a bit more cleaning now.


                    Lisa nice race pics.


                    Laura great hilly 7.  I need to read more so I'll be back later.


                      Karen-congratulations!!! Wow! I can't ever imagine being done and having time to run 3 miles, then get coffee BEFORE they've started awards.  That is just mind boggling. Really.  I finish and results are printed and stapled to the wall somewhere.  You should be proud!




                        wow karen !  How exciting! I only run like that in my dreams!l  You should be so proud. Does DH brag about you? Bet he does   thedlc



                        6/8 Hatfield/McCoy Half, 8/18 lake Erie Shores and Islands Half, 9/21 Mighty Niagara Half Lewiston, NY, 10/7 Cleveland Rock & Roll Half 10/6 or Detroit Free Press 10/20, A Christmas Story 5 or 10K Cleveland 12/7, Santa Hustle Half Cedar Point 12/15

                        LC Runs

                          Fun group run today, 4.2 miles - so 11.2 for the day.  The group was set up well, about 20 walkers who started in one direction and 10 runners (grouped 2-3 per pace) who went the opposite way (so we met up at the end).  I actually ran a bit too fast - 8:33 but I was running with a friend who was giving me an update on her relationship, it was too interesting for me to slow down ha ha!  And yes, that means I was talking the entire time, yowza!


                          Run to live; live to run

                            Cleaned the 2nd spare room closet

                            Laundry done.


                            Gatsby 10.7 is still good!


                            Carol I'm in a cleanning mode.  Every spring I do at least one room.  This year I've done 2.  I've been eyeing some things in the main spare room too.  There is next to nothing stored there so it would be an easy quick clean.  Now to page 2.....



                            Former Bad Ass

                              Hi, ladies!  Great racing all.  It's so funny that I didn't do the 13.1 NYC and I got an email congratulating me of doing so.  Weird.


                              Trixie got her ultrasound today.  She is all drugged so we only saw a cat that was hooked on drugs and wearing the cone of shame, LOL.  Results in tomorrow, so wish us luck.  SRD for me as I've been super busy and just got back.


                              Julia, hope your doggie is doing better.


                              Sorry for the short post.  Gotta start the laundry.  Have a wonderful Sunday night.



                              Run to live; live to run

                                Lisa 2:20 is good.  Sorry it was boring!


                                Yay Ginny on a good run!  $49 is awesome.  The one I got was $69 with the comforte, 4 shams, 2 decorative pillows, bedskirt etc.  I love it.


                                Karen you are getting so fast!  Nice haul on the AG award.


                                Laura nice double


                                Gatsby hope the run today went well.

                                I just burned the top of my foot.  Putting popcorn in the bowel and a hot kernnel fell on my foot.  Ouch

