Womens Running


Toasty Toes Thursday- Supermoms (Read 371 times)


    Wow, it's a busy morning on here!


    RR:  Day off, except for maybe 1 mile for RW challenge.  And a walk with the dog and stroller.


    BR:  Loves milk!  We recently started him on cow's milk and he can't get enough.  I feel like I have been underfeeding him for the last few months with just breastmilk.  Have to run to the store because he went through a half gallon of it in 2 days!


    NRR:  Got my SS gift mailed yesterday and all of my Christmas cards stamped and ready to go.  That is about the only thing I feel on top of right now...


    RG:  Wow that's way too early for me.  I would love to come take your core class though.  I never do core and when I do, I am always really sore.


    zorb - Sorry about the sheep drowning.


    Jen - Glad to hear DS was in better spirits.  I bet it could be related to DH being gone.  I am a little nervous for what DS will be like this next year when we are apart. 


    CMG - I wish I could breakfast for all meals everyday.  It is my favorite meal. 


    arm - Hope DD2 takes an early nap.  I swear whenever I hope for that, DS is still sleeping when we need to leave.


    simon - Where in Western CO?


    mer - Sorry the foot doesn't feel so hot.  What part of the foot?  Do you have any idea what could be wrong?


    Cx2- Bummer to hear you are all sick but glad the dentist appt went well.  Hope you guys can get some rest and recover asap.


    mrszm - I have a pair of lole tights that are lightly lined with this fleece material.  They are amazing for cold weather!


    Sorry for the short personals.  DS is throwing breakfast everywhere!

    5k - 21:32  FM - 3:27:40


      RG - wish you could teach me core... my mid section is still mushy..


      zorbs - have a great 6!


      jen - glad to hear the DH is on his way home... when my DH is a few minutes later than he says and I've had a rough day with C, I start losing it LOL... DH and I both seem to have mild head colds... mine is in my throat and nose, he has a headache and cough... C is snotty and coughing but not too cranky yet..


      cm - sorry to hear about the troubles with TR..


      arm - hope the doc's visit goes well.. it seems a lot of us are having foot issues these days including myself..


      simone - hi!


      mer - mmm muffins! I've been eating croissants for breaky lately...


      mrszack  - i never thought about getting C a flu shot.. I usually get one but I totally forgot when I was at the doc's 2 weeks ago..


        DH emailed.....They are working on getting me a sub for my afternoon class.  Sucks that I will miss one teaching hour and they will dock me 4hours of leave.   I have big plans for nap time.  I never get nap time!


        shelby - I think it is my tendon...it's the top of my foot that is bothering me.  J porked up a lot after I stopped Bf-ing.  I felt the same way!

        Upcoming Races: 

        Gazelle Girl 1/2 Marathon 4/13 - 1:48:46



        beskirted & manicured

          jen - sorry about the screaming.  I don't know what I'd do if DH was away a lot.  Well I do know but I won't say it here.


          carly - lmao well diced tomatoes can become tomato soup so why not vice versa?


          arm - what? your DD weighs 32 pounds at age 7?!  I went into an AG store (the flagship one in Chicago) and nearly had a heart attack with the prices.


          simon - don't worry about keeping up.


          mer - running for time works best with out and back routes.  So we ran 32 mins out and expected a negative split, but discovered  a nasty headwind when we turned around.


          cx2 - did you take her to a pediatric dentist? my dentist (who's a former PT client of mine) won't see kids under 3..


          rg - the ground was white last Saturday, but it was gone by the afternoon.


          mrszm - lulu tights!


          shelby - glad you like your lole tights.  I am having such problems getting the tights I ordered from them!



          RP said she'd go out for lunch with me.  Not the same as alcoholic friend, but I just need some company.

          5K - 24:10 | 8K - 40:41  | 10K - 51:40.6 | HM - 1:51:10 | 30K - 2:44:54 | Marathon - 3:59:26



            shelby - did you wait the year to give cow's milk?  or did you start before a year?


            zorbs - yes, we had to see a pediatric dentist.. we're going to keep seeing him until C turns 4 ... he's been a pediatric dentist for 25 years and said the tumor C had was the first he's ever seen (they're not common but Sick Kid's in Toronto did a study on a bunch of babies that had them and all were benign)


              Shelby - Good for you for getting all of your Christmas cards out and SS gift.  Glad DS made the transition to milk nicely.  J wasn't crazy about it at first but took too it well.


              Mer - Enjoy your nap.  I hope J feels better soon!


              CTimes - Boo on the colds.  I hope you all feel better soon.  J has been snotty in lately too but I think it is more teething than sick.  I hope.


              zorbs - Enjoy lunch with RP.  At least you will have company.  I eat lunch alone in my room everyday.  I need friendsWink


                cx2: Was DD born with the tumor in her mouth or was it something that developed over time?


                sobs.  LOVE the hair!  Looks amazing!


                shelbyjo.  We're near Glenwood Springs.  Are you familiar with the area?  When we started M with whole milk she went CRAZY!


                mer.  Yeah - the whole Elf thing is more for us than her but that's the fun part of being a parent!  I am so excited to take M to see Santa.  I have to wait for a weekend that DH is out of town though.  He's such a grinch!  Sorry you're not feeling well!  Ick!


                mrszm.  I'm excited to take M to the pool tomorrow.  We haven't been in about a month!


                jen.  I'm doing the Colfax marathon in May.  There will be NO baby for us in the mean time.  I really don't know how I feel about the possibility of a #2 yet!  But…I'm sure not getting any younger.


                rg.  28 pounds!  Wow!  When we had M in to the doctor on Monday I thought she would be closer to 24 pounds but she's just shy of 23.  I think she'll start plateauing since she's walking now!


                  simone - yes, she was born with 2 small tumors, one hanging from her gumline and one on the roof of her mouth... the one on the roof disappeared before 3 months but the other one took longer... it's essentially just tissue, but the concern was would it interfere with her taking solids off a spoon, and if the canine tooth would be able to grow in properly.


                  mer - i hope you get a nice long nap!


                    Oh,  no nap for me!  My hope is for a nice long nap for J!  Although, his morning nap is normally longer than his afternoon one.  I have presents to wrap and buy and plan on using that time to get stuff done.  I am so excited to put sweats on today its not even funny.  Busy day before I leave though. 

                    Upcoming Races: 

                    Gazelle Girl 1/2 Marathon 4/13 - 1:48:46



                      Am I the only one that thinks elf on the shelf is stupid?  I just can't get into it and I pray DH and/or Em doesn't ever ask for it.  Both my brother and I were done with the whole "Santa" ruse by 4 y.o. and I'm really hoping my kids are the same.  I don't want them to be naive enough to believe, like literally believe in Santa, until they are 7-9 y.o.  That just seems so late to me!  OK - I'll shut up.


                      ER - stroller walk + dogs.


                      PGR - seriously starting to freak myself out.  Was down another lb this morning.  Not good - that's a 5lb weightloss in about a week.  I'm now starting to fill my head with dread and doom.  Appointment on Monday and just really hoping to hear a HB and that the baby is growing ok.  But I really think something is wrong - in a pragmatic sort of way, not in a preggo hormone sort of way.  I never had these feelings with Em.  Dh thinks I'm being silly and I really hope that he's right.


                      NRR - Put the ornaments on the tree last night while DH watched TV.  He's worked so hard every night this week that it was nice to give him a night to just relax. 


                      TR - Has a cough that's getting progressively worse.  No fever though and no runny nose and she doesn't seem bothered by it.  So off to daycare she went.  I hope it doesn't escalate into something more serious.  We need some collective family "well" days since one of us has been sick or recovery for the last few weeks. 


                      Simon - don't worry about personals, I think we all just do our best to post and read.  I know I don't feel obligated to respond to everyone and don't feel folks are obligated to respond to me.  Maeve is so cute, btw.  Love seeing your pics on FB!


                      Jen - sorry your DH is traveling so much.  That sounds like a drain on you.  Em has had a few early nights for bed too - maybe it's the weather? Or a growth spurt?  She was up 2lbs from her 12 mo appointment.  Having not gained anything for about 3 months prior to that.  So who knows. 


                      Honorary Old

                        RR: Nope. Lungs are getting better, I'll run on Saturday mostly because I'm too busy between now and then.


                        BR: He was in such a good mood last night, we had lots of fun playing, he ate a big dinner, went to bed without a fuss and slept past 6. I really needed that.  I had something else to go here but I can't remember what it was.  Scheduled him for photos at 5 tomorrow, I will bring lots of snacks and hope for good behavior.


                        FR: Taco soup last night. Maybe a frittata or savory Dutch Baby tonight.


                        NRR: Did my annual performance review at work yesterday, got an Outstanding rating and a 4% raise. I make Okay money but like everyone else, I wish my job paid a little better Smile  I got some more shopping done, I might try to find a sitter for Saturday and maybe DH and I will go shopping/Costco run on Saturday or sunday.


                        I'm waiting on my secret santa gifts to arrive in the mail, I'm going to add something local to it before I ship it off to my recipient.


                        Runnergirl- holy moly R is big!  I'd be suprised if Reid was over 23 lbs right now. My R didn't have to do a 15 mo check up- they skipped from 12 to 18 mos. Which reminds me I need to get him established with the new doctor....


                        zorbs- sorry about sheep screamfest


                        Jen- I don't think R is sleeping enough at daycare and its messing with his nighttime sleep patterns. Yesterday he took 2 naps at daycare (vs the 1 he has been doing lately) and he went down easier and slept longer. I wonder if the same thing is going on with J? Lame about the signatures. I think I might just add R's name and Bday to my signature line.


                        cmgroff- saw your FB post yesterday, yay for head down!!!


                        armama- I remember I had a friend with a Felicity doll when I was a kid and I was sooo jealous, but my family was poor and I knew they were expensive so I never asked for one.


                        Simon- Hey you!  Yay for it being your friday, that's awesome. I about cried yesterday because it was only Wednesday. 


                        Mer- an extra 15 minutes of sleep is worth eating at your desk. It is also worth chopping off all your hair so you don't have to spend more than 5 minutes styling it in the morning, IMO Smile Sorry J is sick. Miraculously, I am the only one who caught this bug at my house despite R's penchant for drinking from my water bottle.


                        cx2- I think the Canines are all R is waiting on to come in until his 2 year molars.


                        mzm- I have Brooks ones and UA ones. I like them both. I've been eyeing Lulu tights or capris but I just can't bring myself to spend that much money on a single item.


                        Page 2..

                        2 Mile: 17: 11   5k PR: 27:45    5 Mile: 44:11    10K: 59:01    Half: 2:15:59     Marathon: 5:50:07




                          simon - Good luck with training.  I hear you on the not  getting any younger.  I had my annual yesterday and she started talking about baby #2 or BC...lol...I asked if she noticed my age on the chart...she said...YEP!  Guess I only have 1 good year left in me...so it is now or never.


                          Rocky - Mrs. Grinch...just teasing.  I think the Elf on the Shelf is cute and if my child wants to believe in santa fine.  I don't think it makes him naive ..I think kids grow up way to fast and the realities of life suck sometime.  I want to keep him young and imaginative as long as I can.  I guess because I see (on a daily basis) kids, their behaviors, lives, etc.  I feel for those that have it rough and aren't allowed to dream, imagine, etc.  Please get those negative pg thoughts out of your head.  I am praying for your family that everything is ok for LO.  I hope Em's cough goes away quickly.  J had one in the spring that went on for 2 months.  We had to have it checked by the doc a few times to make sure it wasn't in his lungs.


                          Honorary Old

                            Shelbyjo- glad your DS likes milk. That's how R is with soymilk- I have some in the pantry downstairs that I use if we run out of cow's milk and if I give it to R I have to ration it out because he chugs it then gets diarrhea from the laxative effect of the naturally occuring lecithin.


                            Mer- can you arrange to miss more than once class since you are going to be penalized so much?


                            rocky- I am so horribly bah humbug, that I'm probably doing to scar R's childhood lol. My stepsister is thinking about doing elf on a shelf to try to dupe her devil child into being good for a few weeks LOL. I think I stopped believing in Santa around age 4-5, but I did have a sister 4 years older than me who told me he wasn't real. Christmas was never really happy memories for me between my parents being divorced and remarrying divorced people, my family being poor and my stepdad being a psycho.. so yeah. My goal is to set the bar real low on Christmas- I think that people go way too overboard with presents. Have you not been hungry? Felt any changes other than that general feeling of doom? KMFX that everything is okay! BTW its looking like my Denver trip will be Jan 17-22. Haven't booked the tickets yet, but that is the plan at the moment. Do you think you would be up for meeting me at Cherry Creek mall? I want to go check out the Lulu/Athleta stores and MIL won't question me going there since my college friend works at the Nieman there.

                            2 Mile: 17: 11   5k PR: 27:45    5 Mile: 44:11    10K: 59:01    Half: 2:15:59     Marathon: 5:50:07




                              spike - Glad your lungs are feeling better.  I really wish I could get DH to go Christmas shopping with me.  However, he would rather be the baby sitter and have me shop alone.  Sort of sucks but it is what it is.  Congrats on your review and raise.  When I switched job I got a 25% pay increase...that only sounds lucrative because I didn't make ANYTHING to begin withWink  DH gets a 3% raise and that means a lot more...lol.  J sleeps really well at night but he is not sleeping much at daycare.  Lately his 1 nap has dropped to under 2 hours which makes him so cranky at night and not want to eat or do anything but crySad


                              Honorary Old

                                Jen- I've been with my employer 7.5 years and I have yet to break the $20/hr mark. I do have really good retirement benefits and get bonuses 3x a year. For where I live its a decent wage and the cost of living is pretty low, but if I could get on with DH's employer it would be an immediate $5/hr pay raise for the same or lesser duties plus a pension. DH makes an excellent living because he did a 6000 hour apprenticeship and works with high voltage, I wish the same could be said for 2 Associates degrees and a Bachelor's degree.

                                2 Mile: 17: 11   5k PR: 27:45    5 Mile: 44:11    10K: 59:01    Half: 2:15:59     Marathon: 5:50:07


