Womens Running


Toasty Toes Thursday- Supermoms (Read 371 times)


    Cx2 - I waited until DS was a year old.  I wonder if I should have been supplementing with formula sooner though.  He is a little peanut and I have always struggled getting weight on him.

    5k - 21:32  FM - 3:27:40


      Jen/Spike - I have mostly good memories from childhood.  My parents would hide our wrapped presents around the house and we'd find them.  We did cookies, volunteered, tree, enjoyed Christmas stories, we just didn't believe that Santa was omnipotent and if we misbehaved mom still threatened us with witholding presents, but it was her/dad that was witholding and not Santa monitoring our behavior.  So we still had all the behavior constraints and understood the role and fun of Santa, just not that undying belief that some kids carry - ie why many of my friends were CRUSHED when they "found-out."  I love following Santa's route across the US on Christmas Eve, the works.  I think it gave us more of an appreciation because we knew our parents were doing all the work to make it special for us and we wanted to respect that and be good so it was a nice moment for our parents as well.  Like they were getting the credit and not Santa.  but, I get the other side of the argument too.  That's why it's so fun that each family gets to put their own spin on it!  Seriously though, that Elf is a lot of work!


        Rocky - Phewww...I am glad you are not a GrinchWink  I think you are right about the Elf though...he does seem like a LOT of work.  This mama is already exhausted!  LOL.  I don't know how moms of multiple children do it.  


          uggg! thursdays are so tough! I have to get both kids ready and off to school. Usually DH takes J to school but he has a client that he trains on Thursdays.


          RR - 3 tonight. It is raining now and although I don't love the idea of running in the dark and in the rain, it is better than running on the treadmill. 


          BR - STTN! She was sttn about every third night before she got sick, I'm hoping we can get back there soon. She is on a good trend right now.


          KR  - Has gotten blue cards all week and a nice compliment from his teacher about the improvement in his behavior since he started using his chewy. He said "yup, that's because it helps me keep my mouth shut!" He was very proud of himself and so was I. Whatever works, right?


          NRR - I am such a sucker. They were having a book fair at J's school and I picked out about 8 books in about 10 seconds that the kids had to have (in addition to 2 from the teacher wish list) It was spendy but I have to tell myself that they are all Christmas presents and they are books so they are a worthwhile investment, right? I got 2 awesome science books for DS. He is such a nerd, just like me. I love it!


          ok, go to do some work but I will be back for personals!


            Zorbs - LOL on you blow drying the sheep! DS stayed right around that weight forever too. He was a bean pole before his weight went up and ounce and stayed that way.


            Jen - your LO sounds just like J! I went through a period of a few months with her when I never thought she would be happy again, right around 14 months or so? She still is very moody but has improved. 


            arm - wow!! She really is tiny! I hope you got some weight on her! that must be so hard as a parent. 


            MrsZack - I got some tights that are road runner brand that I love! They zip at the calf and have a pocket in the back big enough for an iphone. Love em!


            mer - bummer on the sick kid Sad I hope your muffin was awesome!

            L e e l a

              Not sure I'll get to personals today; hope that isn't a trend!


              RR - Did 4 chilly GA miles by the river.  It felt freezing at the beginning but I warmed up and felt great!  I was thinking of gsd and her FB status as I admired the frost on the grasses lining the path.  Will also throw in some core work and push-ups this afternoon. And I'm looking forward to Saturday's group run with the training group I've signed up for the ten miler I'm doing in March.  They've been meeting for a few weeks, but this is the first one I'll be able to make!


              TR - B got in trouble at school yesterday!  She wasn't listening during circle time.  It's funny to hear about her acting up at school.  I have mixed feelings.  Part of me, of course, wants my child to be well-behaved.  But the other part is glad that she's got enough spirit to ignore the rules once in a while.  It's also a sign to me that she totally feel comfortable at school since when she doesn't know people as well she's more likely to fall in line.  We took four toddlers and two infants to Ben & Jerry's as an end of the week treat after school today.  It was fun but craaazy!  Usually it's just B, her "best friend", his baby brother and the two mommies.  Three more kids and two more mommies make things about 10 times more chaotic ...


              FR - Gotta get on prepping our Middle Eastern Chickpea Burgers I've got planned for dinner.  Chickpeas are cooking now after soaking last night; getting the rice cooked up next!


              Okay, gotta get some stuff done while B takes a late nap!

              L e e l a

                Rocky - One of my friends and I were *just* talking about the Elf on the Shelf today!  We agree that it is creepy, and the message doesn't jive with how we are running our house/discipline (Montessori/positive discipline/Alfie Kohn).  When I explained the Elf to DH, he looked perplexed and what like "that's really weird."  Anyway, I've seen some really cool, creative displays of the Elf.  But we're also hoping that B doesn't see it at other people's houses and ask for it!  And I'm not a grinch, either.  I'm really really excited about the holiday season with B this year and am planning all sorts of fun activities!


                  leelee - Gosh I hope my J isn't on a streak of crankiness.  He has been like this before but usually snaps out of it in a couple of day.  I seriously wonder if he'll ever be happy around me.  So happy your J slept through the night and that DS is being better.  It seems like the chewy is helping.  What does he use??  Good luck getting your run in.  It is so hard to get out the door when it is dark and cold...well maybe it isn't so so cold for you!


                  leela - Wow that is a lot of people to Ben and Jerry's...sounds fun though. Great job on the run and that is awesome you are going to a group run. I so want to do that again.  I had a great running group in a previous city I lived in and I LOVE it!!  I miss that interaction.  I could join one locally but I am a little apprehensive to go alone.  Ah...I should suck it up and go.


                    So, J has been sleeping for over 3 hours.  Wake him or let him sleep?

                    Upcoming Races: 

                    Gazelle Girl 1/2 Marathon 4/13 - 1:48:46



                      It's only 1:30...I would let him sleep...his body is fighting off something nasty and he needs his rest.  Hopefully he wakes up feeling better.


                      Honorary Old

                        Mer- Reid sleeps like Rip VanWinkle when he's sick. I'd let him go if he wasn't feverish when you put him down, or if you are really worried, go in and take his temp and give him some fluids.


                        Lee- Yay for blue cards! None of the kids at school have been giving A any trouble about his chewy? I don't think the nastiness starts until closer to 4th grade.


                        leela- Its been a while since I've taken R out for Ice Cream, I should do that again soon as a mommy/kiddo date Smile

                        2 Mile: 17: 11   5k PR: 27:45    5 Mile: 44:11    10K: 59:01    Half: 2:15:59     Marathon: 5:50:07



                        L e e l a

                          I agree: let him sleep.  I've found bedtime isn't effected so much by a extra long nap as it is by how late the nap goes.  I can't let B nap past 3 p.m. or bedtime is more trouble.  It's usually not a problem, though, since she's and early and short napper.


                            mer - i agree with everyone else, let him sleep... C is like what  leela described.. .she's not affected by longer naps but if she wakes from her last nap too late, it's harder to get her to go to bed...


                            Honorary Old

                              Here's a cool craft idea blog for the people looking for those. R's daycare said that the kids love boxes for art projects more than anything, so every once in a while I bring a big stack from work out there to "recycle" them. http://www.tipjunkie.com/all-crafts/32-things-to-make-using-a-cardboard-box-diy/

                              2 Mile: 17: 11   5k PR: 27:45    5 Mile: 44:11    10K: 59:01    Half: 2:15:59     Marathon: 5:50:07




                                Shelby - J was so so about formula but loves milk! Great that H loves it! Try not to second guess yourself. Hopefully he'll put some weight on! Rocky - last year DS's cousin spilled the beans. He was almost 6 and I was really upset. I will always tell him that Santa really exists, maybe in a different for then he previously thought. I never believed in Santa. I had 4 older siblings who had no interest in keeping that secret. A 5 lb weight loss would freak me out too. Spike - I feel like you have been sick forever! Do you feel that way? Yay for the awesome review and the raise!