Womens Running


Strawberry Parfait TUESDAYS (DAILIES) (Read 16 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur

    What an odd National day.


    Who likes parfaits?! I lovveee them. They are my "go to" when I am traveling or at an airport.



    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


    Cupcake Connoisseur

      8.2 for me.


      This was rough. 77 degrees and 74 dewpoint. I should have taken a picture of my face when I opened the garage door this morning! YUCK. When I got home it looked like I had been swimming. I wanted to do some speed work today - but NOPE. I was lucky I got 8 miles in. Almost stopped at 5. Today will be our worst humidity day. Supposed to get better as the day goes on.


      I have a feeling today is going to be crazy. One of my branches is having the water cut off for a few hours this morning. The city is doing some work..I just have a feeling this is going to be bad. Hopefully not! Hoping to get some cleaning done during my slow times. My brother is coming down and staying a night or two after the fishing trip.


      Looking forward to a MASSAGE tomorrow morning!! Pulling a Cathy and getting it done before work Smile Well, I like to start work at 8..but tomorrow I will start at 9 Smile This is a new lady that was recommended on the Richmond Runners page..excited!



      Docket – That is a REALLY good idea. I might just do that! Thought of you this morning in my tropical like temperatures. Soon you can kiss those year long temps goodbye!!! Smile


      Ginny-  How exciting about the kitchen remodel! You will have to post pictures when its done! I love your house.



      Happy Tuesday!



      October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

      November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

      March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

      Half Crazy K 2.0

        Strength training last night.


        Lizzie,  ever had berry trifle? So good.

          4.3 solo miles this morning.  Hot and steamy. How do y'all cool down enough to get dressed for work? I take cold showers but am still sweating through breakfast!!


          Lizzie--the relay sounds like fun.  My running buddies did one several years ago from Baton Rouge to New Orleans.  During the night, they had someone ride a trail bike along side the runner so they wouldn't be out there alone.


          Check y'all later!!

          LC Runs

            Hey Everyone!


            4.2 this morning, humid here as well but there was a nice breeze so not terrible.  Nothing yesterday because it rained buckets on and off all day, ugh.


            I am neutral on parfaits, they're good but I can't say I ever really eat them LOL!


            Lizzie - hope your day is not too crazy.  Ahhh, a massage before work, that sounds great!  I don't have one until August because she is so booked up, though I am on the cancel list so maybe I will get in sooner.


            Hi Half K!


            Sue - nice run!  I had to take my DS to the school for basketball camp, I literally walked in the house, grabbed the keys and left.  I am glad I didn't have to get out of the car cause I was a sweaty mess!


            Ugh gonna be a long afternoon...the sun is supposed to come out but I have my doubts!


            Running with the Turtles

              Parfait?  I don't know if I've had an actual parfait.  I've had the Dairy Queen "parfaits", but I don't think they are actually parfaits.    5 very easy miles this morning.  I have another "goal pace" workout scheduled for tomorrow.  My legs are tired!  I'm taking the day off tomorrow and taking the kids to Summerfest, a music festival in Milwaukee.  And that way I don't have to get up extra early to run 9 miles.  


              Lizzie, nice job on a hot run!  Speedwork would not have been fun.    I hope your day is not too crazy!  Massage before work is the best, as long as you stay awake.    Middle of the night relay leg does sound right up your alley.    Yeah, I am sure a 9:00 pace will feel great after running 8:41 in training.    I remember when running anywhere close to marathon pace was hard in training... like when I was aiming for a 9:40 for marathon pace!  It figures that you loved Aladdin as a kid... it came out in 1992.  After I graduated from college.  


              Sue, I am one of those people that gets really cold after running!  I get the shivers.  I am usually fine after I take a shower, though my face is usually red for awhile!    That is a good idea to bike with a relay runner at night!


              Laura, nice run this morning!  We had a lot of storms on and off yesterday.  The sun is out today though!


              Hi Ginny!  Yes, it's about time that summer arrived!  Nice that you are doing a kitchen remodel!




              WINE o'clock somewhere!

                Lizzie, cool about the relay!!  I hope you do it.  I feel your pain this morning.  I barely did anything and am dripping wet at 77 here too.  Blech.  Enjoy the massage tomorrow!


                Hi HCK!


                Sue, nice steamy miles!!  I cool down quickly, especially when I come into a/c.


                Laura, lucky you had a breeze.  We had terrible rains here yesterday too.  Flash flood warnings even.


                Cathy, mmmm, DQ!  I love their caramel sundays, no nuts.  I hope you guys enjoy the festival.


                Oh, anyone had Costco's parfaits?  OMG, yummy in my tummy.


                Quickie terrible run again this morning.  Well, the last 0.3 miles were nice!  Of course I could just about see my house.


                Nothing else.  Off to the PO to pick up a package.  After a shower of course.



                Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                Beast of Burden - August 2024

                Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



                Mighty Mouse

                  Today I did 45 running on the TM with an ice bandana, then 35 minutes on the bike. When I work out a very little dog comes in to visit me. If I'm still on the TM, I hit the emergency stop so he won't get hurt. He's on his leash so that helps. He loves having around his ears gently massaged. We only have a few dogs because they are "service dogs" and very small.
                  Volunteer work at the library this afternoon.
                  Happy exercise time All ! :D


                  Where is the "any" key?   




                  Cupcake Connoisseur

                    Run4kupcakes - I have not had a berry trifle..but I am intrigued.


                    Susan – I also take a cold shower after a run but still sweat. I try to take some time to cool down but it never works for me. Great idea about the night legs of the trail.


                    Laura – Nice run this morning! I don’t really eat parfaits that much either. I hope you got some sunshine today!


                    Cathy – I don’t think I have had a real desert parfait. I like the yogurt and granola ones, though! 😊 I hear so much about Summerfest from HCF! Have fun! Perfect way to spend a day off 😊 Good luck on the run. I am sure the festival will have some good food that will help you recover 😊 You know, I was thinking the other day how my marathon pace used to be 10:20-10:40 and now look. Its crazy, right? We have all come so far! You get cold after running? Is that because you mostly run in the cold?! What if you ran in 77 degrees, would you still be cold afterwords? 😊


                    Kathryn – Hmm..may have to try some Costco parfaits! Sorry about the terrible run. I hope it was a good package? 😊


                    Judy – AWWW on your pup partner!! 😊 That is so sweet. Ruger tries to step on the treadmill when I am on. Have fun volunteering!



                    Well, work exploded. The water outage of course lasted longer than expected so the branch closed - which means a TON of paperwork for me. This included my first ever "Incident Report". OF COURSE I messed the dates up. Not sure how I did that..but the big boss had to correct me. UGH. My biggest fear is looking like an idiot on a new job. That's why I beat myself up over little mistakes...I know I can't be perfect but still. I just don't want them thinking I don't know what I am doing....


                    Sigh. Ready for the day to be over!



                    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2



                      Hi everyone. 5 miles yesterday and 1 mile today.

                      Finally the weather is starting to get better. That is,  not raining so much. The river and lake is so high.


                      *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

                       **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



                      Former Bad Ass

                        Hi!  I'm in DC on a business training trip so I'll be MIA for a few days.  I just got back to the hotel room after having dinner with a friend of mine.  RD for me, but I walked a shit ton.
