Womens Running


Weary Wednesday Supermoms (Read 14 times)


    RR: bootcamp followed by 5-7 miles this morning. Had a really nice 7 miler yesterday in perfect weather.


    TR: we spent most of the day outside yesterday, so he was a happy boy. Took him to one of the parks that has a nature trail along the river, and we stopped to throw rocks into the river. He had a ball and got soooo muddy.


    NRR: tired this morning. R woke up crying at 2am- fortunately DH went to check on him and he went right back to sleep. Then the cat woke me up at 4, and DH was snoring so loudly I couldn't get back to sleep, so I just laid there until my alarm went off at 4:45. Ugh. I saw a funny thing about what mom's want for mothers day: "A hotel room and an ambien" and I'm starting to agree with that. Lol.

     5K: 19:15       Half: 1:29:35       Marathon: 3:13:08



    beskirted & manicured

      RR - at least 20 minutes of run/walk.  I am all fat and gross from AF and I have recovered enough to go downstairs facing forwards this morning, I gotta do something.  I have something exciting to share, but it hasn't been posted online yet.


      KR - had his 4 year checkup yesterday and he was so good.  He let the doctor measure him (he refuses to stand by the wall at home where we have the height marks anymore), he happily let her look in his ears, eyes and mouth, and didn't make as much as a peep when he got vaxxed.  39 lbs and 41", almost time to graduate to the booster seat!


      FR - I've been waiting for the runger to kick in, and strangely enough I have barely been able to eat anything since the marathon.  Today is the first day that I've been able to get anything besides coffee down in the morning and it's just a banana.  Baked potato bar for dinner tonight.



      rg - I often get a hotel room for my birthday just to have some peace and quiet.  DH doesn't usually remember to get me anything and I HATE hinting, but this year I asked for the set of race pics, I couldn't afford to buy those and they were too epic to pass up, right?

      5K - 24:10 | 8K - 40:41  | 10K - 51:40.6 | HM - 1:51:10 | 30K - 2:44:54 | Marathon - 3:59:26



        RR - 6 or 7k. I think I'll wait another hour or so for it to warm up a bit because it's quite chilly out this morning.


        TR - There was a 3-year-old girl at the park yesterday and they became instant friends. At one point they were sitting side by side making sand castles and carrying on an actual conversation, which was super cute and hilarious to watch. Except S kept talking about pee and poop, so maybe I need to work on her conversational skills a bit, ha ha.


        FR - Not sure, I need to grocery shop today.


        NRR - Just found out DH has to work overtime on Saturday, when we are supposed to be going to 3 parties that day. I am getting tired just thinking about carting S around to all these parties by myself!




        rg - Lol, forget the ambien, just give me a hotel room and I'm sure I'll sleep like a champ! Love those perfect weather runs. Throwing rocks in the river sounds like fun!


        zorbs - When will you be sharing your exciting news? That is some very delayed runger! Hope your run/walk feels good.

        5k - 20:46          10k - 41:27         10 mile - 1:15:32          Half marathon - 1:39:15      


        Bad Ass Mother Runner



          RR - 16k went well last night, hip held up and I rolled it after.  I would like to do my extra day 6 running today, but I have to see if I can squeeze it in, it might end up w/ the stroller to the park and back after work.


          KR - was just going to bed when I got home last night.  Got home just in time for a hug and a kiss.


          TR - didn't see her, I could hear her chattering in her crib but didn't want to disturb her.


          FR - slow cooker corn chowder


          NRR - have to do some errands w/ DH at lunch, which is why I can't run then.


          NRR2 - dog didn't throw up last night - YAY!

          5k - 22:56        10k - 46:13          HM - 1:45:39          FM - 3:57:03

          Blog: http://terryruns.wordpress.com/


          Bad Ass Mother Runner

            RG - sounds like a fun day outside!  I had a hard time sleeping *all* the way to my 5am alarm this morning too - so frustrating!  I'd die for a night alone in a hotel room, definitely wouldn't need the ambian!

            zorbs - Awesome that B was so good at the Dr - M loves going to the dr.  I'm excited to hear your news - is it breaking today?

            ernie - it was super cold here this morning - -5C, at this rate we are not going to be able to plant gardens by May long.

            5k - 22:56        10k - 46:13          HM - 1:45:39          FM - 3:57:03

            Blog: http://terryruns.wordpress.com/


              Morning!  Hit the ground running at work today...


              RR:  Spin class tonight.


              BR:  Is in the separation anxiety phase.  At least we know it is a phase.  Is waking up sitting in his crib...I wish he would learn to lay back down and fall asleep.


              TR:  Nights like last night made me really glad he sleeps downstairs and has black out shades.  There was a ton of lightning, thunder, hail, etc...slept right through.  Was wonderfully well behaved last night too which was great.


              NRR:  Lots of little stuff to take care of.  At work, we have to have "artifacts" showing that we are meeting standards as a teacher.  They were supposed to be due by May 1st, deadline was extended to Friday and I have yet to do it.  I have been gathering stuff, it is just a matter of sitting down and doing it.  I am such a procrastinator with this stuff!


              NRR#2:  Our summer calendar is starting to fill up and that makes me really happy.  New on it is Breakfast on the Farm.  It will be our first year going and J is a great age for it.  I truly believe the key to happiness with kids is to keep everyone busy.


              FR:  I made dinner last night for the first time in a LONG time!  I never  get home before DH, so I made spaghetti and got a shower in too!

              Upcoming Races: 

              Gazelle Girl 1/2 Marathon 4/13 - 1:48:46



              beskirted & manicured

                well, my exciting news turned out to be not-so-exciting.


                The editor of this newspaper column emailed me yesterday, asking me to call him with more details regarding my marathon finish and to send a pic, so I was all excited that my epic race pic would be in the paper.  But nope. http://eachcoach.com/img/EachCoach-May-7-2014.pdf  I'm annoyed because Daniel Iserman (Emma's brother) got his boring pic printed and obviously my pic is so much more interesting than his lol.


                ernie - well I can't say my run felt GOOD and kind of scary that I could not go faster than 6:30/k, even on downhills.  BTW the poutine burger wasn't that good, it was a mess and I shouldn't have gotten lettuce on it, because lettuce + gravy is not a very tasty combo. The burger I had from the Works after one of my long runs with sauteed mushrooms, gouda and an onion ring was actually much tastier. Here's a close up pic. https://www.flickr.com/photos/zorbs/14115802722/


                CA - recipe for the chowder?


                mer - I wish I could fill up the summer calendar but unfortunately time and money are mutually exclusive.

                5K - 24:10 | 8K - 40:41  | 10K - 51:40.6 | HM - 1:51:10 | 30K - 2:44:54 | Marathon - 3:59:26





                  RR:  Woke up to run and thought I was going to puke so I went back to bed, have no idea what is going on with that....


                  KR:  Slept on the top bunk of his bed last night.  This morning he informed me that his friend from school was going to come live with us and she could sleep on the bottom.  Uh, no.


                  NRR:  Speech day.  Hopefully this is our last month of it.


                  FR:  Leftover black bean salad since there is a ton.


                  Ok, gotta run.  BBL!


                  Honorary Old

                    RR: 4 miles with RP and R in the stroller. Towards the end I was getting a little cranky with incessant questions and told him he could have marshmallows if he was quiet.


                    TR: No time outs for being mean yesterday, just brattiness. Said "you're not my best friend" to me when I was laying out discipline on Monday, and this morning he gave me a big hug and said "Mama, I your best friend!" When he says I'm not his friend, I usually say "That's right, I'm not your best friend, I'm the mom and I'm your boss".


                    FR: Last night was shredded beef tacos, num.  Think I want to make chicken curry tonight, anyone have a good recipe?


                    NRR: Sounds like this will be my best bonus ever, I wish it was going to be spent on a trip to Hawaii and not going towards the yard or savings for limited partnership...

                    2 Mile: 17: 11   5k PR: 27:45    5 Mile: 44:11    10K: 59:01    Half: 2:15:59     Marathon: 5:50:07




                    Honorary Old

                      RG- FWIW, I stayed in a hotel last week, and despite it being a nice room with a comfy bed, I slept poorly. I think its the change of season. R woke me at 1:40 am with a bad dream and needing to pee.


                      zorbs- When I ran my marathon in 2009, I went to a friend's apartment to shower after the race and had to go up and down several flights of stairs. I think I didn't go in the basement for a week after that race, lol!  I love it when kids are good at the doctor! I'm so proud of you and your PR, wasn't it last year that you said you sucked at marathons? Wink


                      Ernie- R is obsessed with poop. Right now he loves looking for bird poop outside and talking about it- RP was laughing because he was making a big deal. She showed him a giant bird poop on her driveway and he was really impressed. How sad will people be if you don't go to the parties? I'd pick 1 or 2 and call it good.


                      CA- how does the corn chowder turn out in the slow cooker? I have a problem with the corn getting tough if I cook it too long.


                      Becky- What did C have trouble saying that called for Speech therapy? R can't make "L" sounds yet- he subs R, W, or Y sounds for it.  He says "ticker-ish" instead of "ticklish" and it makes me laugh.


                      mer- My calendar is full of boring stuff. Still need to acquire a few items and then we can start planning backpacking trips.

                      2 Mile: 17: 11   5k PR: 27:45    5 Mile: 44:11    10K: 59:01    Half: 2:15:59     Marathon: 5:50:07




                      Bad Ass Mother Runner

                        mer - O has some serious separation anxiety and has for MONTHS now!  She will stay at the dayhome or w/ grandparents but I can't leave her in the church nursery or random places, I can't wait for her to get over it.  Jealous of your summer off!

                        zorbs - i'll post it tonight if it's good, it's my friends from the freezer meal prep night, so I haven't tried it.

                        becky - boo to the pukiness!  M is fascinated by bunk beds right now!  YUM on the black bean salad!

                        spike - I'm considering a stroller run tonight but don't know how the kids will do sitting still in it for any amount of time.  YAY for a big bonus - I'd reward yourself w/ 5-10% of it for fun money.  I haven't tried this chowder recipe, but have another one we've done that's super yummy.  They both have creamed corn in them, but I have a  number of recipes w/ frozen and they are good too.

                        5k - 22:56        10k - 46:13          HM - 1:45:39          FM - 3:57:03

                        Blog: http://terryruns.wordpress.com/


                        beskirted & manicured

                          becky - oooh C has a gf?


                          spike - chicken curry = coconut milk, curry powder, garam masala, dash of fish sauce.  chicken potatoes onions peppers + whatever veggies you like.

                          5K - 24:10 | 8K - 40:41  | 10K - 51:40.6 | HM - 1:51:10 | 30K - 2:44:54 | Marathon - 3:59:26



                          Honorary Old

                            CA- I'm going to do a little bit of shopping when I'm in Denver, but they are more needs than wants.


                            zorbs- blech, I hate coconut in all of its incarnations.

                            2 Mile: 17: 11   5k PR: 27:45    5 Mile: 44:11    10K: 59:01    Half: 2:15:59     Marathon: 5:50:07




                              zorbs - I don't see the boys much during the school year, so I try to be as "present" and involved as I can in the summer.  I want them to look back and remember all of the fun we have had.  Not all of our activities are super expensive.  For example we will go Strawberry Picking, on nature walks, to the beach, etc.  Glad B did so well at his well check.  I also find it interesting that you refer to it as a PB vs. PR.


                              rg - I saw the pic of R on FB.  Super cute.  Our night was chaos so we didn't have any time to take J outside.  Sorry you didn't sleep well.


                              ernie - It is fun to see kids finally play with each  other and talk versus play next to each other.


                              CAR - Glad you had a puke free night!  With the storms, our dog was freaking out all night.  I am surprised he didn't end up next to our bed.  16K is a lot for after work!  I am jealous of your schedule, too!  Wink  H does well when we drop him off at Grandmas, and when he is with the sitter, etc...but we definitely sneak away!


                              becky - Hope you feel better soon!  Too funny about the friend moving in!


                              spike - I was going to ask the other day if your loan included anything for the yard...I can only imagine how much that would cost!  I hope you set aside a little bit for yourself to do some fun shopping.  Go for a want or two!

                              Upcoming Races: 

                              Gazelle Girl 1/2 Marathon 4/13 - 1:48:46



                              Honorary Old

                                mer- pretty much the only time you can get a yard included is if you build a house in a development where you choose from packages/floor plans offered by the developer. Most custom builders won't include it. Oh well, just more equity I guess!

                                2 Mile: 17: 11   5k PR: 27:45    5 Mile: 44:11    10K: 59:01    Half: 2:15:59     Marathon: 5:50:07


