Womens Running


Wishful weekend (Over 40) (Read 218 times)

    Wishing I had company on all of these upcoming trips. LOL


    Up early to join Scrapster for a long run.




    Run to live; live to run

      Today off to run 10 to 11 then puppy pool.  Dh and I did the housework yesterday so not sure what I'll attempt this afternoon.


      Tessa yes and it will probably be 80 today too.  It is 60 right now which is odd at 6 am in January.



      Julie I love your enthusiasm



      Lisa have a great run with Scrapster



        Morning Ladies!


        LisaMMR - Are you liking the travel for your job?  Hoping you are enjoying your long run!


        Marjorie - Hoping you are enjoying your run as well!!!


        Spent 5 bucks for "The Biggest Loser" Yoga DVD yesterday....best 5 I have spent....it was great.  You could add on segments (Yoga/pilates/strength training) so I did them all, lasted an hour.  Bob-the trainer from BL, did it and it was very easy to follow and he kept it moving the entire time.....


        Off for a run in the 45 degree weather here Smile



        LC Runs

          Hi Everyone!


          Foggy here, but heading out in a while for a run!


          Lisa - enjoy the long run


          Marjorie - wow, 80 degrees?  Have a good 10-11


          Carol - score on the DVD!!




            8 miles outside this morning!  I probably shouldn't have gone 8, because I was really done at 7, my legs were bad, but I kept going.  Since the weather was go good I just had to take advantage.  Wish I could figure out why my legs give out so early.  Of course I really have not kept ;up the mileage since October, so , duh, that would probably be the problem.


            Didn't get a chance to get one the computer at all yesterday, had to work the front desk at the library all day.  8 hours facing the public in a library is about  4 hours too many!  I am usually at the reference desk which isn't quite as demanding.


            Damaris...good luck with the Goofy and have fun.


            Lisa marie..hope your DD gets better soon.


            Judy....sorry about the sore foot, hope you figure out what is causing the problem.


            Marjorie...80 degrees!  Awesome!  I thought 50 was warm this morning.


            Julie...you have an amazing story.  so great that you have embraced running with such enthusiasm!  I need some of your motivation.


            I can't remember who mentioned the Yoga DVD, but I have always wanted to try Yoga, sounds like a good DVD, think I will look for it.  Have you done Yoga before?  I have never tried it at all.


            Well I better get cleaned up and go to the grocery store.  I am a big Denver Broncos fan, so am looking forward to the game tonight, I have to get some football watching snacks!  None of which will be good for me I am sure.





            6/8 Hatfield/McCoy Half, 8/18 lake Erie Shores and Islands Half, 9/21 Mighty Niagara Half Lewiston, NY, 10/7 Cleveland Rock & Roll Half 10/6 or Detroit Free Press 10/20, A Christmas Story 5 or 10K Cleveland 12/7, Santa Hustle Half Cedar Point 12/15

            Anonymous Guest

              Ugh, swimming lesson canceled. Oh well, I think I understand what I'm supposed to do, I just need practice. I need to find someplace around here to work on it. Don't want to join a gym just for the pool. I found an indoor aquatic center 30-40 minutes from here, but looking into it the pool is closed to the public most weekend days for swim meets. Might still work if I can convince myself to get out of bed super early and go before work. No Y in my area. Will do more googling later. Because I need to figure this swimming thing out since I signed up for a sprint tri this summer! It's not until July, so if worse comes to worse, I can wait until my neighborhood pool opens in May, I guess. Maybe throw in a lesson or two around that time.


              Meeting a friend I haven't seen in ages in a little bit for coffee. Looking forward to it. Then going to use the Kohl's gift cards my mom gave us for Christmas, and probably hit the Ann Taylor Factory Store, which has everything 70% off. By that time it should be sunny and 60 here so I can go out for a nice warm run - looking forward to getting all sweaty in January! Tomorrow I'm bringing my bike upstairs and riding outside, as it's supposed to be sunny and 65.


              Morning everyone. Ginny, I'm glad you got out there - I know how you struggle in winter. Take advantage of this warm weather while we can!

              More later, I've been messing around too long and now it's time to get out the door.


              Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


              Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

              Check out my website and youtube channel


              Run to live; live to run

                Karen practice makes it better but just getting out there to do it can be hard.


                Ginny great that you stuck with it to get the 8.


                Laura yep.  It is in the 60's now.  Feels like spring


                Carol nice the video worked out.


                I did 11.  Good run and very warm.


                LC Runs

                  7.2 awesome miles outside - weather is sooo nice :-)


                  Ginny - great job on the 8


                  Karen - ugh sorry that swim was cancelled, I would like to get back into swimming, been a long time!

                    Of all the mornings when MapMyRun doesn't auto log my workout to Facebook.  Was soo looking forward to comments from a 24.6 mile run posting just after 10am.  Had to wait til I got home.  LOL


                    Headlamps were used, ice skates may have come in handy at times as parts were sheet ice that gave way to water underneath, parts just that thin veneer of ice, fog in parts that made me point headlamp up because it wasn't helpful...the fog was that thick. Out back so by time coming back most had melted but still soggy cold feet.  5 hours done.  Haven't run that far in awhile and I felt it. Will feel it even more later Im sure.


                    Have a great day ladies!




                      Guess the weather was a lot better here Lisa, no fog, no ice either.  Nice 25+ MILES FOR YOU!  I havent run that far in 3 years and don't plan on it any time soon either.


                      Karen...I do struggle in the winter, but doing pretty well so far this year.  I am sure winter will be back with us here next week though.





                      6/8 Hatfield/McCoy Half, 8/18 lake Erie Shores and Islands Half, 9/21 Mighty Niagara Half Lewiston, NY, 10/7 Cleveland Rock & Roll Half 10/6 or Detroit Free Press 10/20, A Christmas Story 5 or 10K Cleveland 12/7, Santa Hustle Half Cedar Point 12/15


                        Sounds like everyone is having a great "running" day!!!!


                        I did 10ish....it was beautiful out!  Longest run in my new Newton's.....I almost hate wearing them because I don't want to wear them out :0  they are awesome!!!


                        LisaMMR - What time did you start your run???  Sounds like it was fun!


                        Ginny - so glad you had a nice run outside, it doesn't seem as if you have struggled as much with the winter as much this year (course we really haven't had too much winter)....let's hope it continues!  It was me that talked about the Yoga DVD...I have others, but this one is probably the best one I have done off DVD.  He is very simple in his explanations, and quite a workout!!  (Biggest Loser Yoga with Bob - was on clearance at Kmart for $5)


                        LCruns - Nice on the 7.5....it is a great weather day isn't it!


                        Karen - You signed up for a sprint...that is great!!!!  You will kill the bike and run!!!  So you just have to "make it through" the swim.......HIM here you come!!!


                        Must get back to my cleaning....



                          carol- we started just after 5am. Nuts I know. This will feel like the worlds longest day. I've done laundry, returned some gifts to a store, filled the gas tank and am now waiting for DD's basketball game to start. Then we have a euchre party to go to tonight. Darn. I need to go to store to buy food for what we're bringing also. Guessing my card playing skills won't be as ahem sharp as usual. Ha!




                          Fire Jumper

                            Hello all,


                            Just got back from an OUTDOOR run with RB.  It was SO great to be outside.  High 40's, a little breezy.... but hey.... it was fresh air!


                            I'm a little frustrated.  The last two days my sugar has dropped precipitously at about mile 3, causing me to draw my runs to an early end.   Yesterday, I could have easily blamed it on a lack of pre-run nutrition.  Today, I made sure that wasn't the issue.  I even had glucose tablets in my pocket, but those didn't help much.  sigh.  Maybe it's just a bad couple of days.


                            Marjorie and Ginny - Aww shucks. Thank you for the kind words.   And Ginny, my motivation is pretty simple.  The disease of obesity will kill me.  And, if it doesn't kill me, it will rob me of my quality of life.  Running is a much better option! Smile


                            Carol - I love yoga.  The balance and stability I have learned from it is priceless!


                            Karen - it's cool that you're so determined to get this swimming thing licked!  wtg!


                            LC - more nice miles!


                            Amy - wow!  I think you get the trooper of the weekend award!  24.6 is outstanding.... and then add fog, dark, ice, and wet feet.... you rock.


                            This is totally NRR - but I want to share with y'all the "other" athlete in our family, starring in her very own iMove trailer!  "Snow Ball: Jazzie's Story"  (This is what happens when the DDog is your only child... hehe)


                            Have a great day,


                            5K's and Obstacle Runs

                            Goal for 2013:  10K


                            Icebreaker Challenge 5K, Girls on the Run 5K, Friehofer's Run for Women 5K, Hero Rush, Warrior Dash Florida, Warrior Dash Eastern NY, Turkey Trot,  Mud Mania, and yet-to-be-decided goal 10K.


                              Hey!  Very warm here too.  May need to turn the A/C back on.  Fans on now.  Did  a group bike ride this morning.  About 30 people.   Rode over to a park where one of the guys had fresh coffee and hot benigients.  Oh they were good.  ( kind of a square doughnut in powdered sugar, like the ones you get at Cafe DuMonde in New Orleans).  Rode back and then did a few laps around the beach and park.  17 miles, good to be back on the bike.


                              Did the commissary, sewed, now going to DS1's for a steak cookout.  Deuce is going too so he can play with Cody (English bulldog) and Eliot(Great Dane).


                              Carol--sounds like a good dvd.  I will have to watch for it.


                              Lisa--wow!  25 miles!!!  Sounds like everyone else had great runs today too.

                                Hi to all!


                                Beautiful, sunny, relatively chilly (upper 40s) day here today.  Met up with my running club for a few miles then continued down the path for 13 total.  Hit the grocery store, dry cleaners, pharmacy and pet store, and got everything on my list except pellets for my birds (sold out, darn it).  Saw a great Dane in the pet store and had to smile because it was like a horse had just walked in!


                                Lisa/MMR, where are you traveling and why?  Any plans to come to CA?  And, wow, what a run!  Is that training for your March 50K?


                                Marjorie, I'd suffer greatly if I had to run in 80s temps.  Good for you for getting out there.


                                Carol, yoga is one of those things that I keep saying I should try but don't.  Sounds like you had a good work-out, for $5 no less.


                                LC, nice run.  Makes such a difference with the weather is good.


                                Ginny, sounds exhausting dealing with the public for 8 hours.  I couldn't do it!  Nice job powering through 8 miles today.


                                CrazySu, someone around here needs to get with the program and provide hot coffee and fresh beignets after my workout!


                                Karen, maybe we can find time to meet up Saturday afternoon before GO!  Let's remember to touch base about it again closer to the date.  I'm arriving Sat around 3:00 pm so will probably go straight to the expo from there.  Hope you can find somewhere to swim so you can make even more progress before your tri.


                                Julie, your sugar issues sound frustrating.  Have you tried any of the usual stuff like Gu or sports beans?  Or it could just be a bad couple of days -- that happens sometimes.


                                Looking forward to the 49ers playoff game tonight.  Baking brownies to take over to a friend's house for a small game watch party.


                                Enjoy the rest of your Saturday!

                                6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                                7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                                9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR
