Womens Running


First on Thursday (Read 17 times)

    Me! I'm first on Thursday???

      Hot and steamy 5.1 w Steve.  Hip hurts....IDK what I'm going to do about it.  I'm thinking it is a piriformis issue. Will try to remember to stretch more. Maybe that will help. Suggestions???


      Still on storm watch here.  Current predictions are for landfall Sunday around Lafayette, but each update moves it more to the east. I'm thinking we will just get some rain out of it. Still no word on DH's sail trip in the gulf. All on hold right now. Fine w me.


      Liz, I was thinking peacock cookies too!


      Lisa--I may need a to do race in Meridian!  Have y'all signed up?


      Have a great day!


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  Woke up with another motherfucking headache but fortunately, I'm working from home.  Pilates for me.


        Susan, hoping the hip feels better.



        WINE o'clock somewhere!

          Sue, glad DH is still home.  Sorry about your hip.  Yes, we are signed up for the Meridian race, 50K for Lisa and myself and 25K for her SO.  Come on down!  (Or up, or across...  Can't remember where you are in relation.). She mentioned an AirBnB for the weekend.


          Damaris, what a bummer about the headache.  I have a tiny one, but since it is self induced, I can't really complain.


          Lizzie, I was on the peacock theme here too.


          Karen, what part of OR are you thinking of outside of Ashland?


          Getting excited for stuff coming up.  My next "race" is Woodstock!!  I am so looking forward to crewing Lisa and Margaret (and Lori??  - you still in???) to their first 100!!!!  Who else wants to come and join the festivities?  Ginny?  Wouldn't be the same without you!  Carol??  You've been on the trails recently...  Who wants to welcome these lovely ladies in!  I'm gonna do my best to make it groovy doovy for them.   Maybe a little surprise or two...  Crap, I guess it can't be a surprise if Lisa/Margaret/Lori read this. Cover your ears you three.  


          Got up early for a run, Still a titch of a headache, Gonna let the Advil do it's thing then head out for a few.  Still overcast out from the storm last night.


          That is that...



          Kettle Moraine - June 2024

          Beast of Burden - August 2024

          Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

          Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



          Cupcake Connoisseur

            Running rest day for me. Did a 5:45 Body Pump class.


            I was super stiff this morning. Had a good class though - and an even better massage. It was painful, but good. She said next time we will probably just work on my back the entire time. She said she can see that one side is tighter than the other - like, visually see. She said this may be impacting everything below - including my achilles. Hey, if she thinks it will help I am all for it.


            Nothing crazy going on in my world. Planning on running long tomorrow but it is so damn HOT and HUMID..I am going to try and get up SUPER early to do it. I am considering the first few weeks of training a "cut week" since the mileage is low Smile



            Lisa – Love the Pina Colada jelly bellies!! I hope you had a better nights sleep.


            Run4kupcakes – Nice run yesterday. WOW! That picture is crazy! Hard to believe a water main break caused that.


            Tessa – We will be hiring a bakery to do the cookies. I don’t have time for all that – haha. HCF’s last name is Peacock 😊 Work call during your run?! WTH! That IS ridiculous. Like Margaret said, I hope there is an end in sight!


            Margaret – Haha, I like your dads idea of the pina coladas and daiquiris for Christmas. My family always does “Snow Plows”. Hot cocoa, Kahlua, Baileys and whip cream. YUM. Nice run after work yesterday! I can see how running after work can throw the schedule off!


            Susan – Nice run this morning. Hmm, I think Sandy had good luck with her Chiropractor. Maybe a massage? I hope this storm misses you!


            Docket – Aw man. I hope you feel better!



            Have a great day!



            October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

            November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

            March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


            Cupcake Connoisseur

              Kathryn – Have a great run! Woodstock is going to be so fun!!



              October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

              November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

              March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

              Anonymous Guest

                8 miles for me this morning. I let the dogs out this morning and it didn't feel like I was breathing water, which was odd. Dewpoint was only 72! And temp 74! Made for a pleasant run. Geez, a few months ago 74/72 would have been miserable. Yay Houston?


                Doing laundry now, then need to pack and take the dogs to the kennel this afternoon. We're on the upgrade list and in boarding group 2 thanks to DH. He doesn't fly much for work anymore, but apparently United was at the campus recently just giving out Premier status, so he signed up. Since I'm cheap so when I fly by myself I pick basic economy and can only have what fits under the seat in front of me, I'm feeling pretty high class just being able to have something I can put in the overhead bin.


                Margaret, thanks for the okay on the northern OR location as well . Turns out the places he was looking at and really interested in had some issues so we're not going to bother going up there. We're only looking at a couple of condos in Ashland itself and a couple cabins up on Hyatt Lake (about 40 minutes east). The cabin on the lake is what we're really hoping works out. I just noticed SOB is this weekend....if any of these places work out - next year?


                Lisa, just keep getting those miles in.


                HCK, crazy on that sinkhole.


                Susan, I know a few people that swear by the Myrtl (sp?) routine for hip issues. Other than that, idk. Maybe massage or chiro? I hope you don't get too much from the storm - looks like we may not even get rain at this point.


                Damaris, yuck on the headache. Hope you're feeling better.


                Kathryn, we're pretty much open to anything in OR, WA, ID, even UT. But for this trip we've decided to just stick to the Ashland area. So I've texted Lisa a couple times as I can get a flight to Detroit the weekend of Woodstock for $200. Don't know what distance I'd run, but it will be much less than 100 miles, so if I'm there, I'll help crew.


                Liz, your massage person sounds awesome. For tomorrow, just remember slow and easy. And take water.

                Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                Check out my website and youtube channel

                  Karen--Ugh...watching the storm track.  Every update brings landfall more eastward...towards us!!  At least they decided DH won't sail till next Tuesday at the earliest.  We need to pick up a few groceries and Pasacagoula Walmart shelves were completely empty on the bread aisle!  Maybe I can at least pick up some more milk on the way home. Luckily, we are not desperately out of anything. Have a great trip!


                  Googling Myrtl now.


                  I did stock up on more fabric, in case I need to sew. Of course I need to sew!! DH is refinishing furniture this weekend since he will be home, so I want to get some good sewing time in.




                  WINE o'clock somewhere!

                    Lizzie, bummer you're stiff.  On yesterday, I LOVE Pina Coladas!!!


                    Karen, woot woot woot...  Come for the fun!!


                    WEAK 5 miles.  I fell back asleep, so it was sunny and warm when I got out there at 10:30.  87.

                    Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                    Beast of Burden - August 2024

                    Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                    Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



                    Cupcake Connoisseur

                      Karen – Nice miles today! See, I get mad at 72 DP. Laughing at how excited you are to not be flying basic economy 😊 Have a FABULOUS time!!!! Take lots of pictures!


                      Susan – We just got alerts about the storm. We have some branches in TX that may be affected.


                      Kathryn – 5 miles is better than no miles! 😊 How are you liking the new Mac?!



                      Man, busy day. Love it though! Makes the time fly by!


                      Hope everyone has a good afternoon!



                      October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                      November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                      March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

                      Half Crazy K 2.0

                        Strength training and 1 mile. Wasn't planning on running but was going to get pictures of some crazy flooding. When I drove home at 5, the field looked like a raging river. It had receded by 7. The streams were still running really high and fast, but nothing like earlier. Awful commute. I pulled into a shopping center because I couldn't see anything. Had to turn around 2 times to reroute around flooded roads.


                        CrazySue, that hip/glute area can be tricky. I've had SI joint issues and initially was doing the Myrtl routine and it made things worse for me. I found that lots of core work and limiting sitting helped. Hopefully the storm doesn't impact you too much.


                        AnonymousGuest, even without the overhead bag, at least you get an assigned seat!


                        KatS, running in 87 degrees sounds awful.


                        Lizzie, have you ever tried an oatmeal cookie--Baileys,, Goldschlagger and Butterscotch Schnapps.

                          3.6 this morning and I can't call them hot or steamy when we have southerners on here. LOL


                          Sue-boo on the hip hurting. suggestions? stretch more. LOL  I HAVE signed up for The Great Scorpion! 50k! I want one of those scorpion shaped medals! And the shirt promises to be a classic too! Yeah! Come on and join the slow and dark side of running with Kathryn and me! We all can run our own races or opt to hang together. Usually wait to see how each is feeling then decide and it's fine no matter what. There will be Mardi Gras beads when going on the Mardi Gras trail section. I'm sure you need more of those. Trail races don't get much better than this: "A great mix of Single Track and Jeep Trail. The Great Scorpion Trail Run will offer roots, rocks and hills to challenge you, while the views through the trees of Bonita Lakes will make you smile. The final leg of single track for the loop is the Mardi Gras Trail complete with Mardi Gras beads and a welcoming downhill. Each loop ends with you passing the RFID antennas to capture your split. The parking area is right on the course, so feel free to setup your own pit stop without having to venture far away from the course. This course is marked really well. From Red plastic plates with the Scorpion logo to red and black flagging tape to neon green arrows and marking sprayed on the ground; we put a lot of effort to keep you on the right track so you only have to focus on running."


                          Kat-don't be posting things I can't read! LOL Woodstock will be a blast. I love all the different distances out there. Makes for lots of company during the day hours to have them joining us. You'll be great crew chief!


                          Liz-i did sleep better.. took something to help me sleep. Hope you wake up for your super early run!


                          Karen-woohoo on joining the gang at Woodstock. I have the axes at ready! They go with the Wood part of course. Happy travels!


                          HCK2-wow on the flooding. Water can be so powerful!


                          Registration tonight/morning for Possum's Revenge. i want that lightning bolt holding crazy possum riding the unicorn over the rainbow medal and shirt!





                            NO light at the end of the tunnel. It's getting worse. The insurance market is crazier than we've seen it since 1986-87.


                            Karen, nice to have a place to put your tote bag and an assigned seat! Good luck with the looking. Which race is this you are talking about?


                            HCK, so green! Wow.


                            Susan, glad DH's sailing has been delayed. That storm looks bad. And while sorry it is coming your way, NO sounds like they are even worse off. Yes, people are probably buying up everything in sight.


                            Liz, I did not know HCF's last name is Peacock. Interesting.


                            Damaris, hope the headache is better.


                            Gatsby, I love margaritas. And they are fairly easy to make.


                            2.3 this morning. It's getting harder to do a decent run before work because the freeway keeps getting more crowded. 20 minutes usually to get to the park & ride. And definitely not WFH tomorrow since I have meetings almost all day.


                            Lead on the weekend!

                              Kat, I didn’t read a thing!   I’m glad you’ll be there at Woodstock.  5 miles is better than no miles!


                              Lisa, Tessa, Karen — a RC friend is doing Beaverhead 100k this weekend.  Such a fun and wacky weekend that was. I don’t think he’s doing Missoula, though.


                              Yes, SOB (Siskiyou Out Back) is on my list of possibles for next summer!  There’s 100k, 50M, 50k and 15k. Something for everyone!  Even if Karen does not get a place in OR, lol.


                              Damaris, sorry the headaches are continuing. Have you talked to a neurologist lately?


                              CrazySue, hope the storm misses you!


                              Lizzie, interesting that tightness in your back might be causing other issues. I believe it, everything is connected and affects everything else.


                              HCK, yikes on the rain and flooding!  No wonder everything looks so green there (say the Californians, who see a lot of brown this time of year).


                              Rest day today, a few miles plus kettlebells tomorrow. Maybe some happy hour burpees after work.   Right Lisa?

                              5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

                              7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                              9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR