Womens Running


Hot Fudge Sundae THURSDAYS (DAILIES) (Read 18 times)


Cupcake Connoisseur

    OH YEAH! A day I can get behind! I haven't had one in YEARS..but YUM YUM!!



    October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

    November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

    March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


    Cupcake Connoisseur

      Body Pump class for me this morning. Running rest day.


      New routine in class today - very heavy on biceps and triceps. I am pooped! I also took Ruger on a mile walk when I got home. Its going to be GORGEOUS today so we will probably go for a lunchtime walk, too Smile This weather is going to last through the weekend! So exciting. If Summer was like this all the time, I would love it.


      I wonder what this day will bring..roof leaks? Water fountain leak? Maybe even snakes in the drive-thru?! 



      Tessa – OMG! I did not know that wedding story. How awkward! We aren’t having assigned seating, but will be having assigned tables. Same thing I guess. GOOD CALL on the work from home yesterday. Its nice that you are able to do that. Aw, sorry about DS not wanting kittens. I was wondering if you were fostering any right now.


      Karen – YES!! Before I saw your second post, I was going to say to go with the house 😊 I think you would appreciate the privacy more! And the dogs would love it, too! Yay!! So awesome. Fingers crossed.


      Docket – Aw, I hope you got some rest! That is really awesome that hubby has likely found something as well! Have you started looking at homes and such?


      Run4kupcakes – Nice run yesterday! This weather is FANTASTIC!! I see the ugliness is coming back next week.



      Happy Thursday! We are almost there!



      October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

      November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

      March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2


      Former Bad Ass

        Morning!  I didn't run last night and instead went to bed early.  It was a great decision. I feel much better today.  9 with 3 @ MP when I get home from work (not WFH since we have a regional meeting and my evaluation today).  Plus I have a deposition tomorrow and I need to print a whole lot of shit.


        Tessa, hiya!  Been reading your comments but have forgotten to answer.


        Liz, nice work at body pump.




          I want a hot fudge sundae.  Yum yum yum

          But alas, this low carb and no sugar diet I started says no. It's been 3 week's and I've lost 3 pounds.  Yay


          Tonight I'm running with Ingrid and the local running group. She's only one I can reasonably keep up with.  So I don't usually go but I really want to try the restaurant they've chosen. I've heard good things about it.  It's vegan (which I'm not) but hopefully I can find low carb options other than just plain salad.


          *it's Bertha or me. My money is on me.*

           **"There is no growth in the comfort zone and no comfort in the growth zone".---- Sandy**



          Former Bad Ass

            Well done, Lori!


            Forgot to mention that our asshole governor finally quit after 1 million Puerto Ricans protested on the streets this week.  I'm going to need martinis tonight.



            Former Bad Ass

              They just announced in the Indy region that I'm their new attorney and that I'm coming for a visit in late August. Big grin


                Another cool 70s this morning so I ran again.  Not bad, hip was ok but hamstrings were tight.  I will try to remember to add cobra and down dog--I know I should stretch, but I forget.


                TW this afternoon and tomorrow. Yesterday was crazy busy and I was on webex for most of the day....knitted a dishcloth while they were discussing things that didn't quite apply to me directly Wink  The other day a frantic coworker came to me -- she had a four hour conference call and needed knitting! I fixed her up lol.


                Sandy--I hope today is a better work day!


                Thanks Tessa-- I forgot about caregiver support groups.  Their church is quite helpful--when mom broke her leg they visited and brought meals several times a week.


                Karen--good luck with the house!! So exciting!!


                Damaris--I will have to check the news.  I was wondering if he would resign. Maybe things will start to improve in PR now??  We were there in 2015(?) and hated to see all the damage from the hurricane and the struggle afterwards.


                Better get busy!!



                  I don't think I can get behind hot fudge sundae Thursdays...because if I have a hot fudge sundae it will go straight to MY behind. Which needs reducing not augmenting.


                  Liz, yeah, we had let the kids have a run around between the service and the reception and then couldn't find any tables with four seats together so split up, DH took DS and I took DD, and each of us tried to find a table with two seats free. Patricia and I were very polite to each other -- yes she knew who I was too, however she and DH had been divorced for years before I started dating him so it wasn't a case of The Other Woman sitting next to The Wronged Wife. Funniest bit was when we were walking back to the car and DH said "Sis told me that Patricia was going to be there, but I didn't see her at all" and I said "You mean the woman I was SITTING NEXT TO?" and he blanched.


                  Snakes in the drive thru? Yikes. Hope not. People have been posting pics of snakes to Nextdoor. We have Pacific diamondbacks around here.


                  Damaris, I'll be in Indy on business on the 23rd and 24th, when are you there?


                  Glad to see the governor has finally got the message. Mostly as a result of HIS ill-thought-out messages, I suspect.


                  Yay Lori on sticking to your low carb/no sugar plan! Vegan restaurant should have vegetables and dishes based on whole grains, legumes, or seeds. Check the menu and see what they offer.


                  Susan, chuckling about your coworker needing emergency knitting supplies. Glad your mom has a supportive church.


                  3.5 this morning. It is going to be hot and humid today, so wanted to get out while I could. Regular WFH day today.


                  Former Bad Ass

                    • The PR governor finally resigned, the fucking motherfucker.
                    • Indy made the announcement internally and is arranging for my in person visit to meet the office when hubby goes to interview with the VA next month
                    • Miami made the announcement at our regional meeting today.

                    I suspect I will drink one martini tonight for each of these awesome news. Big grin


                    Tessa, we land late on august 23rd so I'll be there until Monday night!!!



                    Running with the Turtles

                      6 easy miles this morning.  My legs are tired.    Had a nice dinner at the in-laws last night, DH's Uncle and Aunt are in town, they are here for an Audubon Convention in Milwaukee and then they are driving through to spend the rest of the summer in Colorado (they have a home in Naples, FL).  I was up too late though, until 11:30!    lol.  I have had a hot fudge sundae recently.  Though it was just vanilla ice cream with hot fudge on it.  Not even a cherry on top!  


                      Liz, enjoy the rest day!  Nice that you have a reprieve from summer!  Is it too early to stalk weather for Aug 10?    Enjoy your MP miles tomorrow.    Assigned tables would be nice, especially for us introverted people that will be coming from out of town and will not know anyone else.    Put us with a bunch of other introverted people, so we can just stare at our food all night, lol.


                      Damaris, nice that you got some good rest.  Nice also about the Indy position!  Hopefully things improve in PR.  Enjoy the MP run.  And the martinis.  


                      Lori, awesome that you have lost 3 pounds!  Sounds like a tough diet.    The vegan restaurant sounds interesting.  We have an excellent vegetarian restaurant here.  And I am not vegetarian!


                      Sue, nice run this morning!  Great that you could help out your coworker!


                      Tessa, wow, funny about the wedding seating situation!  Seems like everyone got a reprieve from the hot weather except for you!   My friend that DD walks the dogs for is "fostering" a cat.  A lady at her church has been in the hospital so my friend took in her cat.


                      Karen, the house is cute!  Our house is 1200 square feet.  Which now seems way too small with 3 females that always seem to need to be in the bathroom at the same time.    Pretty pics!


                      Sandy, sorry about the work stress!  Mr Math has been out this week on an impromptu vacation to take some of his plethora of accumulated vacation before they switch to FTO.  Weird that he is gone.    I think a lot of first time marathoners put their times into one of those online calculators to get a predicted marathon time and believe they can actually run that time.  Or they double their half marathon time and figure they should be able to run a full a little bit slower than that.    I don't know what is up with that friend and the "coach".  You would think that she would figure out that maybe she should try something different.  But she is also one of those people that will set a goal pace and then proceed to run way faster than that pace at the start of the race.  Haha, my arm is fine.  I scratched it a little because I landed on one of the poles.  My right arm/shoulder is always a little sore from walking the dogs, the dog really pulls on the leash when she sees something interesting.  At least I fell on my other arm, to balance out the soreness.  




                      WINE o'clock somewhere!

                        Lizzie, not much of a hot fudge sunday girl.  Now caramel I can do.  Even DQ works!!  Happy you are getting some good weather!


                        Damaris, congrats on the announcement!!  Very excited for you.  Good luck to DH when you go.


                        Lori, good job on the pounds, heading in the right direction.  Have a good run tonight!


                        Sue, your poor coworker, a FOUR hour CC??  I would learn to knit just to survive sitting through it.


                        Tessa, enjoy, if possible, your WFH day.


                        Cathy, glad you got a nice 6!


                        Karen, excited to hear about the house!!!


                        I just got back from a good 6.  I only walked, but it was quite positive, speedy, and mentally strong.  I needed it.


                        Day off today, nothing on tap except a few things around the house.  Already went to the grocery store because my milk for my coffee was bad this morning.  Glad I figured it out before I drank it.  Blech.


                        I guess the "throwing a doctor under the bus" issue wasn't me...  One of the two other drs is talking bad to clients about one of us...


                        Don't want to go to work tomorrow.  We are hideously understaffed.  People are calling in and quitting, and we don't have enough support to run a 24/7 clinic.


                        Have a great one all.

                        Kettle Moraine - June 2024

                        Beast of Burden - August 2024

                        Hennepin Hundred - Oct 2024

                        Javelina Jundred - Oct 2024



                        Cupcake Connoisseur

                          Docket – LOTS of exciting things happening for you right now! Martini's indeed!


                          Lori – Woohoo! Nice job on the diet. No sugar and low carbs sounds like Liz would be grumpy 24/7. Have fun tonight!


                          Susan – Nice running today! Its hard to resist it in these wonderful temps. Laughing at knitting during conference calls! 😊


                          Tessa – LOL, opps! That is still an awkward situation at a wedding! HCF is inviting his ex..don’t get me started on that argument. Oh yes, this is a bank drive-thru..and the snake went up the tube vacuum chute!!! The tellers were freaking out. I would have been too. Nice run this morning!


                          Cathy – Nice run today! I bet it felt nice to go easy 😊 11:30? Phew, that is late! 😊 Glad it was worth it. That sounds like the PERFECT hot fudge sundae. That’s all I usually get on it. I don’t even like whipped cream. Haha, don’t worry – I won’t seat any introverted people with HCF’s family. Especially his mother. Did anything ever come about with house hunting?


                          Kathryn – Oh NO on those work issues. Do I remember reading that you were browsing? I LOVE DQ BLIZZARDS!!!



                          Its been a crazy day and no sign that it is slowing down soon. Big issue of the day? Dead animal under a bank that caused the BANK TO CLOSE. REALLY?



                          October 4 - Milwaukee, WI - 26.2

                          November 14 - Richmond, VA - 26.2

                          March 21 - Virginia Beach, VA - 26.2

                            Damaris---AWESOME news!!!  And you can run the Indy Mini Marathon in the spring!!!  Do carry your drivers license at that race. They refused to believe I was of legal age and would not give me a beer!


                            Kat--yay on 6!  And so it wasn't you. Yay.


                            We were at the office this morning, came home at lunch, and Skye was alone all morning and stayed out of trouble!!  Yay--Good Girl Skye!

                            Half Crazy K 2.0

                              Rest day. No hot fudge sundae, Thursdays I walk to the farmers market at lunch and get a key lime pie in a jar. Spent a bunch of time weeding raspberries when I got home.

                              Anonymous Guest

                                I am beat. I ran 12 this morning. Was going to do my long run, but realized I should get back to the realtor sooner rather than later, so cut it short. Told her we wanted to make an offer, she wrote it up and then met me at her office to go over everything. We put DH on speakerphone. Submitted the offer about 12:30. I ate some lunch and then drove forever back up to Denver, which is NOT the place to fly into. With some construction traffic and some heavy rain and storms, it took me 6 hours to get up here.  My realtor called while I was driving to say they countered (we gave them until tomorrow at 5). Their counter was much closer to our offer than to their asking price, so we will probably accept. I'm waiting for DH to call me back though.


                                I'll be honest, I barely skimmed the posts today. And that drive was exhausting. So no personals from me. Flight out is at 9, and I feel like I could just sleep until it's time to go to the airport. Thanks for putting up with my self-centered posting the last few days. I am ready to go home.

                                Coaching testimonial: "Not saying my workout was hard but KAREN IS EVIL."


                                Upcoming races: Hennepin Hundred - October 2024

                                Check out my website and youtube channel
