Run: Easy Previous Next


9:00 AM

4 km


3:49 km


16 C
  • Map


COMMENTS: Splits: 4:04, 3:46, 3:36, 3:36 + 9secs extra. The first k was painful due to long hill. I tried to run at a solid pace & not a hard pace since I didn't want to put myself deep into the oxygen debt. After another 500m of uphill, the course turned downhill. The next k was rolling and I decided to up the ante. The last k was mostly downhill and I ran side by side with the eventual 1st place female before she died in the last 300m. Despite little training in the last 2 weeks & physical/mental burnout, I was only 25 secs behind my 4K PB from Matilda Bay.16c, 70% humidity. Overall 11/166
