Cycling: Easy Previous Next


20 mi



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A beautiful 20 mile cycle with many hills as there is no other way here in D & G Region. I will always say that I can run easier up those hills than cycle.

Although the right leg did not hurt during yesterday's run at all this morning I did feel the same spot slightly sensitive. No pain but just enough sensations just familiar sensations. While cycling I was aware of this and it was confirmed that leg was not 100% especially as I was pushing up hill when I realised that I was using the inner side of the leg to push rather than the outer lower side just above the ankle and below the culf. Exactly on the same spot I was feeling pressure near the bone as almost the tendon was still wounded. Then I realised that my wound has not healed yet.

Later on when I had an easy 2 mile walk I could clearly feel again the same sensation and became cautious on how I was placing the leg especially when walking on uneven grounds. It is amazing how quickly the brain receives the neuron messages via body sensations and how almost automatically orders the body to protect the needy area by compensating otherwise. This is what happened today.

And going by today's experience it is clear that I am not "out of the woods as yet". Yesterday's run was amazing but yet alarming as today is the "The Day After".

Cycling feels safe and so does swimming for the time being. Running will have maybe to wait a little bit longer. Trial and Error as they say. I will and shall get there. Maybe a couple of weeks of testing the grounds possibly with very short easy runs. A day as it comes.
