Run: LONG Previous Next


19.2 mi


9:03 mi



10 / 10
6 / 10


It was a humid, sunny for at least 15 miles, slightly windy at certain parts of the course and partly cloudy in the end but still humid day. It was a tough repetitive loop and it was a tough run. Different in many ways and tough as I decided to do 5 Springholm loops (mentally demanding). The reason was that I was not confident to put a long run in the wilds without back up due to past tough experiences. Also I could not find my water belt so I decided to do the 4.1 loop X 5 which meant that I would be running outside home and so get regularly hydrated and if I had to stop for whatever reason I was within reach and close proximity to home. It worked fine in that respect. I worked hard overall a 9.4 min mile. I maintained this pace evenly indiscrimently of hills/flat or down hills. I knew the course well as I do it so many times a week. I knew that it was going to be tough because out of the 19.4 miles the 7 were up hill but at least I did not have to worry about safety and what would happen if I was not able for whatever reason to finish the course. I started with having a good plateful of porridge in the morning, took plenty of water prior to the run and a power energy drink 1/2 hour before the run and had my water bottle available at every loop I did and also carrying it during the last couple of miles. I had Gell at 13 point mile. I was working well up and until 14th point mile when I started feeling legs tired and slowing down a bit which meant had to put more effort to maintain pace. My goal for some reason was not to go beyond 9.10 minute mile. I wanted to test myself within my abillity of course. So, I did , but struggled so much during the 4th loop (approx. 15 to 17th mile) and I started wondering whether to do the 5th loop or not. That is when the mental battle starting kicking in. One part of me was for it whilst the other was stopping me finding millions of reasons for not doing it and sensible reasons too. But when one starts "THE DANCE" at times even sensible reasons are not good enough and this is how it works with me. I said to myself (thinking of SK and other runners) If others have done the hard way then I should be able to do the same. Quiting is not part of the deal in running. I had to push and whatever I could as one does during the Marathon. If I could not do this with the 19 mile today how on earth can I believe in me for doing a tough 26 in 8 week's time. So, I decided to finisgh the 4th and then at least do an extra 3 mile just so avoiding the steep hill which it was a sensible compromise. During the last 2 miles I felt pressure for going to the toilet ... I ignoned it as I have managed to do this before but also felt slightly dizzy and weak. I managed with a lot of mental positive affirmation and movng arms so to assist the legs to finish the run happily in 2.55. I was feeling great,had a shower, walking well not too bad really considering. Within 20 min I became violently sick on three occasions with stomach cramps and bringing up all the horrible Gue/Gell. Now it is the last thing I would like to face again. For approx. 1 and 1/2 I was feeling really ill but recovered and I was also able to have some food. I am back to normal now but do not wish to face ever again the gue. I had tougher runs in the past, serious cramps and pains etc but never had this one. Possibly was something wrong with that stuff. Who knows what they put inside maybe the wrong batch? It actually started bothering me now that I can recall jut 20 min after having it as I needed to go to the toilet. So, another bitter, tough experience of a long distance run. The last two miles were the longest of my life. Endless. I managed though and now I have the experience too. Looking now forward to the next one. But this time as Franc said I must and I will take it easy. This is a promise to myself. Another thing I need to add is that without Stevie and the zillion years, the beautiful music and lyrics of Loreena and my old favourite times Greek songs would have not managed the struggle. It was the first time in approx. 4 weeks that I used music again during my running. Thank God for this. Today I had made the right decision to use it.
