Run: EASY Previous Next


5:19 PM

4 mi


8:38 mi



9 / 10
4 / 10
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This was a tough 4 mile run. I started easy up hill and also apprehensive as legs were hurting. I did fine for first and second mile making sure that my breathing was in tune with pace as I felt I was putting a lot of effort. Once CS kicks in one loses normal sense of effort as every single run becomes tough work with constant effort. I decided for 3rd and 4 th mile to push it a bit which I did and felt that this was the fastest I could have done without causing any injuries or extreme pain. It worked out fine but legs did hurt in the end and thereafter. Franc helped out a lot to ease down this pain with deep massage.. My legs are so needy for manipulation and massage at this moment in time. If almost feels as one runs without water in the desert. I was satisfied with the run but feeling very tired due to a lot of work + other pressures. I need to allow time to physically recover from all I do and expected from to do whether is work and/or attending personal and family matters. I need my beauty sleep which I have lost several weeks now too. It almost feels as chasing my tail nowadays. It will all come. . . .but have also to make it a priority too.
