Swim: Mixed Previous Next


850 m


5 / 10
7 / 10
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<No name>


This was a bonus swim. I was in two minds whether to swim today as my whole body with calves, quads in particular were so stiff and everything seemed to be a struggle anything at all from walking up and down stairs to just sitting in front of my computer. So, lunch time I made my mind that there would be no swim today. But near the end of my working day I felt . . . Well what is the Big Idea? I will try and if body does not like it then I will decide then what to do on the Act. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that legs were alive and kicking in the water like a duck's legs. No gravity, No pain, No stiffness but just lightness and gliding in the water smoothly and silently. No resistance no effort. I did relax and enjoyed a longer swim and also had a few fast lengths alternating Front Crawl to Back Stroke. I feel so lucky that I have mastered swimming techniques so it is all effortless in the water for a change to the land. I really enjoyed this swim and legs did the work too.
