Cycling: Default Previous Next


10 mi


128 lb



Franc and I went out on our bikes. I had not cycled in many months and unfamiliarity kicked in with the use of gears and also use of my thumb after the operation a few weeks ago.

So, I was out of shape for biking and Franc had to take it easy. Of course he had to wait as I took the lead for the tour. It was a very pleasant ride.

I, however, can run the hills better and easier than cycle them.

My left leg at shin bone did not hurt cycling but it hurts when walking especially up and down stairs.

Maybe swimming will be my other option up and until I am able to run comfortably again.

I was doing so well building up but my body has created some resistance again to my training. Put it down to the age thing. It is like almoearthquakehquake to the body. It is so tough to be a woman sometimes as nature kicks in and takes control of things. For this and only this reason I need to fight with exercise even more. And I will!!!!!
