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3:36 PM

26.2 mi


11:00 mi


128 lb


9 C


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THIS IS IT. I am standing at the Start Line of Boston Marathon in the heart of Hopkinton. It is sunny with a slight breeze in the air and a little cold early on the day. the day is meant to be a beautiful sunny day (with ideal temperature for the Marathon). I am feeling excited and a bit apprehensive because I feel my legs suffering from CS already. I received some physio prior to the run and was being confirmed then that my calves were almost knotted. From step one I know that is going to be a tough marathon and I accept that I need to use whatever it takes to reach the Finish Line. This is my goal.

I am running longing to reach the SK statue and salute him with pride and honor. I am running with the vest of SK on my upper body and his soul and spirit inside my soul. I know as I pass by the statue that SK will be with me. I do shiver for seconds and smile inside. It is the voice from inside that calls me and tells me 'Do not be afraid, Do not lose faith I will be with you all the way'. 'Know and believe that you will be fine' 'just keep going and it will happen'. It is so loud this voice and message inside that I manage to turn within. I have been recognised by some Greek runners (one from Boston who knows of SK) and the touch on my back by them gives me extra strength. I share with them the moment. The crowds of Boston are really amazing. Now I know what it means to run in the Boston course. Both legs feel tight and my quads on right leg have already started to cramp. This is very unusual for me. I never cramp on the quads. They are always so strong up and down hills. I have not even started doing hills. I know it is the CS causing me serious problems. I do not allow fear come within but I have pain. My foot problems do not exist. It is a miracle coming true.

I am running 1st , 2nd , 3rd to approximately mile 17 with great anticipation and pain. But I always have hope and faith. The miles get tough near Nattick and I have to take away my eyes from the crowds and go deep in my soul. I start playing my music and lovely Michael does the trick again. 'This is It' song comes on and I feel my whole body shivering. This gets me through the Newton Hills. It is amazing as the pain goes on my determination and faith gets stronger and stronger. I wonder what I am made from. I cannot believe that I am still moving on my feet. I see legs, hundreds of them, I listen to the screams of the crowds, I see people walking on the hills but as much as I have the desire to do the same I carry on jogging and running, running and jogging. I keep taking water and Gatorade (alternating) and I have taken 2 carb booms by now. One thing I will not do this time is become depleted. I feel the desire to stop but I keep going. If I stop my brain is going to seize my legs with severe cramps. I have been there before. I have fear for cramps. I can deal with CS pain but severe cramps put my body and soul into the test. All these thoughts get me through one way or another. I do all the hills but surprisingly I am waiting for another one that does not come. I must have done them all I think to myself. Surely there is one more. But then I am making my way down and down. At BC I hear the screams of the crowds again. I love it but I also become distracted. The pain intensifies along with the desire to walk. I see other people doing so but I do not allow myself this to happen. Not now after having done nearly 22 miles. No way I say to myself. I start feeling sick to my stomach. I have the desire to stop and throw. What a relief this will be!!! But again the cramps will seize my body. I think of Franc be somewhere from here on. I look in the crowds I seek support and encouragement to go on. I know the pain is on my face and body. I reach 24th mile and my body feels solid, my calves concrete and almost cemented to the ground. But I am still moving in a very slow motion. I know I am getting nearer and nearer to the finish but slower and slower. I must be doing something near 13 min mile. I do not look at my watch I just know my body. One thing that I know is that nothing is going to stop me from touching base with the finish line. I think of Mike, Franc and all the Greeks that run united for the same cause. I need to finish. I am not prepared to quit. I say to myself ....’I am not a quitter’. I see the number 25 and my heart jumps. Another mile to go and I am there. I make my way up to the right turn and speed up a bit. This is a bit up hill and my body loves this and gets motivated. I am still thinking of Franc and gives me hope. I turn left and see the big sign of John Hancock Arched shape and say to myself ...’It is a long way to the finish line’. I hear my name, turn and see Franc, Sherry, Barbie and the girls. I hear Frankie shouting ‘For Greece’ and I say inside ‘For your Children’. This gives me a lift and start to run stronger. I am getting there and I cannot believe I am there under the Arch with both feet touching the Finish line. I cramp, cannot walk and feel sick but I feel ecstatic with the most fulfilling and rewarding achievement in my life. I finished , I kept my word, I honoured SK and my country. Mission has been accomplished.

God’s Hills of Scotland have now become God’s Hills of Newton. Boston Marathon course has been united in my body and soul with the Athens Marathon course and Loch ness Marathon. The Olympic flame that I touched this morning in Hopkinton has brought me here along with memories of the past and my Mother’s love. It is Love for Running, Love for God, Love for my country, Love for a purpose. It is because of this that I have managed to do what I did. Today’s Marathon has become in a small way my Miracle Marathon. I have now the desire to run this Marathon course again but pain free. I want to run it strong and proud again. I want more of this. I need to return some day and as SK said in my own way conquer the course and run a Sub 4. But next time I will have to do it for a purpose. And I shall. Thank you God for this and for what lies ahead. I am so grateful.

My splits:-

21679 Barbetsea, Eleni 50 F Castledouglas GREECE

Checkpoints 5k 10k 15k 20k Half 25k 30k 35k 40k

0:29:07 0:59:54 1:30:47 2:03:29 2:10:40 2:38:02 3:14:28 3:52:18 4:29:38

Finish Pace Projected Time Official Time Overall Gender Division

0:10:59 4:47:55 20793 8597 707
