Run: MEDIUM PACE Previous Next


2:00 PM

6.1 mi


8:58 mi



6 / 10
5 / 10


A good run. Run well steady easy pace for 3 first miles (at approx. 9:20 per mile) and then went faster for the reminder of the course. I run the last 2 miles against strong head on wind but felt strong with leg pain hardly been noticeable. At the start left leg felt slightly sensitive at the usual part (lower inner side) and right leg also felt weak. After having done 3 miles up-hill felt warmed up and more flexible/losen up and run well without an awareness of pain or other complaints. Run a good steady pace down hill and finished strong last two miles. I feel now that trouble is nearly over but will take care and Run Smart this week following the body with regards to speed and distance. Finished with a 30 min good Stretching and Yoga exercises.
