Run: LONG Previous Next


9:45 AM

21.1 mi


10:42 mi



9 / 10
3 / 10


Quality 3 Effort 9 that is exactly says what happened today. Of course partly my fault and also lack of experience in long distance running under unforeseen weather conditions. This is my excuse anyway. Run beautifully and confidently the first 13.1 miles exactly but suddenly the unexpected happened on the steep hills (800 feet) of Laurieston Village. Weather became ruthless and with me being overheated prior by doing another 7 miles hills + not having enough to drink (hardly also slept during the night and had no breakfast in the morning) I suffered hypothermia and the feet got frozen at 14 point mile + run for miles with a stitch on the right side of my tammy. DIE HARD! And yet I had not realised what was happening to me and as one does I kept going putting aside the fear of quitting my only and long desired course to run. So gradually the symptoms developed into feeling both feet completely frozen and at about 18 mile could hardly balance and felt stuggering as a drunk person would after having consumed a lot of alcohol. I lost senses of my physical body and felt physically sick whilst my clothes were frozen ice on my body. My jacket had maintained the trouble as it was not breathable enough. THE BONUS WAS THAT MY FRIEND LES who was my stand by help by mobile contact realised that there was signal over those hills so he came to check out how I was doing. WHAT CAN I SAY! This was my lucky day as he gave me more fluids and a warm body warmer which allowed me to finish down hill with extreme effort. Half-mile before the end I found myself supported on the wall trying to throw and confesed to Les that that was it .. I had to go into his car for the last Half-mile. He was really lucky I did not become sick into his car. And I can go on and on. However when I arrived at Blairs one hour later for my set session Blair did one hour's hard work and deep massage on both feet which they were completely frozen. He advised that I have to treat this as having suffered hypothermia and if my friend had not happened to be present to help I would have had to deal with serious consequences. So all good in the end. I cannot really complain as I have no regrets and I have acquired some useful tips today for my long distance running especially on the Scottish Hills.

1. Make sure I get a good night's sleep

2. Always eat breakfast or even a fruit bar (never run on an empty stomach)

3. Always have plenty of fluids throughout the course and not just when the body has suffered and is too late

4. Wear appropriate clothing (light and breathable)

5. Listen to my Body in advance rather than when is too late (Today I realised how much Body matters no matter what the soul wants. Of course I would still say that my soul made me finish the course and I have no regrets about it


So, these will be my 5 commandments and my bible for long distance running. RUN SMART AS COACH WOULD SAY.

All in all I feel so happy I did what I did and also so LUCKY! My time approximately was 3.45 min but had to walk 1/4 mile and could not do the last Half Mile.
