Cycling: Easy Previous Next


5:44 PM

7.6 mi


10.12 mi / hr


128 lb



9 / 10
4 / 10
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Bruno Course down Kirkpatrick Road

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I looked at this workout and I thought to myself .........5:56 minute mile, I must be as fast as the coach is, if this was to be a running workout!! But it was only a cycling one and a tough one. Having tendonitis on my left thumb made it really hard to do this workout especially on rough bumpy country roads. The fact that it was also freezing did make matters worse. I could not feel my fingertips. Such a drastic change in weather temperature. Beautiful still day no rain no wind but bitterly cold. As I was cycling up the long 2 mile steep hill once again I was thinking to myself and questioning???? Do I like cycling in this freezing weather..........Not really the answer was coming back like an echo across empty space with my thinking silent voice bouncing back. And I asked myself again??? Why did I go cycling then? And the answer, of course, was the easiest of all. Because I want to run again. Then there was no doubt in me that whatever sport I do ...I do it primarily to be able to run assist progress in my running. At the moment I am not able to swim because of tendonitis on upper arms and also struggle with CS and running. But I can cycle which will bring me back to running. I build bridges and more bridges to reach my 'secret lover'. Thank God I can express my feelings by writing ......this is so important to me. When I run I am able to write poetry too, I can return home and write the most amazing things. Running is my continuous source of inspiration for all my interests and at all levels. It brings the best in me I will do everything as long as I can run. Even cycling in freezing weathers.
