Run: MEDIUM PACE Previous Next


5:30 PM

6.5 mi



5 / 10
5 / 10


This was a mixed run in more than one ways. I started easy for first two miles. The plan today was just to have a very easy relaxing run. Felt slightly tight but no pain or major discomfort. Same symptoms lasted longer than usual so I took extreme care not to exaggerate the problem. I run first 3.2 miles relatively well and became faster and stronger on the way back up-hill. However, at about 5th mile the sun went down and there was a sudden drop of temperature. My body in particular my right hand side felt completely frozen as there was a slight wind all the way back. It is actually amazing this time of the year how quickly the light goes and the temperature drops. At that point I struggled feeling cold and kept going faster pace to keep warm for the last mile with body working hard up-hill. It was a relief to arrive home and have a nice warm shower. I did miss Frankie running by my side and listening to his heavy footing all the way next to me. It was the realisation that he has now gone away again tilll the MARATHON DAY. Overall it was not as an easy run as I thought it was going to be but as always finished strong and feeling good but still frozen. Left leg felt numb a bit at the point of feeling extremely the cold. I need to take care of the weather from now on. I did not time myself on this run.
