Run: EASY Previous Next


4:50 PM

1.4 mi


10:45 mi



4 / 10
4 / 10
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Evgenia asked me to start running with her a couple of miles per week maybe twice for a period of time as she wants to maintain fitness now that her Ice Rink is closed for 8 weeks. So, here we both went Evgenia to achieve her goals and me finding a chance to try the right leg again with caution.

Evgenia did very well considering she has not run for almost a year. Her breathing was even and rhythmical and she maintained an easy comfortable pace enjoying the run. It was a positive experience for her and a very good promising start as she wants to do it again.

As for me I am afraid the news remain not good as my leg was o.k while running but as soon as I arrived home the numbness started again on the right leg from the calf area on the right outer side going up to the upper leg and thigh. Still puzzled with all this mechanical / numbness which comes out of nowhere.

Evgenia suggested that we walk the rest of the loop so all together we run approx. 1.5 mile and walked the remainder about 3 miles (brisk walk).

We decided to do the same again in two days time when I will be also finding out more about the leg etc.
