Swim: Mixed Previous Next


750 m


7 / 10
7 / 10
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<No name>


Quality and Effort were well balanced in today's swim. I alternated Front Crawl to Back Stroke. Legs were fine in the water kicking strong and without any sensations whatsoever. What an amazing difference on how the legs respond in the water as opposed to the land. No tightness, no numbness, no pins and needles, no piercing sensations down the calves and shin bone and no cramps. Basically no CS in the water. One needs to know what CS is and how it feels to understand the alien invasion of this condition in the body. But in the water is completely minimised which suggests that I may have to increase swimming sessions so to maintain fitness without having to suffer extreme pain up and until hopefully it will me alone again. This was a good start for the day and week. And of course put the temptation in me to try to run as I felt my legs coping.
