Run: Interval Previous Next


7:40 AM

6 mi


10:31 mi


77 F


Great idea to go forth with the w/out in spite of the rain. Kept the body core cooler and had a MUCH better session than last week. Could only do 5 x 800 b/c of incoming storms.

1.5 mile w/up

Rep 1 3:39

Rep 2 3:40

Rep 3 3:39

Rep 4 3:37

Rep 5 3:41

2 mile c/d

Overall, I was much happier with the steady pace for the intervals. Last week's erratic time was prob due to the heat and sun. The light to steady rain was awesome and clearly helped. I did not feel like I was pushing super hard at all in any of the reps. However, I must have snoozed a bit on Rep 5. Bah.
