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7:30 AM

21.5 mi


8:06 mi


48 F


8 / 10
8 / 10


did a good warm up

had a banana a little o.j. and water before I started

used 3 guu 1 every 45 minutes

got a gatorade before i hit the beach store 24

drank some and ditched the bottle till I came back and picked it up again although i didn't finish it.

got a water at the base of nahant drank most of it and put it down part of the way out but missed it on the way back.

got another one at the same place 99 cents there.felt good although not 100% rested.

kept telling myself I could run any distance at that pace.with enough water i think I could have.

took 2 motrin after along with an ensue hp ,water and a yogurt
