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5.3 mi


7:15 mi


Ran on the treadmill. Based off yesterday I put the pace higher than it has been. Was going to do 5 miles, but the song wasn't over so I kept running for the extra lap. I'm not going to be able to run tomorrow, I'm driving down to Philly right after work, but I think I'll be able to run on Saturday if I can convince stew.

Also signed up for a 10k and a marathon today. The marathon is in north andover, april 27th. The 10K is the following sunday in westford (with Gabe). It's the first marathon for north andover, hopefully it gets approved as a boston qualifier, the website said it would be but the approval is pending. Either way I want to run a marathon in the spring and there aren't that many to choose from unless I'm ready right now, which I'm not.
